Our marriage is every day getting better and more fun. Clynt is funny and fun, witty and smart, and loving and loved. He may have a temper at times but he loves the kids and I more than anything. His desire to provide the best life possible for the kids and I is incredible and is drive for greater education and accomplishments is to be admired. He doesnt stop and has no intentions on it until retirement. He doesnt get too content in one spot because he knows (and is) completely capable of the next thing coming for him. I love this man and how great he is at what is does. And I love that our life is forever getting better and more exciting!
I love that Clynt loves Christ and is willing to share our lives with Him. I love that he wants to learn to be a better husband and a better dad. This past weekend at church was about being a better husband and Garrett was sick and I was volunteering so we thought that Clynt would stay at home with Garrett. At about 11:00pm, he went WAIT tomorrow is the service for men to be better husbands, let's think of a different way to do this so that I can go!".. I love that! Its incredible that he WANTS to go to church and he WANTS to learn about being a better husbands. I can honestly say the past two weeks have been amazing in our marriage and its because we were woken up by our new Pastor on some realities on today's marriages and unfortunately we fell into a couple of the categories. But we both have come out of it and have given it 100% and are making things better for our family daily! Don't get me wrong, things weren't bad before, we just didn't have that 'newlywed spark' anymore and we both desire for that!
Anyways!!!! This is about my husband! I love him and love all the things he does for us. And am so proud of the many accomplishments that he has had. He is an amazing husband, and father and he also is on fire for the LORD and I could not ask for anything more!
I Love you babe!!
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