Garrett will be 3 months old next week!! How crazy is that? He is sleeping through the night, napping when Corbin naps, rolling over, and smiling all the time. The little boy is a blast to have around. Though he likes to be held quite a bit! He was doing perfect at his 2 month check up and so everything is just going great.
Corbin is a great big brother. He loves having Garrett around and wonders where he is at if he is not in the room. He too is doing wonderful. Talking up and storm and POTTY TRAINING! YAH! He is no longer in diapers except for pull ups for bed time. He only has a couple accidents a week and so he is doing very well. I am super proud of him.
So, all in all life is good in the Waddell world. Here are a few pictures of my guys lately.