Friday, February 26, 2010

My New Lens

So, I got my new Canon 55mm f/1.8 lens yesterday and I LOVE it! It really takes excellent pictures, and I am going to try it all out in the morning. I have been taking some snap shots and Clynt has been trying too. Here are two of me, can't you tell how excited I am. The lighting is all wrong in at at least one of them, but Clynt was trying, so I will share. I never post pictures of myself, so dont get your hopes up on getting these often! :)

You can tell in both of these pictures how messy my house is. Well, the first one you can just tell how much stuff we put on our fridge! I always put stuff on there. It is just is the easiest place to display stuff! The second picture just shows you that I sat down on my computer before finishing the laundry. It is now finished. Now you are going to get a handful of Corbin/ Clynt pictures. They are much better than's Clynt's attempt at the new lens but still not great. I am trying to learn it a little bit, as I said earlier. But here are some of the shots.

So, most are not that great, but I am working on it. The last is my fave.

Okay, this is not my photography blog, so I shall talk about our live! Tonight I made Tandoori Chicken, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies for dinner. We had Rachel (my twin sis) and Matt over for dinner, and even though I used 4 chicken breasts, we still did not have enough food. So I ended up having to fix some fish sticks and tater tots also. Corbin was excited when that happened. He wasnt too fond of the Tandoori chicken. So we ate, then we watched the hangover. That movies is crazy. I dont know how people love it so much, but hey, Clynt owns it, so we will watch it sometimes.

More about life... hmmm.... Ive been pretty good about updating, so I don't really know what all to say, other than things are really falling into place. Oh, tomorrow is Clynt's 29th birthday. He feels like he is getting old. It is the last year in his 20s. I don't think he is old, but I do tease him sometimes :) We are going to a hockey game with some friends and family tomorrow night, as that is one of Clynt's favorite things to do!

Well, I must go finish some of Clynt's homework. He is taking classes to help pay some stuff off, so I have promised I will help. You will likely get another blog tomorrow with more pictures! I need to start using the blog at soon!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The hubby

So I know that I just bragged on my hubby a month or two ago, but I think today deserves another post. My blog yesterday was my 10 on Tuesday, and it talked about desserts and stuff. It was really a kind of lame but my hubby read it any ways. He only reads about once a week and catches up on whatever i have blogged on for the entire week, which generally isnt much! Any who, the blog said that my favorite ice cream was Cherry Garcia, so today he came home with some Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. No, no Cherry Garcia, but he was trying to hurry and get home so he went to Food Town which was the closet grocery store to home. Food Town is really not a great grocery store and he could not find Cherry Garcia there. The Cherry Vanilla was excellent and I was so excited that he thought of me. It was the sweetest thing that i have had done in a very long time. And it was much needed, not the ice cream, but the sweet gesture.

Another brag on Clynt. Yesterday i had a complete break down at the dinner table. There are lots of things going through my mind all the time and yesterday was just a horrible day and to add to it, Corbin was tired and would not stop fussing. So I broke down... Tears, and all. The house was a mess and that was making everything worse. So my wonderful husband decided that he will help me do one thing a night. Last night it was organizing our office and going through the office closet and dresser drawers and everything. It didnt get quite finished but it is just about done. Then tonight was Corbin's room and closet... mainly Closet. I keep saying closets, because if you have seen our closets, you would be amazing. We have closets that a the size of small rooms in all the rooms in our house. It is really bazaar, but it is an invitation for clutter, so we are going through it all. Anyways, we have most of the upstairs finished now, and I am finally feeling accomplished. Tomorrow, it is laundry and the laundry room. We are doing 1 thing a night and it is helping my sanity immensely. Clynt is so so wonderful!

Lots of things are going on the world of Deana and Clynt. We officially have paid off everything other than Clynt's truck and our house. Now the focus is on Clynt's truck. We are well on our way to debt free-ness. My friend, Amanda, and i are actually taking some steps to making a photography business happen. We have a name now, Picture Me Chic, and have been emailing back and forth about all types of things. We are really making things happen. I am getting some new equipment for my camera and all kinds of good stuff. Since this blog is about Clynt, I have to say that Clynt has been the most supporting husband that I could ever ask for. Anyways, stay reading to hear more news on different things that are going on in our lives. We are working on all kinds of stuff!

PS- How do you like my new blog layout? Amanda is rather creative and is making me get up to date on stuff! :) Thanks Amanda!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

This is the first ten on Tuesday in a while. I am always tired and stressed on Tuesdays, but here it goes!

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I dont eat too many sweets, but i do like Cherry Garcia! I havent had that in a VERY long time, I havent had ice cream in a very long time!

2. What is your earliest memory?
That's just a strange question. Clynt could remember when he was like two. Me- on the other hand, not so much. I remember being my grandmother's wedding when i was like 6.

3. What is your earliest memory of a dessert?
My dad used to make brownies ALL the time! I used to love them, then i got worn out of brownies!

4. Do you have any recurring dreams?
No dreams really.

5. Have you ever dreamed about dessert?
Negative. This is a strange set of questions for someone who doesnt eat sweets!

6. What is one thing (aside from a cell phone or computer) that you cannot go the entire day without?
Corbin. Im stealing Amanda's idea of this one. But this is a very true statement. I have never gone a day without a my little one.

7. What is one dessert you could go your entire life without ever having again?
Pretty much anything. Apple Pie.

8. If you could go on vacation tomorrow, where would you go? (Assume someone else is footing the bill, but within reason…so “the moon” won’t work).
Australia. i want to leave now, please?!

9. If you could have any dessert tomorrow, what would you have (assume someone else is buying it for you. Within reason though, no “gold sprinkled ice cream cones.”)
Cherry Pie! Yum.

10. What was your first impression of your significant other? If you’re single, what was your first impression of your best friend?
He can't be old enough to be drinking! LOL... He was 25, and could definitely drink. He just looks very young. He was so cute!

11. What is your first impression of dessert pizza? (Personally, I think it’s weird. I love dessert but I don’t want any on my pizza.)
Is that like the things at CiCi's. They are okay, strange, but, okay.

This was a lame post, with lame questions! Sorry yall, I dont pick the questions, and if I did, they'd be lame anyways!

How do you like my new signature?! I feel like a professional now! YAY! Thanks Amanda!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Trip to the park

Clynt, Corbn and I walked to our park a little while ago. It was a pleasant little trip and you know that I couldnt go without my handy dandy camera! My goal is to take pictures and edit them every weekend. It can be pictures of Corbin or anyone else that will let me take their pictures, but I need practice, so at least once a week it is. If you need pictures of your family, or anything, let me know! I LOVE photography and I like it more and more each week! So that is what my blog is on today. I am going to show you some of the pictures from our trip to the park today.

This first one is my favorite!! I love neat little mark equipment and I love being able to make cool effects with them. Plus, I love when my little man will actually smile for the camera!!

I really like this next one too... Corbin is definitely a little rock star. He thinks he can do all, and he loves trying!!

Then I have two of his Corbin's favorite expressions. The first one below is Corbin's "are you crazy" look. I get lots of those on the camera because he gets so tired of me taking his pictures. This was at the end of our trip to the park. LOL. The second one below is his OMG face. He gives this if he notices something different. It is hilarious. He was standing next to the bush and he looked over at some houses and i guess they were different than our house so he gave this look. I love capturing these so that he will believe me one day when I tell him about the "looks"!

Here are a few more from the park today. I love the one of he and Clynt walking home, very sweet... Well, I love all of them or I wouldnt show them to you. If I want to look good, then I can only show you good pictures! right?!?

Leave me a comment and let me know which ones you like most! Now, I am going to get online and actually order a new lens! I am very excited! Maybe I will get it this week and can take some pictures with it next week! YAY!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blog on a Saturday... Wow

So today I am going to do a short blog. Corbin has been napping for 3 hours and I have done nothing! Today has been a very relaxing day, but their are dishes to be done, a house to be cleaned, photography to be doing, and I am sure much more. But, I have worked all week, and I just wanted to relax. I think I might take Corbin with me in a little while to try to get some more pictures! I am thinking about joining a photography forum to let other people critique my pictures. This is all to Sabrina's request! She is full of advice for me! YAY! I am also going to be ordering a new lens, a flash, and photoshop in the next couple of days. It is all relatively inexpensive stuff and I think it will greatly increase my photography. Maybe Clynt will take me shopping this afternoon. He loves me. Have i ever told yall that? My husband absolutely adores me and it is such a wonderful, wonderful thing. He will do anything in the world for me. I love that man!

I am trying to think of somewhere to take Corbin for him to give me a few cheeses! :) Im not sure yet, but I do need to get out of the house for a little while, so I that is my new pass time. I love it. I think about spots for pictures ALL the time! Amanda and I are trying to think of a name for a photography business. She is much more creative with her words than I am though, I am so happy to have her around. It seems like I am always talking about Amanda and Sabrina. I have shared with all of you how I know each of them, but I feel like they are both long lost friends. Well, Amanda is, lol... But I spend more time e-mailing these two people than I do talking to me good friends that actually live near me. It is wonderful! Ok... They are probably both tired of me talking about them, but when I talk about my day, that is always involved!

This morning Keep Pearland Beautiful did a litter index. We drive around Pearland and come up with an average of how much litter is found in the city. Im sure not much, yet again, but we continue to do this study in order to submit it to the state. They like to know :)

I am excited for church tomorrow, when I miss a week, I feel lost from my friends. The whole church is full of awesome people and we all catch up each week. Plus, many of them have Corbin withdrawals when we are not there! Everyone needs his little smiles. He's so sweet.

Okay, well there was my short post for the day. Maybe I will get some pictures this afternoon to post... Corbin needs to get up soon if that is going to happen!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

At least it is not a week later!

So my friend Amanda, whom got me into photography and blogging (man, she has changed my life!) is finished with her wedding and is now showing me up on blog posts! HAHA! And today she blogged about her son Ian, very good reminder to me. The only blogs that I have had in the past 2 weeks have been about photography. If I keep that up, I will simply need a photography blog, so the readers of my regular blog can get back to why they started reading this blog. So today I will update on our lives, and on Corbin.

Corbin is getting so big, so fast! No, he is definitely not the biggest guy in the world, but compared to how little he was, I think he is getting bigger. He is really getting much taller. He looks like a little man (::tear::), he is just growing up way too fast. He is a little over 20 pounds at 13.5 months. He is still rear-facing in his car seat, and due to the fact that he is rather tall, his legs are a bit tight. I feel bad for him, but I am really just concerned about his safety. To me (and Clynt) it just seems logical that rear facing is safer! So, that is what we are doing for now. He is walking all over!! He tries to run, but will simply fall on his face! It is so cute though! He is also talking a little more. He says "hi" and waves and any woman that will look at him long enough. Well, maybe not any woman, sometimes he is shy and he smiles while burrowing his head. He also says "thank you", you may think man that is good for him already, but he has it a little mixed up! He says "thank you" when he hands me something. I say it every time he gives me something, so now he thinks that when he should say it. So we are working on that whole process now. Corbin also LOVES books. If he says one and you are near, you better beware! He will pick it up and bring it to you and sit there and look at you until you read it. It, too, is rather cute, and I never mind reading to my little cutie pie! Let's see... what else is Corbin up to? Well, he is always doing something new so I will share more later.

Now for what we've been up to. We went to Austin last weekend (which you all knew already, based on my last post). Then this week, has been a very busy one also. Monday night we had dinner with Clynt's family. His step dad is in town and wanting to get the whole family together, and we went to Gringos, so it took FOREVER. Then on Tuesday, I had a board meeting, and the I went home and we went and saw our friends Tommy and Courtney in the hospital. Courtney went into labor a little over 4 weeks early. Asher was born and weighed close to 7 pounds but he has been having some troubles breathing. He is in the NICU still, so please please keep the family in your prayers. I can only imagine how the must feel. Then Wednesday, I did the Dream Dinners thing. That was cool deal, you should all try it out! Thursday, I cooked dinner and then ran a couple of errands for Tommy and Courtney, and fed my parents dogs. Tonight we went to dinner with my sister. So this has just been a busy week, and I have to work in the morning too. So I am bummed. Never any time to relax :(

One more quick thing... Please say a prayer for my mom. She resigned from the Neighborhood Center this week. I am super stoked that she did, but it is a big step for her and my dad. The people that are in charge on the board of the Neighborhood Center would have my mom in tears on a regular basis. They were rude and would harass her and make he feel like she was nothing. It is unbelievable that people can make other people feel this way. When you are hired for a position you should be treated like that is what you were hired for. I hope they read my blog, although I doubt they do, but I think that they really need to know that is SO SO wrong to treat people the way that they treated her. No one ever deserves anything like that, and neither do the people that did that to her. It isnt fair, and I hope they know that it affects not only her but everyone else in her family.... Sorry to have gotten on a tangent, but i have to get some things off my chest. I wish there were other things i could get off my chest also, but I know of certain people who actually do read my blog and i dont like drama, so I hold way to much inside! I wish I was more free going!

Anyways, this was all a little bit of a ramble... Hopefully and good bog will come soon!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Austin this weekend

Clynt, Corbin and I went to Austin this weekend. We went to see an old friend of mine get married. Amanda and I played soccer together when we were like 8 years old through the age of 15 or so. Then I didnt see her again until a couple of months ago. She had a son about 8 weeks before Corbin was born. I posted something on Myspace one day about something with Corbin and Amanda replied with an answer and ever since then, we have talked at least twice a week since then. It is so fun to get to catch up with someone whom I was such good friends with so long ago. Her wedding this weekend was absolutely beautiful! It was a gorgeous Valentine's Day in Austin, until about 8 minutes before her OUTDOOR wedding began! Then, a horrible wind storm came trekking though! It was way to late to move it indoors, so the outdoor wedding went on. It was beautiful, just cold and windy. Amanda was beautiful and it was all about their day so no one complained! It was perfect!!! Then the reception was indoors. Corbin and Ian (her son) played and ran around the whole time, they were rather cute! We then left at 8 to head home and man are we tired today. That would be why this blog will be short (not that any of my very few blogs have been long, but that is beside the point). Now that Amanda's wedding is over, maybe she will get me back into my routine blogging!

While we were in Austin this weekend, I took Corbin out to take some pictures on the UT campus. Clynt and I enjoyed our walk around while I spotted out shots for pictures. It was a little cold and Corbin was loving his stroller ride so he wasnt too happy to get out only to take pictures, so I didnt get too many awesome ones, but I didn get several that I will likely get made into a 5X7. Clynt is so excited about my photography adventures, so much so that he has all kinds of ideas! I love Clynt, but i am the one getting into photography, so I was a little discouraged this weekend when Clynt was not being patient with me having to figure the manual settings on my camera as we were going from shade to sun, and back again. He was pointing here and there and getting upset that I couldnt keep up. He will probably be upset that I mentioned all this in my blog tonight, but I do still love him, and I know that all he was trying to do was help. I am simply the type of person that wants a little space as I try to learn new things. So anyways, I love my husband more than he could ever imagine, i just could do with out his photography advice! haha. Okay, well here are some of the shots I managed to take this weekend.


Isn't my little boy just one stinking cute kid?!?! I just love that little smile (and frown) so so much!!

Well, I am off to bed! I hope to be back on sooner that once a week, like I have been doing lately.

Oh yea, 1 more thing. I want to thank Sabrina with Sabrina K Photography. I had Corbin's pictures and our family pictures done with her in December. She did a fabulous job and she emailed me afterwards with very encouraging words about photography. This has helped to spur much of what you are seeing now. She and I email almost every day and most of it is her giving me advice about equipment, pictures, lighting, and anything and everything about photography. She is a stay at home mom of her little boy and owns her photography company and does lots of excellent work on the weekends! She is wonderful and i do not know what I would do without her expertise. She has been my mentor! Anyways, if any of you need an excellent, experienced photographer, please look her up,

Blog out!

Monday, February 8, 2010

My first ever photo shoot!

So we have some amazing friends who are expecting their second little one in just 5 more weeks. Being that I am trying to do a little photography here and their, I offered to take some maternity shots of them. I even went as far as to practice editing. Tommy (the Dad) didnt really want to be taking pictures, but we went ahead and made a day of family fun with my family and theirs. We went to Hermann park and rode the train around and then we went to the zoo. It was Corbin's first time at the zoo, so we were happy to go and I think we got a lot of great shots! Their son Isaac is so cute, he has the most wonderful hair also. We had a lot of fun. Here are some shots from the park:

Don't you just love the one of her behind the tree??? That is my favorite!! I really like all of them though. They are such a beautiful family.. We also took some at the zoo and on the carousel, here are some of my favorite pictures of that:

Oh and that's not all I liked so here are even some more from the session:

Well, I am so excited to have gotten the opportunity to take these pictures. My family had a such a great time at zoo, here is a shot of how tired Corbin was at the end of the day:

Okay, well hopefully I will be back for another blog tomorrow!