Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My life, between 2 kids and a husband who acts like a kid most of the time, somehow seemed not functional. My office had piles everywhere, my laundry room IS a mess with no hooks or organization, my kitchen cabinets ARE stuffed full of every kitchen gadget around, my closet had clothes on the top shelve that were just there because I was too lazy to put them back on hangers after I tried them on and realized that I didn't like the way it looked that day. So, I had enough, about a week ago I decided that I would start making my life more functional and more doable. I was tired of searching for 30 minutes in order to get a shot record to bring with me to the doctor's office. Every day I have chosen one room to work on while my boys nap. I have clynt buying hooks and making shelves so that my laundry room can actually hold purses, backpacks, and extra stuff easy and out of the way. I cleaned my closet so that I start the day in a happy spot. I no longer have any 'junk' areas other than one drawer in my kitchen and I am focusing on making certain areas more simple and easier. I need to go through our 3 play areas in our house and get rid of toys also.

It's so easy for me to get caught up in my daily grind with school, tball, music class, tumbling, and playgroups. And that includes none of the family and friend time or bible study time that we need. Being so busy got me to where I would spend no time making other things functional and organized and then I would get stressed. And when I have a thousand places to be a day, stressed is not the mindset that I need.

So I've decided to sell/ get rid of stuff that not is not necessary and/or takes up too much more and to organize and make life easier to do. My lack of organizing is the last thing that I need to spend time on every day. I could spend 2 minutes to put things where they belong and no be lazy, or I can spend 30 minutes and many unnecessary words of anger looking for things.

I love the space that I have in my pretty large house, but it just needs a little more simplicity to it. I was a master bedroom like the one in the picture instead of my huge extravagant bedroom set that is too large for our room and makes my room look clutter even though there is not a thing out of place. I want my office to be a room with also contains art supplies and stuff for the kids in order to have a location meant for their messy hands. I want each of the rooms to serve a purpose and look nice also. So that I can look around and breathe and not think 'wow, I have a lot to do'.

Anyways, I'm sure I rambled here but that is how my mind feels right now, and I'm on a mission. Maybe I'll stop rambling when I have a functional organized life, right?

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