Friday, February 22, 2013


It's been a month now since I've started running, working out and eating healthy. I'm craving Mexican food like crazy but that's neither here not there. I'm proud of myself and amazed about how fast things can happen if you focus on it.

I started the couch to 5k program and the first week was simply run a minute, walk a minute for 20 minutes. I thought I was going to die! Who knew I was that out of shape?!? Wow! Then it GRADUALLY increased the running over the walking and now I'm running 25 minutes straight. I'm on week 7 of the program. Yes, in a month I'm on week 7. The program is for only 3 days a week and I've been doing about 5 days a week. So I'm on week seven and because of Corbin's tball schedule I decided to go ahead and book my first 5k for next weekend!! Not this weekend, but next weekend. And I'm nervous as hell. According to the training program I will be a few minutes shy of running a whole 5k, but I think with all the people that will be there, I will be a little more pushed to make it through. I hope so! If I have to walk the last .25 mile though, I'm going to try to not beat myself up. Either way, I'm excited to have made it this far and see no end in sight. I really want to keep training after this to run a 10k by the fall and if I'm still loving it, a half marathon by next spring... I'd love nothing more than to do a full marathon one day, but for now I'm staying realistic. :)

Other than running, I've been doing some home exercises and stuff at home. U know those circuit training things you see on Pinterest? Well, I've actually been doing them! It's a lot of planks, burpees, different types of sit ups, jumping jacks, push ups, mountain climbers, etc. Clynt has been doing them with me and so it has made it fun. Again, I'm amazed at my progress. The first couple nights I did them, I wanted to crash right after and now, I just told Clynt yesterday that I need to do them 2 times in a row bc I'm just not feeling it as much.

On top of exercise, the diet is so important, right? So I've been eating a lot fewer calories and just paying attention to my eating habits, not eating after 8, eating healthy snacks between meals, eating more fresh foods, not drinking near as much wine, and etc. it's been hard but this is the longest I have actually stiuck to something like this as an adult and it's showing...

Progress?? Well, I'm down about 8 pounds. My legs are looking so much better, more muscle for sure. My old jeans from pre Corbin are starting to fit, and most of all, I don't hate the way I look in the mirror. I plan to continue with this change in my lifestyle. I will still enjoy the foods I love, just not to the extent I have in the past. I plan to continue to run, not for the weight loss but because its good for me. And here is the main thing, my boys are watching me. Yesterday I bought a diet coke (don't judge) and Corbin said, ' why are you getting that, you usually drink water!'. I was proud that he notices me making healthy choices most of the time. :). I hope in a few years that he is able to run with me and work out and be a healthy him also.

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