Recently we switched churches. I had been there 10 years or more. Clynt was baptized there and so was I, the boys were both dedicated there and we really started our life as Christians there with our little family. It was definitely not in the plans for our little family to take a big jump BUT things happen for a reason and we felt it was in our best interest to do so. This meant leaving behind a small group that was the basis of most of prayer team, conveying in, and many more things in our life. We led this amazing group of friends in small group discussion for 4 years now and the change was not the easiest thing in the world for me (or us)... Not that these people are no longer our friends, but we will no longer be seeing them on a regular basis or having a central spot where we go to and talk about all our problems. We were comfortable with these people and they were with us. We praise God for giving us these amazing friends and their ability to take a bad day and make it good.
Now we are at our new church home. We are involved in a new small group, which is nice. Its hard to go from a group where we'd hang out and do things and that knew everything about us to a group of strangers though. They are all very nice and we really hope that we will be able to get to know them like we knew our other group members. To me, having a core group of accountability and prayer partners is critical in a journey with Christ. Thankfully God know what we need and when we need it! =) We are also getting involved in volunteering. Since, at our previous church, I did a lot of work in the bookstore, I decided that that would be an excellent place for me to volunteer at our new church. I appreciate this opportunity because by doing this, I have met so many new and amazing people. It hasnt been an easy change but its happening and its getting better every day =)
There have been more changes in our life and I will share them also soon =)
you know - your sister led me to the church, and the fact that you and your family were there for so long made it feel like my family. I will miss seeing your happy face there, even though we hang at the "big" church most of the time. Change can be unsettling, but God stands beside us in everything.