Yesterday morning, while at stomping grounds with friends, within an hour of finding out about my grandfather, Corbin says he is tired. Tired? At 10:30? A child I can barely get to nap at 1:30? And we are at a giant indoor playground, and u want to sit here? What?? Not normal. Then we go to lunch with our friends at lupe tortilla, and he falls asleep in my lap. Poor guy!! He had gotten the flu mist the day before so I thought that it was probably the culprit. Then the 102 fever hit, the 4th nap happened, and the complaint of joints, head and stomach started. So I call the doctor, who says that those symptoms would not be that severe with the flu mist so off we go to the doctor.
As Corbin is nearly asleep on the table, she walks in and says he has the flu. She was certain of it because of how miserable he looked. The rapid test came back a few minutes later and it was negative! So was the strep test. So she runs bloodwork and it was all pretty normal. 1 number indication he was fighting something off but nothing major. So off we went with our sick little guy.
The problem? We are heading to my grandpa's funeral and leaving the boys for the first time ever! I'm already depressed about my grandpa and freaking out about leaving our boys, and now, he's sick and miserable! How does that happen? Pretty sure, it's God saying "I'm in control, you are not.". So I pray. And here we are today. Corbin is doing better. Fever is low, and he is a little achy but nothing like yesterday. So I'm feeling a little better. Of course I have a bag with tons of meds and list on what to do and when and so on and so on, but my in laws are wonderful and I trust they will take care of them. It's not that I don't trust people it's that I really don't do well not seeing my boys everyday all day. I love there smiles and I love getting to be a part of their accomplishments and just all the little 'ah-ha' moments in their lives.
Anyways, being sick always happens when it's not convenient. I'm convinced that is for a reason. It's been a hard couple of days around here. Do you ever cry so much that you get migraines? That's me the past 2 days. I don't handle change and stress very well, so I'm just sad, and sick. It will be fine and I know God has a plan with turns of events.
The other thing which is not about being sick, but just because I need to give a couple shout outs. I'm pretty certain that clynt and I have the best friends and family of all time. Immediately upon finding out, I had people offering to help watch our kids, and bring dinner over just because I was emotional. We ended up in the doctor last minute with corbin and so clynt decided to take me out to eat. on the way home our best friends called and wanted to bring over food and so i told them where we were and they just us there. Our besties (yes i did say that) bought our dinner just because and are watching our house and dogs while we are gone.
Anyways, what a fantastic family and set of friends we have. I love all of u!
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