Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The results are in......

We are having a BOY!!!  Anyone of you who know us very well know how excited we are to find that out!  Clynt's brothers are very prone to producing girls... One of his brothers has 4 girls, the other has 3 girls and got a boy for their 4th child and his sister has 2 girls.  So, on his side of the family, this baby will be the 12th grandchild, and only 3 are boys.  2 of which will be ours.  So as much as we wanted boys, the believe that we would actually have one (and especially 2), was completely not expected!  Clynt is sitting on cloud nine right now.  He never in his right mind thought that he would have 2 boys in the house,  and I don't think I have seen him this excited since...well, since we found out Corbin was boy.  It is soooo cute and I am excited for him!  I just love that he gets to have what he wants, and can feel special for a while.  And I am excited to stay the only girl in the house.  If we had a girl, she would turn into the princess of the family, and I would loose my status, so (At least for now) I remain the princess!  =)

To make Corbin feel important, we are giving him a new room, and are going to do it all up for him.  The baby will get the nursery when he comes, and Corbin will have our guest room that is attached to a bathroom.   We are going to do Corbin's room in the next month or 2 because we don't want for him to think that the baby is taking his room away.  We want for him to feel special and loved!  By biggest trial with having another baby is taking away attention from Corbin.  I know that it is inevitable to some extent, but it is by biggest goal when the little one gets here.  I am going to wear the baby around a lot in order to have hands free for doing stuff with my "big boy"!  It is sooooo important to me to not let him feel left out.  I don't know how I am going to love another one as much as I love that little guy, but Im sure it will just happen naturally.  If you have 2 kiddos, how did you help the transition?  And remember, you are talking to a mama that has only left him a few times over night and never more than 18 or so hours.  I am dreading the thought of not having in the hospital with me, and all of that jazz.

I am rambling now.  My sister in law wants me to do a blog on baby names.  I think its a cute idea, so be on the lookout!  I have lots of ideas, but Clynt is not as into most of the names as I am.  I think he is still just shocked that it is another boy, and will have to get it through his brain a little bit more before he will start discussing.  I supposed we still have time.

One more thing, we are planning on doing a camo room for Corbin.  I am a very modern type of person, so if you have any ideas on making camo modern, please give me some tips!  Here is a picture of Corbin's nursery,  I have no idea how we will beat it!


1 comment:

  1. Two boys are so fun! You will love it and they will be great friends!
    I hope you will enjoy wearing the baby-I know I have loved wearing both my boys and it has been so much easier w/ the transition. Don't worry about taking away attention from Corbin-if you act normal and intentionally, he will be fine. Don't spoil him now or you'll be asking for more trouble when the baby gets here! I know you can't imagine loving another baby as much or being able to love two-but you just do, somehow. It will come naturally. Sit back and enjoy every step of the journey-you've still got lots of time!
