As I sit here with my little 20 months old son sitting right next to me, I just think that one day he will not at all want to sit this close to me. He wont want to make funny faces at the camera on my computer with me, he probably wont want to smile in any picture with me at some point. It makes me just think. Everyday is the last day that he will be 20 months, 1 day old, or 20 months and 2 days old. These days will never ever ever come back. So, for the time being I will not take it for granted. I will try to not make my anger for silly mistakes get in the way of letting Corbin know that I love him, because I do. I love him with all my heart. He will never learn to say a word twice, so I will try to be just as excited about every word he learns as I was about the very first time he said something.
One day he will want to eat everything in the house, so I am going to not stress about him not eating his peas with his dinner now. Clynt and I hardly ever have "us" time, and we don't go out with out Corbin almost ever, and the reason is because some day, he won't be around for me to spend all that time with, so for now I cherish it.
These are just some quick thoughts I had while I am sitting here, Corbin watching TV curling up next to me to do so. I LOVE this little man!!
Now, Im going to give him some love...
Too cute :) It does seem to go by fast. Though I'm sure Corbin will be a momma's boy. :)