Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cloth Diapering my newborn!

As many of you know, I didnt start cloth diapering Corbin until he was 15 Months because that was when I decided to take the jump into being a Stay at Home Mom. I did it for the environmental factor, but the money saving part was totally awesome too.  I only bought 1 type of diaper, and I loved it.  So until Garrett came, I had still only used the one type.  I had done lots of research and decided to not use a one-size diaper on my newborn, so I went on a mission to buy several kinds.  All of which are so different.  I LOVED Lil Joeys the first 3 weeks, but he quickly out grew them.  They were wonderful though. I also had some BG XSmall and Small and some FB small also. I used them all and they were okay.  I also used Green Mountain prefolds with covers.  While I really liked those, they just would be soaking wet after an hour or 2,  so he needed to be changed very often.  Then I started using my Kissaluv size 0s.  I was in love.  They are very expensive because you have to buy the diaper and a seperate cover, but we did not have any leaks and they absorbed so much more than the prefolds.  The FB and the BG leaked relatively often with Garrett.  Now that he is 3 months, he is getting to wear he is a little big for my Kissaluv 0s, so I have moved on to the Best Bottoms one size now.  These are what I used with Corbin.  They are a one size shell but sized inserts.  The are trim and do NOT leak!  I love them!!  I wasnt sure that they would work for both of my kids so perfectly because no diapers work for all kids, but these are wonderful!   They are so easy, so light to pack because I only need one shell and a few inserts vs bring a few big diapers.  He doesnt have to go up a full size in cloths in them because they are much smaller than the KS0s.  And anything that doesnt leak is perfect in my book.  I love them yet again!

A couple side notes, we have skinny long kids, so that makes a difference, if you have short and chunky, they may not work as well.  dunno.   And Garrett also only poops 1-2 times per week.  These diapers do not have as much of a coverage as far as the sides go because it is just an insert with a cover, not a full on diaper.  So explosive breast fed poos generally mean changing the shell and the inserts, which is not any different than changing the whole thing anyways, but you would need more covers if you have a kiddos that has messy poops several times a day.  Does that make sense.

But for use Best Bottoms are the best diaper for my 3 months old and for my 2 year old (which is no longer wearing his, because he's POTTY TRAINED!!!).  Not that Im super excited or anything ;)

Okay, that's my cloth diaper review for now!


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