One of the hardest things to understand is that their are phases, and I dont mean baby, toddler, preschool, etc. I mean with behavior. Earlier this year Corbin would run off from me every time we walked outside. He wouldnt run into the road, he would just run off enough to make me mad and Im positive that he knew what he was doing. Now, it is very rare that he does this. Ive noticed all kids go through phases of different behaviors. There was about 2 months where Corbin was off the wall. A friend of mine heard another mom say that Corbin was crazy (not like that, but still)... My feelings were soooo hurt. The friend that heard this came to me and said to not worry. She understood this concept well and said, in two months it will be completely different, so why worry about it. And boy was she right. A few months later the same mom that had said that Corbin was crazy was sitting there telling me how well mannered Corbin was. Right now Corbin is in a phase of making crazy faces and noises, and it to be completely honest it makes me crazy!! I think that it makes him look ridiculous and I get embarrassed. ( I mean honestly I did not tell him to do it, so Im not sure why I get so embarrassed). I then remember what my friend told me about waiting a few months and things being completely different, and I think how true it is. Whether these phases only last a month or 6, it wont last forever and when he is 10, I probably will not even remember it.
Its not just the bad things that are phases either. It is the really cute stuff that are phases and that is the very sad part. When Corbin was about 18 months he was learning to say please to people. It was a very hard thing to learn, and I remember I would put my finger on his lips and say "say pleeeease" about 100 times. Then he started saying please all the time, and each time he would put his finger on his lips. It was the funniest and cutest thing in the world. That phase only lasted about 2 months and it gone. forever gone. never coming back. That to me is sad. There are so many amazing things that my kids do and the thought that one day I wont ever remember them because it happens so fast is just heartbreaking.
Right now a 6 month phase seems like forever, but when he is a teenager, 6 months will be very hard to remember.
Side note... Not to mention, Corbin is a 3 year old boy that is very smart and has a huge imagination. He gets bored VERY easy and I dont think some of it is a behavior problem, so much as he just needs to have his brain functioning every waking hour in order to sit still or to be quiet. Pretty sure he gets that from his dad.
Another side note... (I guess this blog could have been titled Corbin..)- Does anyone know of an occupational therapists for kids. I really think that Corbin has some sensory problems and Im not sure where to start on know what to do about them. It has to do with hearing (things being too loud), and his mouth (putting things in his mouth, and licking random things). These, too, could be phases but Im really thinking it is a sensory issue that I want to have addressed.
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