This first one is my favorite!! I love neat little mark equipment and I love being able to make cool effects with them. Plus, I love when my little man will actually smile for the camera!!

I really like this next one too... Corbin is definitely a little rock star. He thinks he can do all, and he loves trying!!

Then I have two of his Corbin's favorite expressions. The first one below is Corbin's "are you crazy" look. I get lots of those on the camera because he gets so tired of me taking his pictures. This was at the end of our trip to the park. LOL. The second one below is his OMG face. He gives this if he notices something different. It is hilarious. He was standing next to the bush and he looked over at some houses and i guess they were different than our house so he gave this look. I love capturing these so that he will believe me one day when I tell him about the "looks"!

Here are a few more from the park today. I love the one of he and Clynt walking home, very sweet... Well, I love all of them or I wouldnt show them to you. If I want to look good, then I can only show you good pictures! right?!?

Leave me a comment and let me know which ones you like most! Now, I am going to get online and actually order a new lens! I am very excited! Maybe I will get it this week and can take some pictures with it next week! YAY!!!
Wonderful Deana! You are talented. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThe first one is my favorite too! Though, I must say, Corbin makes one heck of a Rock Star! Maybe him and Ian should be in a band...