Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What good is it?

I have some pretty clever kiddos. They have managed to figure things out very early on in their short lives. We have child proofed as best we can but I have started wondering what in the world good is a child lock that my kids can out wit.

At 8 months old, Corbin could remove the plastic things in the sockets. This made me worry he would electrocute himself, but I couldn't do anything but watch him like a hawk. At 15 months, Garrett could open the cabinet child locks. This makes me worry about chemicals and him ingesting them, but yet again their is nothing I can do about it. Both my kids by the age of 20 months have managed to be able to get out of the arm straps of their at seats. The simply can unhook it, which makes me worry about their safety should I get in an accident. Both kids by the age of 18 months figured out they can push a chair over and climb onto whatever they want. Making me also worry about Safety.

So, what good are child locks when you have kids that can outsmart them. Do you have any tricks??

Last day of prek3

Crazy crazy sad day. The last day of Corbin's 1st year of school was yesterday. I cried, I celebrated and I laughed. It was a mix of emotions. I went up to the school and had lunch with my little man, we gave his teachers Scentsy Warner's and bars. We gave his class cute cookies, and I read a book to Corbin's class. The kids got to watch a movie and I got to talk to his teacher for a bit. She was the best teacher Corbin could have ever had. She told me that my son is gifted and that she thinks he will be very advanced in math and science (to no surprise to me since he an engineer for a dad). She said how much Corbin thrives when he's learning and she just made me feel good about our decision for a school next year. I left sad that she won't be his teacher anymore, but feeling so blessed that she was this year.

It was a very good day. And I had a very happy 4 year old, but he kept saying how much he was going to miss Frankie (his best friend this year) which made me sad. But, we've made plans for seeing Frankie many times.

We came home and made our summer request list... It's long, but we have a long time :). Hopefully it'll all happen and some learning will also happen! Here's his list (I had to write it obviously) and here are pictures of Corbin on his last day!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Tomorrow is Corbin's last day of school and I am very giddy over it.  Garrett loves his time with Corbin and so he is going to love it too!  School days for me now are very hectic...  I have to wake the boys up early and we don't get to have our chill and relaxing mornings, instead I am shoving breakfast down their throats and running out the door.  Then I drop Corbin off and 2.5 hrs later I have to try to get Garrett down for a nap just so that I can wake him up by 1:30 to go pick Corbin up.  Garrett has gotten older since last August and an 11:30 nap isn't going over very well, so he ends up exhausted later in the day.  It's just hard on school days to get anything done.  PLUS-  Corbin only has one more year till kindergarten and I feel like I have a million things I want to do with him before he starts.  The days he is home, we have until 1pm before I put Garrett down for a nap.  We get to lounge in pjs, play outside, and go to whatever we want to do!  I love that :)

I think that I'm going to let Corbin put together a list today of a bunch of things he wants to do before school starts again next year.  (Which, by the way, did I tell y'all he was accepted to Lutheran south academy and will start their 3 day ALL day program next year?).   I hope that I can get around to letting him do all kinds of fun stuff, and maybe have a little learning in there too :)

Tomorrow, I ordered some of the cutest cookies ever in cute packaging to bring up to all the kids in his class.  I also got his teachers some Great gifts and I'm going to go up to his school and eat lunch with him and let him hand out his stuff.    Check out how cute they are!

Tomorrow, plan to be inandated with last day of school pictures, and Corbin's to do list for the summer! :)


Friday, May 17, 2013


When I sit down and think about the many people that I spend the most time with, like our family, old friends, new friends, mom friends, church friends and so many more, I realize the number of differences their are between us. I mean, here's a short list of differences we have:

Religion, politics, parenting style, the way we spend (or don't spend) money, the way we eat, the activities we do, our sense of humor, how outgoing we are, and so on and so forth....

When I think about the many differences, I try to think of a common denominator between me and the dozens of people I spend time with, and this is what I come up with: it doesn't matter! God found a reason to put us into eachothers life, and I wouldn't change any of them for anything. It doesn't matter to me if your catholic and I'm not, if you spend every dime you ever make or if you save every penny in your pocket, if you whip your child or choose other methods, if you eat all organic or McDonalds daily, if you tell bad jokes or if u don't tell any jokes or if you sit on the couch all night or choose the gym. It really makes no difference to me at all. That's what makes life so interesting. If we were all the same, life sure would be boring.

There are times I sit and wonder why we don't have things other people have or why other people don't do things the way we do and when I sit and think about why I'm sitting and thinking about that, and i really feel dumb. Because it doesn't matter at all. I'm very blessed by so many amazing people in my life and I'm so so appreciative of each of them, no matter our differences!

On a side note, the boys and I went to midtown for the Houston fire museum with several friends. Here's a quick picture of my and my big man.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let the training begin... Again

Last weekend I ran in my first ever 10k race. And considering I set my goals 3 months ago in the running thing and my goal for a 10k was not until October, I was shocked that I was actually able to accomplish that. To some 6.2 miles is nothing, but to me 6.2 miles is crazy!! I mean I couldn't even run A minute 3.5 months ago! So then I decided to reconsider my goals. I've stuck to this and am moving through my goals way faster than I had expected. I changed my October goal to be a half marathon by then. That's 13.1 miles!! Not sure if Ill be ready for it not but I started training yesterday and its only 9 weeks for the training, so given I stick with my runs, I should be well on my way.

Running, not only is good for my waistline, it's also a fantastic was for me to release the stresses of my days. Yesterday I was snappy and just stressed and worried and everything else. I went for a run and all of a sudden I had thought my way through some problems and I had moved on. I mean an hour to myself just listening to my breathing and my feet (and sometimes my music), is just plain therapeutic. Sometimes I pray, sometimes I just think about stuff, and sometimes I really think about nothing. Whatever feels right. It's just helpful!

My husband has been sitting back and encouraging me through my healthy changes and I've been telling him to join me. To which he has always had an excuse but yesterday, he actually was looking at my training apps and wanting to download them. He now really wants to get a double jogger and start trying to do it with me! My excitement about this is beyond belief. If he will push the stroller and come with me sometimes, it solves my issues of having to leave him right when he gets home and it will make me comfortable running in the dark. That's awesome! I'm so excited that he truthfully wants to get healthy too.

This healthy kick is contagious. I love seeing friends and family making little changes to be a little more healthy. It's been fun making this life change!

Here is my crazy awful finish line photo! The finish line pictures are always a hot freaking mess, but oh well!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Me time

So I totally have neglected my blog lately. Several fun things have happened and I've yet to share on here. Ill start with our kidless trip! I only did not see the kids at all for 1 day. I saw them Monday and bawled like a baby when I got to the airport and then we saw them for dinner on Wednesday. Because of the time change I was in Vegas at the hotel by 11 on Monday so I had a couple very full days there.

Since clynt was in his conference during the days, I got a lot of me time! I shopped, ran, read and laid by the pool. It was very relaxing and very needed. Never have I ever been away from my boys and so it wasn't easy but in the end was well worth it.

Clynt and I had lunches and dinners at some amazing restaurants. We were staying at ceasers so everything was gorgeous and so so nice. I never left out hotel bc I had everything I needed :).

The time I had with my incredible husband was amazing and the time bye self was awesome too. Maybe, just maybe, ill attend his next conference.