So I went for my normal appt every Wednesday when I was 38 weeks and I was 3 cm and mostly effaced and my BP was pretty high. My doctor decided to go ahead and strip my membranes in hopes of putting me into labor since I was so close to it anyways. I started having more contractions a little while later, and then on Thursday night, I could hardly sleep at all because of my contractions, but it was nothing too consistent and nothing too painful, so I just stayed home. Then Friday, I had another appt and this time was 4 cm and and ready to go, so my doctor sent me to the hospital to start some pitocin. I was put on the pitocin at 6:00. I was 5 cm at 6:30 and they broke my water then. Then the contractions started getting really painful. So I got an epidural around 7:00. At 9:00, they check me and I was 10 cm already. The nurse said that she wanted me to practice a push and half way through it, she made me stop because he was coming out already. We had to wait on all the other nurses, and stuff to get then. So then I started pushing at 9:04, at 9:07 after 1 contraction of pushing, I delivered our little boy. He was jittery so they had to check his blood sugar and it was low, so we had to give him a bottle right away to help with it. It was okay that. After I had him, they took the cord blood and all that jazz and then we finally got to eat dinner. =)
Well, that was a really short birth story, but it was a really short labor! =) I have to go tend to crying baby now.