is crazy!! I am blessed to have 2 healthy little boys. But, man is it a lot more work than just having one. I am potty training, nursing, and still having to do everything else that was done before. Not only do you have to get one child in the car, you have to get 2 children, 2 bags, extra everything, and so on and so forth. If you go to the store, you better only have a list of a couple of things because you have one kid in the cart and one kid in the top of the cart. You have to listen to one child cry for food, while the other is telling you "mommy, Im hungy". It is a whole lot more work than it was with just one!
But it is sooo worth it! I love the days where Corbin starts searching for Garrett because Corbin wakes up first, or the times when Garrett is crying and Corbin is saying "go pick him up!". Its so stinking adorable. Their is hardly ever a time where at least one of my kids is not smiling, laughing, cooing or talking. Its so stinking adorable. I love to imagine how good of friends they will be (and the fights they will get in). I can't wait to continue to watch them grow.
I am trying to take things less for granted this time. With Corbin, I wanted him to walk and talk and everything so early and I didnt embrace the moment like I should have, This time, I realize how fast things fly by. It is amazing how fast they grow up! Garrett is 3 months now, and Corbin is going to be 3 in December!! Its absolutely crazy!
Corbin is talking up a storm and says and does some of the cutest things ever. I love watching him grow. Its amazing! and Garrett is rolling and cooing and laughing like crazy. Here are Garrett;s 3 month pictures:
Lately in my world, my photography business has been taking of! It is amazing what the Lord is doing in my life to allow me to help my family financially some, while still being able to stay at home with my boys. I praise HIM for that! Check out Its not completely in order as we are working on our new portfolio page, but it gives a small idea what Ive been up to!