On Wednesday we did a little shopping and then spent the afternoon with my dad, who's birthday was that day. My whole family got together and my dad cooked (I know that sounds bad, but he loves cooking) lobster and shrimp and then we all just hung out. It was a nice quiet evening.
Then it was Thanksgiving before we knew it!! We got up and went and had donuts and kolaches with Clynt's dad, stepmom, brother, sister-in-law, and 4 of our nieces. It was nice. We left their and went to have lunch with my family. We had a Turduckin and it was AWESOME! I really really liked it. After a couple of hours their, we went home and packed and went out to Clynt's mom and step-dads house in Navasota. We got their and just relaxed a bit. Then had dinner their. We went to Toys R Us that night and it was CRAZY. Corbin was at the house sleeping with Clynt's family watching him. We got their and the line was around the building, and back up the parking lot. We stood in line though. The line moved quick and we were within 25 people of the front door within 45minutes. BUT- then the Fire Marshall showed up and made them stop letting people in until most of the people in the store were out. So then we stayed in that one spot for another hour!! Did I mention it was FREEZING outside and I was in a skirt and sweater????? It was crazy... My fabulous husband ended up giving up his jacket for me but we were both still freezing!!.. Once we got in, we got a few things and checked out and went back to the inlaws house! It was crazy!
Then Friday was too cold for us to do much of anything so we just really relaxed and hung out with family. We went to Tractor Supply for a couple of little things, but that was about it. Saturday we came home. Then we went home and did a little shopping at home before going and having dinner at my parents again.
Then it was time to sleep. I was sooooooo tired!!! Now, we are back to reality. I ordered Corbin's birthday invitations today, and Im hoping they get here quick because I need to get them in the mail ASAP being that his b-day party is in less than 3 weeks! I am still in disbelief that my little boy will be 2 soon!!!
This Thursday is our big day at the genetic center, and we will have all of the results a few days later. I am so excited to find out what we are having! Then we can start planning on more stuff.
Well, Im tired! Ill talk to yall later!