The concert was perfect! We had a blast. We met my sister and he fiance there and we did a little shopping and ate dinner, then sat and watched the rodeo and concert. It was perfect. We had bought all the tickets as a birthday present for my sister, and I am super glad that we did. We really did have a wonderful time. We ended up not getting back to our car until midnight, and no we did not stop and in the carnival or anything, it just took forever to get through the line at Park and Ride, and on top of that, our seats were on the complete opposite side of the stadium.
So we got home, went to bed, and then got up the next morning. The next morning, we were having our carpets cleaned, so we got up and cleaned and moved furniture (well, Clynt moved furniture), and we vacuumed. Then I went to spend the rest of the morning and with my little guy at my dad's house. We then headed to the store to pick up some food and then came home to a clean smelling house. When Corbin went down for a nap, spring cleaning started. Clynt worked in the yard and I worked in the house dustin, cleaning, and getting the house in order. At least our downstairs, the upstairs is a wreck because we are moving furniture and everything around preparing for Garrett.
We then had company over for dinner. Clynt calls me a social butterfly because I will just randomly ask people that we see often for their number and have them over for dinner. So we had a couple from our church, whose daughter is in Corbin's class, over. We had a wonderful visit and a great dinner. Though, I was making monterey chicken and decided to have Clynt throw the chicken on the grill to keep some of the stuff out of the kitchen and he burnt the chicken. It was salvageable with a little extra cheese, bacon, onions, and tomotoes though. But as I tried to salvage it, the bread burnt in the oven. So that was a bit embarrasing! lol. All in all it turned out great! The kids had a BLAST playing both inside and out. Their little girl has bleach blonde hair and Corbin is a HUGE fan of blondes! =_) He kept saying "Girl, come slide with me!"... It was adorable!
After they left, it was time for bed. The next morning was church, and then some more cleaning and organizing and more of Clynt working on his truck. At 5, our CARE group met at our house. We had a new couple join us and they were super sweet. It was great, as always.
Then, it was bed time! Clynt is gradually marking stuff off his to-do list. The swingset roof should be done today, and will only need to be stained. His truck is getting there also.
Hopefully next week, we will be able to start painting Corbin's new room, and then Clynt will be able to start the bed. We are moving right along, and I am starting to nest. All the stuff that I need to do is having to wait until Clynt does his work upstairs. Once Corbin's room is painting and the stuff in attics is moved out of guest closets, then I can start unpacking baby clothes, and moving Corbin's stuff to his new room. Soon enough!
Okay, I kind of rambled today. I have a lot on my mind. =)
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