Lately Corbin has been a sponge with words. It is really cute and I love watching him learn new things. We have been working on letters, numbers and colors, and he is somewhat getting it. However he has standard answers to everything I ask him! If I say "What color is that Corbin", his response is ALWAYS "blue". If I ask him to show me something red, yellow, green, or blue, he can show me, but he will simply answer "blue" no matter how many times I ask! The same goes with numbers. If I say "How many cars is on that page?" he will say "Eight!". I don't know why eight... It's weird, you'd think he would have heard me say, one, two, or three the most since that is where we always start, but NO, he is set on eight! But when we are in music class and he is asked to go get 2 bells or 1 bell or whatever, he always gets the right amount. Crazy boy. And yes, he also has a standard answer to letters. Well, for letters I should say he has standard letters. He will either tell me "A", "M", or "O". Why
those letters? I HAVE NO IDEA! He simply has standard answers that he says with everything!! He is silly. Often times I tell him "no, that is green", and he will laugh. He thinks this whole educational thing is funny. I can't help but laugh because he is so darn cute that I can't help it!
Okay, that was a really long paragraph. We have a pretty laid back day today, and I'm looking forward to it. Yesterday was a busy day, and Corbin didn't have the best of days at music class. He just did not want to sit and participate very well, which was the first week that we have had a big problem. Usually all the boys run around a little but when I get him for an activity he will participate for a little while, but yesterday he didn't want to be structured at all. That makes for a hard day for mommy. Today we have toddler time for a little while... I am thinking next semester we will do something a little more active for him. I am thinking either soccer (their is a thing called soccer tots) or tumbling. We will see. Both are more expensive than music, but I think he would have a little more fun. We'll see.
Well, that's it for now. Gotta get the little man ready for the day! =)
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