Tuesday, April 9, 2013


When you start doing something, anything, you are a beginner or entry level or a first timer or whatever word you choose to use. You never start your first job as a pro, or have your first baby and are an expert, or start being healthy and know everything about it. It's just a part of life. You have to put in the effort, be willing to read and/research, be wiling to ask advice and hope and pray you get Better and grow.

The three examples used are the areas and clynt and I's life where we work daily on growing. Clynt has been an engineer for 7 years now. He has been learning the ins and outs since. He reads, and researches alllllll the time to stay up to date with codes. He is now even traveling solely to be a part of the standard changes in his industry and such. He has worked very hard in growing In his knowledge of what he does and in his position at his company. He is in leadership training this week in order to move further up the company ladder. He leads projects after projects and has other engineers who do some work for him now. And he continues (and knowing my husband) will always continue working his tail off to grow more and more. He has the desire to do more and better no matter how well he's doing. I love this trait so so much!

We are also trying to grow as parents and we will b trying to grow there till the day we die. I read, research, ask advice and do much more allllll the time! I feel like a failure often but those moments when I feel like I've made the right decision and my boys are so happy, make it all of it so worth it! No matter how old my guys get, we will still be trying to grow. We will never be perfect, but we will keep striving for as good as we can do!

Being healthy is something where I feel like the most beginner ever. I have to search for recipes, research why certain things are healthy and unhealthy and so on and so on. I know I will never b the healthiest person in the world, but I'm trying to grow my knowledge to make my family as healthy as we can realistically be:)

And last, but not least. Our relationship with Christ. Boy oh boy is this something we will b working on for a life time! We read our bibles, pray, attend church, have a small group, ask questions and so on. But we fail miserably every single day. Growing in Christ is the one thing that all else falls behind. But, I feel like I am only a beginner because this is such a HUGE priority in life and no one will ever even be close to being perfect. Praise God He sent his son so that the uncountable mistakes we make are forgiven!

So, life is about growing.. In every single thing we do, we can grow. I'm learning, with age, the importance of asking for advice, reading, and researching. Learning about things is the only thing that I feel will help me grow. :)

And I'll leave you with a fun new family picture!

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