Sunday, September 30, 2012

My dear husband.

I often time give my husband a hard time bc of some of the random things he says, does, and wears. I'm generally kidding (though his clothes using could use some help!), however I'm not sure if he knows that or not. I get frustrated when he has to work late or when he acts tired on the weekend bc I'm the one who, in my mind, should be tired.

However when I sit down to think about it, I realize how blessed I am. My husband is not perfect (because no one is!) but he is a pretty great one and he loves me and would do anything for me. He loves our boys and spoils them rotten (another thing that I give him a hard time about), but I wouldn't change that for the world. He comes home from work and is tired but still spends hours playing with the kids. He would let me go get a massage or a pedicure every night of the week if I asked and he would let me sleep in every weekend if I wanted. Today, as I write this I just started dinner after cooking kettle corn (insert shout out to brother in law for teaching me how here), and he has entertained the children the whole time while tired as heck and I walk in to him laying down in our play room trying so hard to stay awake to play with our boys. The boys love their daddy more than anything in the world. I love that.

My husband is a dedicated and extremely hard worker and provides so much for our family with little complaining (wish I could do everything with little complaining!). He manages to balance life so amazingly and is always my rock. I can ask and tell him anything without being judged. He makes me feel safe and secure all the time and he absolutely adores me(hey- what girl doesn't want that).

So, even though sometimes things aren't perfect in life, I'm lucky enough to have a husband who is a huge blessing to me.

Here is a picture of him trying to stay awake to play with the boys.. Lol..

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