Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The hubby

So I know that I just bragged on my hubby a month or two ago, but I think today deserves another post. My blog yesterday was my 10 on Tuesday, and it talked about desserts and stuff. It was really a kind of lame but my hubby read it any ways. He only reads about once a week and catches up on whatever i have blogged on for the entire week, which generally isnt much! Any who, the blog said that my favorite ice cream was Cherry Garcia, so today he came home with some Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. No, no Cherry Garcia, but he was trying to hurry and get home so he went to Food Town which was the closet grocery store to home. Food Town is really not a great grocery store and he could not find Cherry Garcia there. The Cherry Vanilla was excellent and I was so excited that he thought of me. It was the sweetest thing that i have had done in a very long time. And it was much needed, not the ice cream, but the sweet gesture.

Another brag on Clynt. Yesterday i had a complete break down at the dinner table. There are lots of things going through my mind all the time and yesterday was just a horrible day and to add to it, Corbin was tired and would not stop fussing. So I broke down... Tears, and all. The house was a mess and that was making everything worse. So my wonderful husband decided that he will help me do one thing a night. Last night it was organizing our office and going through the office closet and dresser drawers and everything. It didnt get quite finished but it is just about done. Then tonight was Corbin's room and closet... mainly Closet. I keep saying closets, because if you have seen our closets, you would be amazing. We have closets that a the size of small rooms in all the rooms in our house. It is really bazaar, but it is an invitation for clutter, so we are going through it all. Anyways, we have most of the upstairs finished now, and I am finally feeling accomplished. Tomorrow, it is laundry and the laundry room. We are doing 1 thing a night and it is helping my sanity immensely. Clynt is so so wonderful!

Lots of things are going on the world of Deana and Clynt. We officially have paid off everything other than Clynt's truck and our house. Now the focus is on Clynt's truck. We are well on our way to debt free-ness. My friend, Amanda, and i are actually taking some steps to making a photography business happen. We have a name now, Picture Me Chic, and have been emailing back and forth about all types of things. We are really making things happen. I am getting some new equipment for my camera and all kinds of good stuff. Since this blog is about Clynt, I have to say that Clynt has been the most supporting husband that I could ever ask for. Anyways, stay reading to hear more news on different things that are going on in our lives. We are working on all kinds of stuff!

PS- How do you like my new blog layout? Amanda is rather creative and is making me get up to date on stuff! :) Thanks Amanda!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! And it's making me feel unproductive. Now, I must put the laptop down and do something!!
