Monday, November 1, 2010

The joys of pregnancy

Being pregnant and having a toddler is not near as fun as just being pregnant.  Morning sickness with a toddler is not anywhere near as easy to overcome.  When I was pregnant with Corbin it was so easy to just lay back down and relax.  Now, with have Corbin as an almost 2 year old and having morning sickness, their is no such luxury.  I have to get up and I have to go upstairs to get Corbin because I cannot just leave him in his crib all morning while I just rest.  Well, I guess I could, but it wouldn't exactly get me mom of the year award! So, this morning I was sick and then I had to head upstairs to get my little man.  At the first stair, I had to turn back around and head into my bathroom again.  I pulled it together and finally made it up to my little guy, but not with out having to stop upstairs in game room for a minute.  

Then come about 10:30am, I am TIRED, but I am not able to just nap because I have a little guy who wants to be running around like a mad man!  Although, when I got pregnant with Corbin I was in my last semester of college and taking 6 classes, followed by a summer of 4 classes.  Plus, I was working 2 part time jobs (not because I needed to but because one had just come up and I really wanted to do it, and I just didn't have the heart to quit it), so that meant I was full time in school and working 2 part time jobs.  SO, needless to say, I didn't get to nap a whole lot then either.  But if I was just having a bad day, I was able to skip school and stay home to relax.  I would say that this go around in the way of naps, I am better off now than I was, simply because I have a wonderful little guy that I can simply put down for a nap for a few hours after lunch, meaning I get to rest for a while.    So I can't complain in that way!

Anywho, now is that nap time I was talking about so I need to go do so, I just thought I would give a little glimpse into my morning. =)

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