Clynt has a 4 day weekend this weekend, and I know he couldn't be happier. And frankly, I couldnt be either. I LOVE when I have a long weekend with him. You know, when I originally decided to stay at home with Corbin I thought that every day would feel like weekend, but it doesnt! It doenst feel like weekend unless Clynt is home. I have a lot more freedom now, like I did on the weekend before, but it really not the same. Their is so so much to do all day everyday. I get some downtime with Corbin is napping, but then it is time to clean, do laundry, cook, bake, read emails, etc. so it is not like I get to nap ever. Although, Im sure that when I get pregnant again (if it is anything like Corbin) I will want and NEED a nap every day!!
Anyways, sorry for getting so off subject, He has a 4 day weekend. We were going to go see his mama and step dad on Friday but just found out that they have plans already. It's not their fault, Clynt just REALLY procrastinates getting together with anyone. So, I just asked if we could come today, and unfortunately it wont work out. Maybe next weekend. We are going to go to the beach on Monday, maybe stay on Sunday night at Clynt's dad's beach house. They have a beach house in Surfside, which is awesome. The night times at the beach are the best. It is so so nice to go walk on the beach when it is not so hot and the tide is out. I really like it.
On Sunday, its church as always and probably lunch with my parents. But now that we don't have anywhere to be on Friday, we will have a chance to maybe have a date night. That would be nice. We don't get that opportunity very often at all so I think I might take it.
This morning we went to toddler time at a different library and it was SOOOO much better than our unsuccessful trip yesterday. Although, Corbin takes time to warm up so he didnt start dancing or playing until the "goodbye" song. But hopefully if we go more often, he will be able to have much more fun the whole time.
So, this was completely random. But, I was wondering if any of you have big plans for Labor Day?!?!
Um... I just realized that this weekend is labor day... so... no plans. Oops!