The past several days with no blogs have been nothing but busy. This past weekend was Labor Day, and we stayed pretty busy and saw many friends, which is always nice.
Friday, Clynt was off, so he came with me to Toddler Time at the Library and he made it clear that he is glad I am the one who does all of those activities with Corbin. He wasn't very enthralled but the whole deal, but he did think it was good for Corbin. Then we went to the Pearland Rec Center (you know... the big, beautiful, new one!) and went and toured it for Corbin's birthday party. His second birthday is not until the end of December but I am far from a procrastinator when it comes to stuff like that. I would love to just have it planned out early, let everyone know when it is and just relax! For his first birthday, everything was planned early and then it decided to snow like crazy the day before so we had to cancel all the outdoor activities, although some of the older kiddos still played in the snow outside. So, this year, we are not planning outdoor activities so that i don't end up having to come up with plans last minute again. I remember going to a concert with my good friend Courtney at our church the night before the party and picking her brain half the night with what to do at the party! Poor thing. Sorry Courtney! Anyway (sorry for always getting off subject!) the Rec Center has a really cool little kids area and an ability to rent a side of the gym for the kiddos to run around and play ball and stuff. It is very well priced, and I really think that is what we are going to do this year. Now the decision comes down to when. The Saturday before his birthday is Christmas and the Saturday after is New Years. So I guess it will have to be a couple weeks early again. That detail is always going to stink!
We had several people over on Saturday night, and had a WONDERFUL, and MUCH needed visit. It was awesome. It was several friends that we just don't get to see often enough. So we had fajitas and just hung out. Very good night.
Sunday we had church, and then when to lunch at my parent's house with all of my family. It was nice. Our family is much smaller than Clynt's so it is so much easier to get everyone together for the afternoon. After that we went to Clynt's Dad's Beach house. We went and stayed their on Sunday night. Then on Sunday a couple of out good friends came down to visit and hang out at the beach. They have an adorable little girl whom Corbin just loves to play with. She was soo funny because she was just finicky with the water and mud/sand. She is such a little girl and I love it! Mean while, Corbin was climbing up on all the sand dunes. lol. It is so funny how girls are girls and boys are boys at such young ages. It is adorable!
The Tuesday came around and Clynt went back to work and Corbin had an upset tummy all day. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning Clynt was up all night sick and come about 6am I was sick as a dog also. We both were just sick to our stomachs and could eat anything. So Clynt stayed home, and by lunch time, I was already feeling much better. Clynt continued to be really sick the rest of the day. The only thing I can think of is that we ate something wrong on Monday or Tuesday. None of us were sick very long, but we all were definitely affected.
So then we come to today. I got Corbin's room clean and laundry done, got him registered for his music class, went and ran a few errands, baked some cookies, and cleaned the kitchen. So, I am definitely feeling better today. We are going over to my dad's house tonight for the Saints Vs. Vikings game. He is very excited about it because he was born and Minnesota and he is a Vikings fanatic. Crazy boy.
Well, that's life in a nutshell. Since I hadn't updated in a week or so, I just thought I would do the whole overview!
Blog out!