Thursday, February 14, 2013


My kids are seasoned travelers. Corbin (who is four) will have been to 16 states by the end of the year, and Garrett will have been to 10. So, it's not like we haven't done the flying with toddlers and preschoolers many time before, but EVERY time I get so anxious, I can barely function. I do all the packing for our family, partly because clynt is working and partly because I want to know that we have everything and that we will all be wearing decent clothes.

So currently my blood pressure and heart rate are through the roof. I'm not sure if it is the making sure we have everything, the rental car process (which stinks!), the baggage checking, the security check point (yuck!), the sitting in an airport (ew!), the being the stuck in a small space with two wild kids for several hours, or all of it combined! My boys have never once gotten out of their seats, cried, or yelled on a plane. Not sure if its us threatening for weeks leading up to it or just them being so excited to get to the final destination. Corbin LOVES to travel. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a kids so excited about traveling. He has loved it since he was little. He asks on a weekly basis to go on a vacation. It's just fun a different. Garrett on the other hand doesn't adapt as well and with the time change to mountain, I'm expecting to be up verrrrrry early every night we are on vacation. Joy :). Maybe I'll just take him running every morning and let people sleep.

I love vacationing also, but the process of getting where we are going leads Nero being very anxious and worried and stressed out. Poor clynt has had to deal with me snapping for the last week. Once we get in our rental car in Vegas, life will be so much better :). And once we see my grandmother and her gorgeous smile, it will be even better.

Can't wait for the airport/ airplane to be over :)

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