Yesterday was one if those days for us and suprisingly enough, we laughed and joked the whole way through it. I mean, lets face it, regardless of what happens, we are blessed. Clynt has a good job, we have amazing kids, we have family that loves us, and we are all healthy (well as far as major health is concerned!).
So here goes by crazy, but laughable day.. We wake up to our cleaning company being here, which means I rush to get the kids dressed, Corbin was still sleeping so getting him up and dressed was a chore to say the least. We get out of the house, go get some bread and head to feed the ducks. We feed the ducks, play at park and things are going fabulous. We decide to go to the galleria area and pick Clynt up to go to have lunch. We get there way to early, so I get the kids out and we feed some more ducks that are standing next to my car because there is a lake in front of Clynt's building. I then let the kids sit in the front seat with me while we wait a little while on Clynt. All of a sudden my car felt like it was going to shut of for a couple seconds and then it seemed normal, so we continued sitting there. About 2 minutes later, smoke starts bellowing out of my car. I was convinced that my car was going to blow up, so I turn it off, and get the kids out of it and walk away from it. I really had no idea what was going on. Clynt comes out of the building and there is antifreeze ALL over the ground so he looks at it, and decides to drive it to Chick-Fil-A and then we called a tow truck. The tow truck comes out and tows my car to a little shop near my house. My wonderful husband took the rest of the day off so that I didnt have to take his truck and then go back up there to pick him up. =) That was amazing and so worth the whole day.
A few minutes after we get home, I had to take Garrett for a follow up on his ears. I REALLY thought that they were cleared up bc he seemed to be acting great. Wrong. 2 weeks ago, it was only one ear and now it was both, and he got it while on antibiotics. So now we are a second round for this infection and we have to see an ENT for tubes. We semi-expected him needing tubes becasue the infections are constant, but we REALLY thought we had another month or two. But no, she wants them done ASAP.
We come home, and I have to turn around a few minutes later to go to a photo session. It was super cloudy and dark, so I was using my flash. The batteries die on it, and I go to get more and realize Corbin had taken them all out of my camera bag. sigh. They all worked out, my flash just regenerated VERY slow and it was irritating. At least I got to see Garrett's little girlfriend. =)
Anyway, we get a call on my car and it was something we totally weren't expecting. They wanted a fortune to fix it, and clynt could the part for just a few hundred dollars, so we picked the car up and he is fixing it (ideally). Clynt always works on our cars, so this was no surprise. We dont know yet what the surgery will cost us but Im sure it wont be too bad bc we have already met Garrett's deductible. So, I dont think it is going to all turn out as crazy as originally expected. But as you all know, we are doing a million things to our house right now, so none of this was added to our budget currently, so it was a bit unexpected and really unwelcome but it came anyways, so we deal.
We really laughed about my car bc I really thought it was going to blow up all day. and we are still making jokes about it today. It was funny. I love my life and wouldn't change anything. Sometimes trials are necessary to put us back into perspective. =)
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