For starters, we have been wanting to have another one for a few months now, so this was not a surprise and we were super excited! For those of you who no me, I have NO patience. So I took a test during the day (because my BBT curve was looking like a pregnancy curve), and it was positive. Just like when I found out with Corbin, I called Clynt at work and spilt the news. I wish that I had one of those really cool stories about how he came home and I had a special meal or something, but it was not that nice. Clynt was very excited though. We found out when I was only one week pregnant and were excited but very nervous. If you remember 4 weeks ago, I had to have a colonoscopy and during that procedure, I was put under anesthesia. That means when I was 3 weeks pregnant (which is really only one week pregnant for those of you who don't know) when I was put under. This can be very bad for growing fetus, so we are just taking precautions to make sure everything is okay. But my doctor seems to think that in most cases the pregnancy would have ended at that point if something was going to be wrong. Everything to this point (we are 7 weeks 1 day) seems perfect.
Here is a picture of the little one yesterday and his heartbeat was 125bpm. So, he/she is very healthy! There were other pictures that were much better but my doctor kept them =(. So this one, you can't really make out much. The baby is at the top of the left black circle. It is the little white blob up there.
She also asked us about doing some genetic testing at 12 weeks. Not that she is too concerned about anything, but just a pprecautionary thing. I know a lot of people who opt out o these tests and trust me, we go back and forth on it all, but we are okay with it. For starters because of the anesthia thing, and also because if something is wrong, we want to know. Not that we would do anything about it, but just so that I can spend the next several months learning how best to raise a child with specific problems. If the baby has a disease where certain colors bother it, then I want to know how to paint the room. Or if certain things make a big difference in helping to raise a child with say Down Syndrome, I would just want to know from day one. So that is the decision that we made, so we will be doing it.
My point to telling you all that is not to get in a debate about right or wrong on the genetics testings, but to say that now when you do a genetics test, they can do a blood test to check the sex of the baby at 12 weeks. Is that not crazy?!?! So, we will know by the time I am 13 weeks what we are having. That is less than 6 weeks away. I am super excited! This time when we find out what we will be having, we will have other decisions to make. Like, if we leave Corbin in his room, or if we re-do his room for a girl and let him have a different room, or if we need to start buying a new wardrobe, or if Corbin's will do. Those seem minimal , but i so excited to find out.
Okay, well that's my blog for now...
Wow at 12 weeks, what a Christmas present! :D But I'm sure you're baby will be healthy.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of opting out of not knowing the sex for our next one. I kind of want it to be a surprise. Ivan was thought to be a girl, so we have girl clothes, and we have boy clothes.
So leaving one thing a surprise will be nice. Also, I think I would be too tempted to find out if we had genetic testing done. It's like the information is right there, I should know right?
Any ways, Congratulations!
How exciting!! Congratulations!!