Today is also a good day. Corbin is officially 1! Wow, this year just flew by and I dont believe how big (or un-big) Corbin has gotten. I dont believe how much you can love someone after only 1 year. It is amazing! Well and it is also Clynt and I's anniversary. We spent our first anniversary in the hospital having corbin and our second is now going to be spent with family and Corbin. Its okay, it is such a special day! I am going to make fajitas for dinner and some of our family is joining us. It will be nice. Then tomorrow Clynt and I are going to Nelore Churrascaria for dinner. It is a Brazilian Steakhouse, and I am excited. I LOVE Brazilian food. It is wonderful!
So this morning, Corbin and I went to the recycling center. It is amazing how much stuff was recyclable from Christmas. Paper and Cardboard boxes are the main culprit, but man, it was a TON of stuff that would otherwise go to the landfill. I ams o glad that my family can be supportive of our desire to go green. Well, at least most of them.. The way I see it, is that we are preserving the environment for Corbin and his kiddos. 1- the stuff is not going to a landfill and creating more and more need for more and more landfills (You know we only have so much space on this earth!?), and 2- when you recycle, the is less and less need to use new commodities and precious metals and trees and such. This way, the earth can stay full of trees and we dont eventually run out of things that we consider a necessity. This is critical and I know that some people dont see it the way that we do, but oh well. Anyways, we went to Kroger and bought some stuff for dinner tonight, and a cake for Corbin to have. Corbin loves the grocery store and getting to ride around in the buggy. Then we went to lunch with Clynt and Rachel. It is was rather tasty. Go Los Cucos!
Clynt stayed up ALL night last night. And when i say all night, I mean ALL night. I woke up at about 5:45 and he was not in bed so I thought maybe he fell asleep in the living room and when I go out there, he was just finishing up on the surround sound. He had worked all night to wire the speakers to the other side of the room. If you know clynt at all, you know that he is rather anal and does not want for wires to show, so he must do the best job possible. It looks and sounds awesome. He is amazing! I love that man!
Corbin refusing to drink his milk out of a sippy cup. He uses the straw cups, and does great with water, but he refuses to use them for milk. He only wants his milk out of a bottle. Do any of you have any suggestions on this? I dont know what do and i dont want him to starve, and he is very small and needs his milk, so I am not going to just hold out. Just thought I would throw that in and see if anyone has any suggestions.
Well, I am going to run and get things ready for dinner.. I hope you all are having a fabulous week!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, 1 week till back at work...
Today is going to be a good day. Clynt is working but will be off the rest of the week for us to spend some more family time together. Corbin is playing up a storm as usual and is trying to walk every where is goes. It is so cute. He is having so much fun with all his new Christmas toys and so is Clynt! Clynt loves everything he got for Christmas, he was boxing last night on Wii and was doing great! It was a work out for him, so he was loving it! While I am typing Corbin just said his favorite new word. That would be "Uh Ohhhh!", most of the time we are blessed with an extra "Uh" so it is more like "Uh Uh Ohhh!". I love it! He is one little cutie. He will throw a ball across the room and say "uh Uh ohh.." . He wants stuff to hit the floor so that he can say it. So cute!
Today, I am going along with my mom, sister and a few other folks to a cooking class. I am excited. My dad is going to watch Corbin and so I think they are both excited! Then tonight, I dont really really know what we are doing. Tomorrow is Corbin's birthday and Clynt and I's anniversary. I am excited! They are both so special, and so it shall be a great day also! Im not sure what we are doing then also. I think I may have a dinner for Corbin's birthday and invite a few people over, and then maybe Clynt and I will do something on Wednesday. Then Thursday we are going to Pam's property to hang out for New Years Eve, and the Friday we have not yet decided if we are going to go to some of our friend's property in Hallisville or not. We shall decide today, we probably will but are not yet really sure, because we are kind of homebodies, this is sad to say, but I get anxiety traveling with Corbin, so often times I choose to stay home for no good reason, but Clynt wants to go so we will see.
Well, this blog has taken me an hour so far to write because I have been playing with Corbin off and on. He is in a good mood this morning, and he is starting to play with toys in more detail. It is funny to watch him. He is also so interested in the fire place now. We had our first fire in it ever on Christmas Eve, thanks to my wonderful sister. So, I think he loved the fire and now he just looks at the fire place. It is rather cute!
So I have to run, so that I can get Corbin's lunch together for my dad to feed him. Hopefully with my busy next couple of days I will be able to post. Did you know this is my 23rd post? Wow! i dont think I am doing horrible :P
Blog out!
Today, I am going along with my mom, sister and a few other folks to a cooking class. I am excited. My dad is going to watch Corbin and so I think they are both excited! Then tonight, I dont really really know what we are doing. Tomorrow is Corbin's birthday and Clynt and I's anniversary. I am excited! They are both so special, and so it shall be a great day also! Im not sure what we are doing then also. I think I may have a dinner for Corbin's birthday and invite a few people over, and then maybe Clynt and I will do something on Wednesday. Then Thursday we are going to Pam's property to hang out for New Years Eve, and the Friday we have not yet decided if we are going to go to some of our friend's property in Hallisville or not. We shall decide today, we probably will but are not yet really sure, because we are kind of homebodies, this is sad to say, but I get anxiety traveling with Corbin, so often times I choose to stay home for no good reason, but Clynt wants to go so we will see.
Well, this blog has taken me an hour so far to write because I have been playing with Corbin off and on. He is in a good mood this morning, and he is starting to play with toys in more detail. It is funny to watch him. He is also so interested in the fire place now. We had our first fire in it ever on Christmas Eve, thanks to my wonderful sister. So, I think he loved the fire and now he just looks at the fire place. It is rather cute!
So I have to run, so that I can get Corbin's lunch together for my dad to feed him. Hopefully with my busy next couple of days I will be able to post. Did you know this is my 23rd post? Wow! i dont think I am doing horrible :P
Blog out!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A good day!
Today was such a great day, although I still find myself getting anxiety worrying about too much. I dont know why I do that, but sometimes I just get really down on myself, and I want to change our whole lives. Today I was thinking about where we could move and have a totally differently lifestyle. Why must I do that? I love our family and friends here. I think I just day dream, but i dont know. Anyways, let me tell you about our wonderful day. To start, we went to church. It was an excellent service! I love when I am able to understand areas of the bible a little more. Neither Clynt nor I grew up in Sunday school or anything, so even though I read my bible, sometimes it is really hard to comprehend things, unless our CARE group, church discusses specific stories in the bible, I have a hard time really understanding the details. I have been going to church on a regular basis for 6 years, so I have heard details about much of the bible in that many years, but there is always so much to learn. So, this morning started off great with a wonderful lesson about Jesus.
Then we came home and a friend that I hadnt seen in probably at least 8 years came by with her son and fiance. Her son is 2 months older than Corbin, and he is actually smaller than Corbin, which is a rarity these day :) He is a little cutie and Corbin had fun playing. He was walking around and Corbin got up and started walking. Today he has taken up to 10 or 15 steps on his own, so I would say that he only has a couple of days and that will be his primary form of mobility. Amanda (the friend of mine) and I played soccer together for a traveling team while we were growing up. She and I were excellent friends but then I quit soccer and a couple years later she moved to Austin, so we had lost touch until Corbin was born and she posted a congratulations and some tips on my FB page (considering she was only 2 months ahead of me in the this adventure of raising boys). They were much appreciated and we have been chatting on FB constantly since then! She too blogs, and got me into this wonderful activity. She also has really brought out my creative side and is the reason why I now have a D-SLR camera and am working on getting photoshop. She created Corbin's first birthday invitation, and I reference her all the time in my blogs. Anyways, I finally got to me her fiance and her son! I was SOOOO excited and I just LOVED them both! I have to say that I was nervous a little, since it had been so long, but Amanda was the same giggly person that I knew 8 years ago! It was such a blessing to see them today, and I hope to be able to make it to Austin for their wedding shower and wedding! I need to get her to send me pictures of us today so that I can post them to share :)
Then after they left, Corbin and I went to a friend of mine's son's birthday party. He and Corbin are practically the same age, so they always enjoy getting into trouble together. It is so cute. They went straight for the stairs and headed up together. I will also need to get pictures of this, because it was absolutely adorable. The party went well, but i had to leave a little early to head to yet another function today. Clynt was already upset because he wanted to meet for dinner for a couple of other couples for an early dinner/ late lunch and they were meeting at 3. But I didnt want to leave the birthday party that early, so i had to stay until after the presents at least, so that was at 3:30. I didnt really even want to leave then, but Corbin was starting to get rather fussy because he didnt get a very good nap today. So then I headed for Gringos with a few of our friends and by the time I got there, everyone had already gotten their food, but we still always enjoy the fellowship. Very good people, and always good conversation.
So today was a good day, lots of friends to enjoy, a good message, and a son who is so close to walking I can taste it! It was great. We are blessed. I dont have to work this week, so that is the even better news. WoooHooo! 1 more week of being full time with Corbin! I love it.
Well, we are playing with our new Wii and I really stink. My Wii age was 79 :( I hope I get better! I really stink at the bowling thing though. I am going to go try to beat Clynt and some stuff now, so i will talk to you all later!
Love you all!! Blog out!
Then we came home and a friend that I hadnt seen in probably at least 8 years came by with her son and fiance. Her son is 2 months older than Corbin, and he is actually smaller than Corbin, which is a rarity these day :) He is a little cutie and Corbin had fun playing. He was walking around and Corbin got up and started walking. Today he has taken up to 10 or 15 steps on his own, so I would say that he only has a couple of days and that will be his primary form of mobility. Amanda (the friend of mine) and I played soccer together for a traveling team while we were growing up. She and I were excellent friends but then I quit soccer and a couple years later she moved to Austin, so we had lost touch until Corbin was born and she posted a congratulations and some tips on my FB page (considering she was only 2 months ahead of me in the this adventure of raising boys). They were much appreciated and we have been chatting on FB constantly since then! She too blogs, and got me into this wonderful activity. She also has really brought out my creative side and is the reason why I now have a D-SLR camera and am working on getting photoshop. She created Corbin's first birthday invitation, and I reference her all the time in my blogs. Anyways, I finally got to me her fiance and her son! I was SOOOO excited and I just LOVED them both! I have to say that I was nervous a little, since it had been so long, but Amanda was the same giggly person that I knew 8 years ago! It was such a blessing to see them today, and I hope to be able to make it to Austin for their wedding shower and wedding! I need to get her to send me pictures of us today so that I can post them to share :)
Then after they left, Corbin and I went to a friend of mine's son's birthday party. He and Corbin are practically the same age, so they always enjoy getting into trouble together. It is so cute. They went straight for the stairs and headed up together. I will also need to get pictures of this, because it was absolutely adorable. The party went well, but i had to leave a little early to head to yet another function today. Clynt was already upset because he wanted to meet for dinner for a couple of other couples for an early dinner/ late lunch and they were meeting at 3. But I didnt want to leave the birthday party that early, so i had to stay until after the presents at least, so that was at 3:30. I didnt really even want to leave then, but Corbin was starting to get rather fussy because he didnt get a very good nap today. So then I headed for Gringos with a few of our friends and by the time I got there, everyone had already gotten their food, but we still always enjoy the fellowship. Very good people, and always good conversation.
So today was a good day, lots of friends to enjoy, a good message, and a son who is so close to walking I can taste it! It was great. We are blessed. I dont have to work this week, so that is the even better news. WoooHooo! 1 more week of being full time with Corbin! I love it.
Well, we are playing with our new Wii and I really stink. My Wii age was 79 :( I hope I get better! I really stink at the bowling thing though. I am going to go try to beat Clynt and some stuff now, so i will talk to you all later!
Love you all!! Blog out!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Understanding People
So yesterday was Christmas... We went to my parent's for breakfast and stockings, and then hung out with Michael while he opened his Santa presents and was so excited about each and every one of them. It was so cute! Then we came home and gave Corbin a nap, then we went to Tim and Charlye's for Christmas dinner and gifts and games there. It was very exciting. Rachel's boyfriend Matt won $80 by winning two of the games! Good for him, although we were all a wee bit jealous! Charlye always puts on a good show for Christmas and we appreciate it so so much.
Now for title of my blog, understanding people. I wish that we could all understand that everyone's needs and desires are different. Some people need to be acknowledged to feel loved, while others just know it. I wish that i was one of the latter but I seem to feel like people are mad at me all the time, because they dont take the time out of their day to say hi, or anything to me. I get my feelings hurt much to often, and I constantly feel like someone is mad at me, although I am sure that most of the time, they are not. However, on Christmas day, I really felt unloved by a certain person whom, i know loves me but that simply didnt make my family a priority on that. After just a few tears, we moved on and realized that that person does love us, but they just dont understand my needs. That is okay because everyone needs differently. But then there was another moment on Christmas Day that I just wished people would understand that everyones desires are not the same. People like things differently and that is TOTALLY okay because that is how God created us! But just because we are different doesnt mean that anyone needs to be ugly, but hey, it was a family function, and I guess that is just what happens! I just wished that everyone would remember that day was not about ANYONE other than Jesus! Yes we all got gifts and celebrated, which was awesome, but the day is only celebrated because it was Jesus's birthday! I know that there are many of families worse off than our so I am not complaining, I am just saying what is on my conscious, because I think about things constanstly and I worry so often about people being upset. That is me, I want for everyone to be happy all the time, and it gets the worst of me sometimes because I stress and I cry often or I just crab up because I worry.
Okay, I know usually I dont get into things like this on my blog, but today I felt the need to because I have a lot on my mind and I feel like the people reading my blog care :)
Well, moving on.. Today Clynt and I went and saw Clynt's mom and Steve. It was a nice visit and Clynt and I got to ride the horses, which was nice. Corbin is trying more and more every day to put a few more steps together. He is way too cute for his own good. We came home and Clynt has been trying to put together the new surround sound system that my parents gave us. He isnt having much fun with it... We also got a Wii yesterday from Tim and Charlye, I am kind of excited about it and I am excited about getting a Wii Fit to play on. I am really going to try to loose another 10 pounds or so. I have lost the 60 pounds I gained while pregnant, but I dont feel like all my clothes fit the same in the waist, so I am going to to try to loose a little more in the next couple of months. This is a goal!
Well, I guess that is enough for now. Sorry that I dont have any pictures in the post, I have not uploaded the ones from Christmas yet. I will though, have no fear.
Thanks for reading! Blog out!
Now for title of my blog, understanding people. I wish that we could all understand that everyone's needs and desires are different. Some people need to be acknowledged to feel loved, while others just know it. I wish that i was one of the latter but I seem to feel like people are mad at me all the time, because they dont take the time out of their day to say hi, or anything to me. I get my feelings hurt much to often, and I constantly feel like someone is mad at me, although I am sure that most of the time, they are not. However, on Christmas day, I really felt unloved by a certain person whom, i know loves me but that simply didnt make my family a priority on that. After just a few tears, we moved on and realized that that person does love us, but they just dont understand my needs. That is okay because everyone needs differently. But then there was another moment on Christmas Day that I just wished people would understand that everyones desires are not the same. People like things differently and that is TOTALLY okay because that is how God created us! But just because we are different doesnt mean that anyone needs to be ugly, but hey, it was a family function, and I guess that is just what happens! I just wished that everyone would remember that day was not about ANYONE other than Jesus! Yes we all got gifts and celebrated, which was awesome, but the day is only celebrated because it was Jesus's birthday! I know that there are many of families worse off than our so I am not complaining, I am just saying what is on my conscious, because I think about things constanstly and I worry so often about people being upset. That is me, I want for everyone to be happy all the time, and it gets the worst of me sometimes because I stress and I cry often or I just crab up because I worry.
Okay, I know usually I dont get into things like this on my blog, but today I felt the need to because I have a lot on my mind and I feel like the people reading my blog care :)
Well, moving on.. Today Clynt and I went and saw Clynt's mom and Steve. It was a nice visit and Clynt and I got to ride the horses, which was nice. Corbin is trying more and more every day to put a few more steps together. He is way too cute for his own good. We came home and Clynt has been trying to put together the new surround sound system that my parents gave us. He isnt having much fun with it... We also got a Wii yesterday from Tim and Charlye, I am kind of excited about it and I am excited about getting a Wii Fit to play on. I am really going to try to loose another 10 pounds or so. I have lost the 60 pounds I gained while pregnant, but I dont feel like all my clothes fit the same in the waist, so I am going to to try to loose a little more in the next couple of months. This is a goal!
Well, I guess that is enough for now. Sorry that I dont have any pictures in the post, I have not uploaded the ones from Christmas yet. I will though, have no fear.
Thanks for reading! Blog out!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is almost over and we had a great day. I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, well I made homeade batter and then Clynt had to actually execute the pancake making, but all the same, we had blueberry pancakes. Then we went a did a couple last minute shopping trips, followed by lunch with Clynt's dad and his wife (from now on, they will be referenced by Tim and Charlye), and then we went to their house to visit for a little while. Then we went to church and then came home for filet mignon, mashed potatoes, green beans,salad, and breadsticks.... It was yummy!! Then we put a fire on in our fire place and had smores... It was all so nice. My whole family joined us, and helped fix dinner. It was so nice, we do this every year, so it is always nice. Then Clynt's mom and husband (Pam and Steve) came over and we did our gift exchange, but we will be going to spend some more time with them on Saturday, so that will be nice. Tomorrow morning, we will be going over to my parents house for Santa with Michael and then we will have dinner and games with Tim, Charlye and family.
So for the gifts: Clynt knew every single item that he was getting, because he bought most of it, and I honestly dont know what all that consisted of, I just wrapped! I know a router and some things to go with it, and a torque wrench but that is all I know! Then my sister got us an outside fire pit. It is a very pretty one, so I am excited! My dad got us a surround sound, blu-ray disk system. It is rather fancy, Clynt is working on that now. He is talking to me but I am writing on this so Im not listening!!! Anyways, we were very blessed. Corbin got a lot of toys, and a really cool gaming system thing for babies that can play as a toy not of the TV also. It has a lot of educational functions, and it is rather neat! We also gave everyone gifts and we just visited. It was a nice night. Oh yea, Pam and Steve got us a BOSE Ipod player, so that is pretty neat. We have it in our living room right now, but we havent decided if we would rather have it upstairs in the game room or not. It is pretty fancy also.
In the future we will not do all of Corbin's toys on Christmas Eve but this year, it just worked out that way, although he will still have other presents tomorrow from other people, so it will be good. I got a lot pictures of all the excitement. Corbin was much more into opening presents this time than at his birthday party. It was cute. Here are just a few:

I hope that you all have wonderful plans for Christmas tomorrow, and dont forget to remember that it is Jesus's Birthday!!!
So for the gifts: Clynt knew every single item that he was getting, because he bought most of it, and I honestly dont know what all that consisted of, I just wrapped! I know a router and some things to go with it, and a torque wrench but that is all I know! Then my sister got us an outside fire pit. It is a very pretty one, so I am excited! My dad got us a surround sound, blu-ray disk system. It is rather fancy, Clynt is working on that now. He is talking to me but I am writing on this so Im not listening!!! Anyways, we were very blessed. Corbin got a lot of toys, and a really cool gaming system thing for babies that can play as a toy not of the TV also. It has a lot of educational functions, and it is rather neat! We also gave everyone gifts and we just visited. It was a nice night. Oh yea, Pam and Steve got us a BOSE Ipod player, so that is pretty neat. We have it in our living room right now, but we havent decided if we would rather have it upstairs in the game room or not. It is pretty fancy also.
In the future we will not do all of Corbin's toys on Christmas Eve but this year, it just worked out that way, although he will still have other presents tomorrow from other people, so it will be good. I got a lot pictures of all the excitement. Corbin was much more into opening presents this time than at his birthday party. It was cute. Here are just a few:
I hope that you all have wonderful plans for Christmas tomorrow, and dont forget to remember that it is Jesus's Birthday!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Day 3 in a row
Okay, so I am rather proud of myself. This is 3 days in a row that I have blogged! YAY! Today's will be short however, because I am going to go get a massage. Yes I said message, and I am very excited about it! I need some relaxation!
I dont know if I told you or not, but I got a message from Shutterfly last week about a free photobook, so I went on there website, created one and sure enough, it was free! Well, plus the 7.99 shipping, but I was excited! It came in yesterday and I love it! I have never made on before but I think I will do more. This one was Corbin's first year. Maybe I shall do one each year! Very neat! Corbin is walking more and more now, although I still wouldnt consider him a walker, he is very close though. I have had so much fun watching him the last few days. He is a little cutie! His hair is getting so long though and to me it looks girly. There are no curls to save so I think that we will cut it soon. Do you all think this is a horrible idea?
You can kind of see it in the picture while we picked out our Christmas tree. Clynt and i are in a debate, so I could use some advice, unless you are on Clynt's side! LOL! Im just kidding, any advice is welcomed!
I am so excited for Corbin's first Christmas and my new camera to take lots of pictures! Woohooo... Plus Clynt and I second anniversary is next week. Clynt is suprising me with plans though, so I dont know what we are doing. Also that day is Corbin's real first birthday! Sooo many exciting things all within 4 days! YAY!
Well im so sorry this is so short, but we must leave now... Maybe you shall get a second post today?? Dont hold your breath, but you never know!
Blog out!
I dont know if I told you or not, but I got a message from Shutterfly last week about a free photobook, so I went on there website, created one and sure enough, it was free! Well, plus the 7.99 shipping, but I was excited! It came in yesterday and I love it! I have never made on before but I think I will do more. This one was Corbin's first year. Maybe I shall do one each year! Very neat! Corbin is walking more and more now, although I still wouldnt consider him a walker, he is very close though. I have had so much fun watching him the last few days. He is a little cutie! His hair is getting so long though and to me it looks girly. There are no curls to save so I think that we will cut it soon. Do you all think this is a horrible idea?
You can kind of see it in the picture while we picked out our Christmas tree. Clynt and i are in a debate, so I could use some advice, unless you are on Clynt's side! LOL! Im just kidding, any advice is welcomed!
I am so excited for Corbin's first Christmas and my new camera to take lots of pictures! Woohooo... Plus Clynt and I second anniversary is next week. Clynt is suprising me with plans though, so I dont know what we are doing. Also that day is Corbin's real first birthday! Sooo many exciting things all within 4 days! YAY!
Well im so sorry this is so short, but we must leave now... Maybe you shall get a second post today?? Dont hold your breath, but you never know!
Blog out!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ten on Tuesday
So I committed myself to Ten on Tuesday. It is basically ten random questions (stolen from Amanda's blog) and my answers to them. Enjoy!
1. When do you put up and take down your Christmas decorations?
Well, I would like tyo say the day after Thanksgiving but that is by no means the case. We love our real tree so we wait a little while so that it doesnt die prior to Christmas. So, we try to get everything done 2 weekends before Christmas. We tae things down around New Years. It has been a couple years since I decorated (Last year, Corbin was born on the 29th of December and the year before we were married on the 29th of December so we realy tried to not over due it so that wouldnt have to take everything down. So we will have to see how this year goes.
2. What do you do to simplify the holiday season?
I try to order most of the kids Christmas presents online, and they pretty much all get the same thing. This way I dont have to go to the store for 12 kids things, just 1 or 2. I also try to make lists... Many lists, who gets pictures, and what sizes, and who gets cards, and who and what time we see people. I try to stay in a routine! I dont know that any of that is simplifying, but it does make it less hectic!
3. What do you do to remind yourself and your family what the Christmas season is all about?
Church is the number 1 thing. We need to be there and see and hear a message about what the day is all about. Then we surround ourselves with family, and I think that we will bake a cake for Jesus's birthday. The season is all about his birth, so we need to remember to show love to everyone. I try my hardest to keep the word Christmas on all of our Christmas cards, and everything that we do in the season.
4. How do you spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
On Christmas Eve, my family comes over for to our house for dinner. We do all of our family gifts that night, and then on Christmas morning we go to my parent's house for gifts from Santa, although that will likely change soon, because Corbin will be getting gifts from Santa also and they will be under his tree! But then we spend Christmas afternoon with Clynt's dad and family. They have a cookie decorating contest and a dinner and a white elephant game. It is lots of fun. We are trying very hard to find a time that we can spend with Clynt's mom also. It looks like it might be the nearest Saturday to Christmas.
5. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
The stockings. I love opening our stocking and hopefully Corbin will too. Our stockings were always more than just candy, it was like a jackpot of a bunch of little Christmas gifts, I also LOVE breakfast on Christmas morning. My Aunt used to always make an egg cassarole and we are going to attempt it this year. This is a wonderful thing :) Im not sure what else is my favorite. I love dinner one Christmas Eve also.
6. Did you do the whole Santa thing growing up? What do you like/not like about continuing the
Yes we did. I loved it. But I was talking to someone from a different country (I forget where, sorry) and she said that they did not have Santa, they had a baby Jesus that brought gifts, how cool is that.
Anyways, yes, we shall continue this with Corbin. This year it doesnt matter what the presents say, but next year, its on!
7. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
I love to make reese's cookie. Well chocolate cookies with reeses in the them. Yum. But I also just love plain old chocolote chip!
8. How do you take your egg nog?
Egg nog? Gross :(
9. What is your favorite Christmas carol and why?
Jingle Bells... Probably because that is the only one that comes to mind. I really like Noel, Noel, also. Is that the name???
10. When was the last time you had a white Christmas?
I dont even remember. When I was little we had it all the time, because we could go to Connecticut for Christmas but when we started doing it at home, that all ended. :( Sad.
Well I hope you enjoyed 10 on Tuesday, I will attempt to make this a tradition!
Blog out!~
1. When do you put up and take down your Christmas decorations?
Well, I would like tyo say the day after Thanksgiving but that is by no means the case. We love our real tree so we wait a little while so that it doesnt die prior to Christmas. So, we try to get everything done 2 weekends before Christmas. We tae things down around New Years. It has been a couple years since I decorated (Last year, Corbin was born on the 29th of December and the year before we were married on the 29th of December so we realy tried to not over due it so that wouldnt have to take everything down. So we will have to see how this year goes.
2. What do you do to simplify the holiday season?
I try to order most of the kids Christmas presents online, and they pretty much all get the same thing. This way I dont have to go to the store for 12 kids things, just 1 or 2. I also try to make lists... Many lists, who gets pictures, and what sizes, and who gets cards, and who and what time we see people. I try to stay in a routine! I dont know that any of that is simplifying, but it does make it less hectic!
3. What do you do to remind yourself and your family what the Christmas season is all about?
Church is the number 1 thing. We need to be there and see and hear a message about what the day is all about. Then we surround ourselves with family, and I think that we will bake a cake for Jesus's birthday. The season is all about his birth, so we need to remember to show love to everyone. I try my hardest to keep the word Christmas on all of our Christmas cards, and everything that we do in the season.
4. How do you spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
On Christmas Eve, my family comes over for to our house for dinner. We do all of our family gifts that night, and then on Christmas morning we go to my parent's house for gifts from Santa, although that will likely change soon, because Corbin will be getting gifts from Santa also and they will be under his tree! But then we spend Christmas afternoon with Clynt's dad and family. They have a cookie decorating contest and a dinner and a white elephant game. It is lots of fun. We are trying very hard to find a time that we can spend with Clynt's mom also. It looks like it might be the nearest Saturday to Christmas.
5. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
The stockings. I love opening our stocking and hopefully Corbin will too. Our stockings were always more than just candy, it was like a jackpot of a bunch of little Christmas gifts, I also LOVE breakfast on Christmas morning. My Aunt used to always make an egg cassarole and we are going to attempt it this year. This is a wonderful thing :) Im not sure what else is my favorite. I love dinner one Christmas Eve also.
6. Did you do the whole Santa thing growing up? What do you like/not like about continuing the
Yes we did. I loved it. But I was talking to someone from a different country (I forget where, sorry) and she said that they did not have Santa, they had a baby Jesus that brought gifts, how cool is that.
Anyways, yes, we shall continue this with Corbin. This year it doesnt matter what the presents say, but next year, its on!
7. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
I love to make reese's cookie. Well chocolate cookies with reeses in the them. Yum. But I also just love plain old chocolote chip!
8. How do you take your egg nog?
Egg nog? Gross :(
9. What is your favorite Christmas carol and why?
Jingle Bells... Probably because that is the only one that comes to mind. I really like Noel, Noel, also. Is that the name???
10. When was the last time you had a white Christmas?
I dont even remember. When I was little we had it all the time, because we could go to Connecticut for Christmas but when we started doing it at home, that all ended. :( Sad.
Well I hope you enjoyed 10 on Tuesday, I will attempt to make this a tradition!
Blog out!~
Monday, December 21, 2009
1st day off
Can I tell you how excited I am to be off for 2 weeks and spend all this time with my little man. He is as rather excited, at least I like to think so. He is always discovering new things and I love being one of the first to see! YAY! This morning he decided that he needs to have all the balls from the pool table on the floor. He was so excited about it! We have a pool table upstairs in our gameroom and the only way that he gets to be in there is if we are in there with him, we really need a gate at the top of our stairs but we have not yet done that. Anyways, the pool table is one tha tthe balls go to the front of the table when they are hit into a pockets, so all of the balls are currently in the end of the table slot, which Corbin can reach! The pool balls are perfect size for his little hands so he is fascinated by them. I didnt get any pictures because my camera was downstairs and I dont leave him upstairs by himself, but it was so cute. He would stand up and get 2 balls, then sit down and put them in his pile. He was just having so much fun with that.
Then, in our morning by ourselfs, I let Corbin go off with his own bottle, he was pretty excited, because evidently he wanted to experiment with standing under a table and drinking his bottle, I think that he though he was hiding because when he noticed me taking pictures he sat down and wondered off! It was funny. So I did get pictures of this.

This is amusing for me to watch him non-spot, he is so funny! He talks to me too. So cute!
Last night was our CARE group Christmas party, it was rather fun. We realy enjoy getting to spend time with our CARE group and have really been able to meet some amazing couples that we really enjoy spending time with. We are so blessed to have been able to meet these people and have them as part of our lives. They are wonderful! Sorry, I just had to give them a little bit of my blog time because of how important they are to us.
Now onto Clynt. He is not sure yet if he is going to have to go to the UK, but it is starting to look more and more probable. Why must my husband be so smart?!? LOL! I love that about him though. He is wonderful. Everyone keeps asking what is next for him, and I will say that we talk about the same thing everyday. Clynt really wants an MBA so the what is not the question, it is the where. It is all paid for my Clynt's service in the military so we will just have to look at the options and go from there. But right now, he wants to see what he can do about a raise or promotion, but other than that he staying put, the economy will tell us when the time is right for anything else!
Okay, well Corbin and I are going to go the town Center with Aunt Rachel and have lunch with thee family, so we will talk to you all later! My goal this week and next is a blog a day, no excuses, RIGHT??
Blog out!
Then, in our morning by ourselfs, I let Corbin go off with his own bottle, he was pretty excited, because evidently he wanted to experiment with standing under a table and drinking his bottle, I think that he though he was hiding because when he noticed me taking pictures he sat down and wondered off! It was funny. So I did get pictures of this.
This is amusing for me to watch him non-spot, he is so funny! He talks to me too. So cute!
Last night was our CARE group Christmas party, it was rather fun. We realy enjoy getting to spend time with our CARE group and have really been able to meet some amazing couples that we really enjoy spending time with. We are so blessed to have been able to meet these people and have them as part of our lives. They are wonderful! Sorry, I just had to give them a little bit of my blog time because of how important they are to us.
Now onto Clynt. He is not sure yet if he is going to have to go to the UK, but it is starting to look more and more probable. Why must my husband be so smart?!? LOL! I love that about him though. He is wonderful. Everyone keeps asking what is next for him, and I will say that we talk about the same thing everyday. Clynt really wants an MBA so the what is not the question, it is the where. It is all paid for my Clynt's service in the military so we will just have to look at the options and go from there. But right now, he wants to see what he can do about a raise or promotion, but other than that he staying put, the economy will tell us when the time is right for anything else!
Okay, well Corbin and I are going to go the town Center with Aunt Rachel and have lunch with thee family, so we will talk to you all later! My goal this week and next is a blog a day, no excuses, RIGHT??
Blog out!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Clynt Passed!
So, as you probably already know, Clynt passed his FE exam that he took 8 weeks ago. We just got the results last night and couldnt be more excited! This now means that Clynt must apply for his EIT liscense. For those of you who dont know, that is an Engineer in Training. He has been an engineer for 3.5 years now, but he didnt have any official liscense or anything. So this is good for his career. The accredidation from Clynt's school (Thomas Eddison) is not really that of UT or A&M as far as engineering goes so he must have his degree for 8 years prior to taking his test for being a PE (professional engineer), but in the mean-time he put take and pass his FE exam, which now, Clynt has accomplished! YAY! Maybe he will get a raise now! LOL! No, but seriously, I have never seen Clynt so excited, and I am soooo happy for him!
Clynt and his brother were giving me a hard time today for not update my blog lately so I just want to call them out for a second. Corey and Clynt--- Leave me alone, or do your own blog!!! Okay, now I am happy! No, they both enjoy reading my blog and I am very appreciative of that. Corey was the first ever to leave me a comment and I think it is great that he can keep up with us, since he lives in Alabama and we dont get to see him very often. We love you Corey (and Kathleen!).
Okay, I promised pictures of Corbin and the Christmas tree, so here they are! Might I say prior to the pictures, that I do have presents under the tree now, I have had them all for a while, but I just wrapped them tonight, so they are all there now. We shall see how that goes with Corbin tomorrow and the rest of the week until Friday!

I am now off until January the fourth and I could not be more excited to spend the next couple of weeks with Corbin!! I am sooo excited! Corbin will probably be walking like crazy by the end of the 2 weeks and I am so pumped that I get to share that time with him. He has been taking a regular 4 and 5 steps to get to anything that he really wants, he is doing so good. He will fall or loose balance and he will get back up and keep going. He is a little champ! His 1 year doctors appt in on January 4th, so we shall find out then about his diet. He is a little guy. His weight isnt really increasing at all and hasnt for about 6 months. In 6 months, he has gone from 17 pounds to 19 pounds :(... And he started solids and formula 6 months ago. So it is strange, but he is growing in height, so that is good. We shall see how it goes, I am really anxious about it! I sure do love that little guy. He is one CUTE fellow!
Okay, I will try to post another blog tomorrow! I promise, I will try! If not, I am off all week so expect more than 1 or two!
Blog out!
Clynt and his brother were giving me a hard time today for not update my blog lately so I just want to call them out for a second. Corey and Clynt--- Leave me alone, or do your own blog!!! Okay, now I am happy! No, they both enjoy reading my blog and I am very appreciative of that. Corey was the first ever to leave me a comment and I think it is great that he can keep up with us, since he lives in Alabama and we dont get to see him very often. We love you Corey (and Kathleen!).
Okay, I promised pictures of Corbin and the Christmas tree, so here they are! Might I say prior to the pictures, that I do have presents under the tree now, I have had them all for a while, but I just wrapped them tonight, so they are all there now. We shall see how that goes with Corbin tomorrow and the rest of the week until Friday!
I am now off until January the fourth and I could not be more excited to spend the next couple of weeks with Corbin!! I am sooo excited! Corbin will probably be walking like crazy by the end of the 2 weeks and I am so pumped that I get to share that time with him. He has been taking a regular 4 and 5 steps to get to anything that he really wants, he is doing so good. He will fall or loose balance and he will get back up and keep going. He is a little champ! His 1 year doctors appt in on January 4th, so we shall find out then about his diet. He is a little guy. His weight isnt really increasing at all and hasnt for about 6 months. In 6 months, he has gone from 17 pounds to 19 pounds :(... And he started solids and formula 6 months ago. So it is strange, but he is growing in height, so that is good. We shall see how it goes, I am really anxious about it! I sure do love that little guy. He is one CUTE fellow!
Okay, I will try to post another blog tomorrow! I promise, I will try! If not, I am off all week so expect more than 1 or two!
Blog out!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
So finding the time to blog is not coming easy to me but it is encouraging when I go to church or a concert (at the church) or even just to work and people tell me "Hey, I love reading your blog", then I realize that I am not just doing this for myself, I doing this to keep people posted on Corbin's growth and Clynt and I's time (or lack there-of). A friend of mine does a 10 for Tuesday thing with random questions, and she answers them. I always look forward to them, so I think that I shall start doing that. Next Tuesday, if I remember, I shall copy Amanda (I think she copied from someone else also). So make sure to check back them.
Corbin LOVES our Christmas tree. We took pictures last night, but have not yet loaded them to my computer yet, so I will load tonight and share. But anyways, he loves the Christmas tree so much that he walked to it last night! He is not walking yet, so those 4 steps to get to the most shiny, glittery ornament on the tree was a big deal! He was sooo excited about it! I sure do love that little guy and everything that he manages to do new each day. He is one happy little dude! Although, if you have the pleasure of being around Corbin, it is funny, because he is much like his father and will just look at you and be very serious until he warms up. No crying, just seriousness, and it looks as if he is not a happy baby, but if you know him very well, he is a super happy baby, he just needs to know you. He is most defineately Clynt's child. His temperment and the way he wants to figure everything out is all Clynt. I just dont care about details, but he and Clynt are extremely detail oriented.
We are currently trying to firgure out if we have a left handed child. Clynt is left handed and Corbin is seeming to favor his left hand much more lately. Clynt is really hoping that it works out that way, but we shall see. Left handed people are a little more difficult. Quick story- Clynt and I were shopping at the big market in Seattle one time and I found some silverware that I just LOVED but it was curved. I didnt notice anything, I just though it was really cool and Clynt held it and it was super un-comforatable because it was designed for right handed people. It was a pay per setting set so I asked if we could get a couple settings for left-handed people and we were informed that they dont make them. Needless to say they didnt sell us any silverware, but that is when I realized that things are as easy for left-handed people. But I have learned the whole sit on a certain side of the table thing and all that now, so I think it would be fine and it is fun to be different. SOOOO it doesnt matter to me what hand Corbin is!
Anyways, I am waiting on the prints for Corbin's pictures to come so that I can send them out, along with some of his Christmas cards. Which by the way, the santa pictures went fine. He didnt smile, which did not suprise me, bc Corbin did not know Santa, but he didnt cry either, so I call that a success!
I hope that all of your holidays are going great and you are keeping in mind the reason for the season! Much love to you all!
Blog out! (thanks Amanda)
Corbin LOVES our Christmas tree. We took pictures last night, but have not yet loaded them to my computer yet, so I will load tonight and share. But anyways, he loves the Christmas tree so much that he walked to it last night! He is not walking yet, so those 4 steps to get to the most shiny, glittery ornament on the tree was a big deal! He was sooo excited about it! I sure do love that little guy and everything that he manages to do new each day. He is one happy little dude! Although, if you have the pleasure of being around Corbin, it is funny, because he is much like his father and will just look at you and be very serious until he warms up. No crying, just seriousness, and it looks as if he is not a happy baby, but if you know him very well, he is a super happy baby, he just needs to know you. He is most defineately Clynt's child. His temperment and the way he wants to figure everything out is all Clynt. I just dont care about details, but he and Clynt are extremely detail oriented.
We are currently trying to firgure out if we have a left handed child. Clynt is left handed and Corbin is seeming to favor his left hand much more lately. Clynt is really hoping that it works out that way, but we shall see. Left handed people are a little more difficult. Quick story- Clynt and I were shopping at the big market in Seattle one time and I found some silverware that I just LOVED but it was curved. I didnt notice anything, I just though it was really cool and Clynt held it and it was super un-comforatable because it was designed for right handed people. It was a pay per setting set so I asked if we could get a couple settings for left-handed people and we were informed that they dont make them. Needless to say they didnt sell us any silverware, but that is when I realized that things are as easy for left-handed people. But I have learned the whole sit on a certain side of the table thing and all that now, so I think it would be fine and it is fun to be different. SOOOO it doesnt matter to me what hand Corbin is!
Anyways, I am waiting on the prints for Corbin's pictures to come so that I can send them out, along with some of his Christmas cards. Which by the way, the santa pictures went fine. He didnt smile, which did not suprise me, bc Corbin did not know Santa, but he didnt cry either, so I call that a success!
I hope that all of your holidays are going great and you are keeping in mind the reason for the season! Much love to you all!
Blog out! (thanks Amanda)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Family Pictures
So I told you all that we went and had pictures taken last Sunday and I now have all the proofs. They are absolutely adorable. I had Corbin's Christmas cards made with the following pictures: 

I would upload a lot more but, the file sizes are very large so I really cant! The link to get to all the pictures is and our password is Waddell. I dont know how that is going to come out on the blog since I can only see numbers and letters. But oh well! I am very please with them, and I have bought all the rights, so now, all you have to do is click on it and download the original image and that will give you a good enough quality to order up to a 20X30, I think. Not that you would want to do that, but hey, I might!
Tonight is our twin neice's birthday party and the tomorrow is our friend's son Joshua's party. And then tomorrow night is Tour De Lites, which is a fundraiser that Keep Pearland Beautiful puts on for the Hike and Bike trails of Pearland. It is a bike ride, but there is always haywagons for those that dont want to ride, which is what Clynt, Corbin and i will be doing. You get to go through Green Tee and look a Christmas lights. Hopefully that will put us in the Christmas mood, because I really need to get moving and get my Christmas tree up! It is Corbin's 1st Christmas so I need to stop slacking! I am good at pictures and cards, which are going out today, but the decorating stuff gets to me. You have to get it alllll out and then in a couple of weeks, put it allll back up! What a waste. But you know that Christ was born and that is all the reason in the world to get off of my lazy butt! We need to all keep that in mind as the season;s are here, and just remember that Christmas is NOT about us. How about if you bake a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas day and give everyone a reminder that the day is about Jesus being born! I think that is what we will do. It will be a tradition! YAY!
Anyways, i hope that you enjoy Corbin's pictures! Until later!

I would upload a lot more but, the file sizes are very large so I really cant! The link to get to all the pictures is and our password is Waddell. I dont know how that is going to come out on the blog since I can only see numbers and letters. But oh well! I am very please with them, and I have bought all the rights, so now, all you have to do is click on it and download the original image and that will give you a good enough quality to order up to a 20X30, I think. Not that you would want to do that, but hey, I might!
Tonight is our twin neice's birthday party and the tomorrow is our friend's son Joshua's party. And then tomorrow night is Tour De Lites, which is a fundraiser that Keep Pearland Beautiful puts on for the Hike and Bike trails of Pearland. It is a bike ride, but there is always haywagons for those that dont want to ride, which is what Clynt, Corbin and i will be doing. You get to go through Green Tee and look a Christmas lights. Hopefully that will put us in the Christmas mood, because I really need to get moving and get my Christmas tree up! It is Corbin's 1st Christmas so I need to stop slacking! I am good at pictures and cards, which are going out today, but the decorating stuff gets to me. You have to get it alllll out and then in a couple of weeks, put it allll back up! What a waste. But you know that Christ was born and that is all the reason in the world to get off of my lazy butt! We need to all keep that in mind as the season;s are here, and just remember that Christmas is NOT about us. How about if you bake a birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas day and give everyone a reminder that the day is about Jesus being born! I think that is what we will do. It will be a tradition! YAY!
Anyways, i hope that you enjoy Corbin's pictures! Until later!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The party is over
I know, I know, it is Wednesday and I am just now getting to a blog about Corbin's party. The party went great, although it was somewhat chaiotic with over 40 people in attendance. Below are some pictures of how everything turned out. The cake stand and cake were AWESOME! Thanks SOOO mcuh Courtney! The sandwiches turned out really cute, and the crown was adorable too. However I forgot till the end of the party about the crown and Michelle reminded me, so we got a couple pictures, and that is okay! Considering the weather on Friday was a mess and we actually had a couple of inches of snow, we cancelled the moon walk. So that was no good, but hey, there was still snow outside so the bigs kids got to play in the snow. The little kids all played with Corbin's mounds of toys in our formal living/dining. Corbin has 3 friends that are all within 2 weeks of Corbin's age and they all seemed to play well together. They are all sooo cute!! Okay, so I am sure that you are waiting on the pictures! 

Corbin got lots of great gifts and we appreciate every last one of them.
Christmas time is upon us, and so is the money spending frenzy! I have got most of our Christmas shopping done, but we still have a final few items. We are going to try to get a Christmas tree tonight and take lots of pictures for Corbin's 1st Christmas. Speaking of pictures, we went to Sabrina K Photography and had Christmas, birthday, and family pictures taken. We were supposed to be outside, but once again the weather wasnt cooperating, so we did the studio thing. It was a little disappointing and Corbin didnt want to smile for anything, so I am interested to see how they turned out. I hope that we will get to see them by the end of the week, because I really need to get Christmas cards out, and thank you cards from the party!
We are still patiently awaiting Clynt's test results. It has now been 8 weeks, so I really hope that they will be here soon. I know Clynt hopes so too.
Well that is all for now!

Corbin got lots of great gifts and we appreciate every last one of them.
Christmas time is upon us, and so is the money spending frenzy! I have got most of our Christmas shopping done, but we still have a final few items. We are going to try to get a Christmas tree tonight and take lots of pictures for Corbin's 1st Christmas. Speaking of pictures, we went to Sabrina K Photography and had Christmas, birthday, and family pictures taken. We were supposed to be outside, but once again the weather wasnt cooperating, so we did the studio thing. It was a little disappointing and Corbin didnt want to smile for anything, so I am interested to see how they turned out. I hope that we will get to see them by the end of the week, because I really need to get Christmas cards out, and thank you cards from the party!
We are still patiently awaiting Clynt's test results. It has now been 8 weeks, so I really hope that they will be here soon. I know Clynt hopes so too.
Well that is all for now!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Corbin's Party
So the weather does not look that great for Saturday, so the kids that will be playing in the moonwalk will likely need sweaters or jackets, but hey, they are kids and will enjoy it all the same. I am going to attempt an applesauce cake in a giant cupcake pan for corbin's smash cake. But I have to actually make 2 because his pictures are going to be taken on Saturday and we will need the smash cake for the pictures also. Too much to do. I am going to try to burn a DVD with pictures of Corbin's 1st year, and play that on our TV during the party. I think that would be sweet. My good friend Courtney is making a Crown cake for the top of the cake stand that Clynt is building me. We will have cupcakes on the bottom layers and then the crown on the top. Should be cute. I am very excited.
Well Corbin took 3 steps yesterday. He will only take steps when he is paying attention to something else. He was going between two toys and had his eyes on them. He just falls into us when we stand in front of him to get him to come to us. He is a little goober! He will be taking off any day now though, and so I am enjoying these last few days of calmness.. Then it is going to be all on! He is one cute little man! i may be a little biased though :)
I found a new song that I just lo0ve! It is "How HE Loves" by the David Crowder Band. I had never heard of this song until we were in Alabama last week at Clynt's Cousin's Church and they were playing it for a skit they were doing and everyone was in tears. Then my mom bought me the new Wow! Christian CD and it was on there. It is an amazing son with amazing lyrics. You should defineately go check it out! If only we could Love like God loves! I think we should all try our hardests to love more! God is LOVE so why should we not love everyone?! Church this past weekend was all about that, and I am really wanting to make even greater of an effort to LOVE everyone. People make mistakes, but so do WE!
So, life is very good right now, and I hope that everyone elses holiday seasons are going great! I love all of you! Until next time!
Well Corbin took 3 steps yesterday. He will only take steps when he is paying attention to something else. He was going between two toys and had his eyes on them. He just falls into us when we stand in front of him to get him to come to us. He is a little goober! He will be taking off any day now though, and so I am enjoying these last few days of calmness.. Then it is going to be all on! He is one cute little man! i may be a little biased though :)
I found a new song that I just lo0ve! It is "How HE Loves" by the David Crowder Band. I had never heard of this song until we were in Alabama last week at Clynt's Cousin's Church and they were playing it for a skit they were doing and everyone was in tears. Then my mom bought me the new Wow! Christian CD and it was on there. It is an amazing son with amazing lyrics. You should defineately go check it out! If only we could Love like God loves! I think we should all try our hardests to love more! God is LOVE so why should we not love everyone?! Church this past weekend was all about that, and I am really wanting to make even greater of an effort to LOVE everyone. People make mistakes, but so do WE!
So, life is very good right now, and I hope that everyone elses holiday seasons are going great! I love all of you! Until next time!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I stink!
Wow! I dont believe that I havent done a blog in over 2 weeks. I am really bad. I always get into things with high hopes and it never fails that I let myself down. Well, it has bee a very busy past couple of weeks so this will likely be a long post!
For starters, Clynt and I decided to take a trip to Alabama to see some of Clynt's family that we have not seen in a while. Clynt, however, would not make up his mind about when he wanted to go so it was somewhat last minute. Meaning, plane ticket prices were extremely high and so we had to drive! We thought that driving at night would help this process because Corbin is a good sleeper. BUT- turns out that he does not like sitting up while he sleeps! So he was very irritable. He did no cry much but he was sick of having to sleep in a strange position and he let us know it! He would wake up and fuss, then he would go back to sleep and an hour later he would wake up to fuss. It was not too much fun! I thought that I was going to get to sleep and let Clynt sleep when we go there, but instead neither of us go any sleep until the next night! But when we got there we were able to visit many of the people that we would really enjoy to see more often. We stayed with Clynt's oldest brother, his wife and their 4 kiddos! They all enjoyed having Corbin around and spending the time with us. We went to see a different group of Clynt's family every day we were there. We really enjoyed our visits and are going to try to make it a point to go once a year. It was a nice trip but man was I tired of sitting in a car!
So we came home on Wednesday and Corbin had his first dental appt. I dont believe that I forgot to take a picture but he did REALLY well! This dental office was for pediatric dentistry and it was brand new so they had TV's above every bed so Corbin just chilled and watched whatever show was on the TV. He did very well. The dentist said his teeth look great and they will start semi-annual cleanings in 6 months! Seems early but to me teeth are too important to not take care of. My parents were always sticklers for teeth so I guess that is where I got it from!
Both my parents and Clynt's dad and Charlye were have Corbin withdrawals, I think, so we went and saw both of them on Wednesday also. They were so excited to see them and Corbin was excited to see them also. Corbin wont even come to me if he is in my dad's arms. Crazy, I know! But it is fun.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and we went to see Clynt's dad for breakfast. In Clynt's family Clynt's mom and stepdad get Thanksgiving as their BIG holiday and Clynt's dad and stepmom get Christmas as their big holiday. Even so, we still like to go see both of them on every holiday. They are all family so we want to be able to see them on important dates. So we went and had breakfast with his dad and Charlye, and then we went to Brady's Landing for lunch with his Mom and stepdad. BRady's Landing was very nice, however I ate like a FAT COW! It was delicicous and we always enjoy the visit. We were there almost 3 hours. It was very nice. Then we went to my parent's house for dinner. Needless to say, i have gained 3 pounds and I really want to lose it before doing it again for Christmas! It was a very nice Thanksgiving and the best part was that it was Corbin's 1st Thanksgiving. We even bought him a shirt a couple of months ago and forgot to put him in it! LOL. Oh well... Here is a picture of Rachel, Matt and Corbin on his first Thanksgiving!
So Friday, Clynt decides he is going to go shopping at 4 in the morning! Bless his heart! I had decided that I wanted a really nice camera so that I could start taking nicer pictures and not have to pay so many people to do so! So, the one that i decided I wanted was the Canon Rebel t1i, Consumer reports has it rated comparable to the Nikon D90 (which is several hundered dollars more). So Frys has the one that I want for $150 off, and I couldnt find any better deals anywhere. This came with a nice lense and so it was totally worth it. So Clynt went to Frys at 5 when they opened. But since he was going shopping for me, he decided he must go for himself also, so he got to Sears at 3:45 because their doors opened at 4. He was able to do my Christmas shopping for me! YAY! Now, the majority of our Christmas shopping is done, I think we have 2 people left, so we are doing much better than any year before.
Then Friday we rested the rest of the day. We hung out at my parents for a little while, but we just sat on our hineys. So, Saturday we ended up going to see Pam (Clytn's mom) and Steve. Here are a couple of pictures from my new camera:

So we have had a busy couple of weeks and this weekend is Corbin's birthday party. I am making Crown shaped sandwiches, chips and dip, and we will have a crown cake and cupcakes. Corbin will be having a Giant Cupcake make with applesauce cake. Then Corbin will be wearing a crown while we enjoy the moonwalk and open presents. I am sure it wont run as smoothly as I hope. I am just hoping that the weather will cooperate. As long as it is sunny and in the 60s, I think we should be okay, and the big kids will play outside with the moonwalk. Did I mention the moonwalk is a castle to stay with the theme! Should be fun, but it seems like I still have so much to do.
Hopefully I will get better at this blogging this. Until later!
For starters, Clynt and I decided to take a trip to Alabama to see some of Clynt's family that we have not seen in a while. Clynt, however, would not make up his mind about when he wanted to go so it was somewhat last minute. Meaning, plane ticket prices were extremely high and so we had to drive! We thought that driving at night would help this process because Corbin is a good sleeper. BUT- turns out that he does not like sitting up while he sleeps! So he was very irritable. He did no cry much but he was sick of having to sleep in a strange position and he let us know it! He would wake up and fuss, then he would go back to sleep and an hour later he would wake up to fuss. It was not too much fun! I thought that I was going to get to sleep and let Clynt sleep when we go there, but instead neither of us go any sleep until the next night! But when we got there we were able to visit many of the people that we would really enjoy to see more often. We stayed with Clynt's oldest brother, his wife and their 4 kiddos! They all enjoyed having Corbin around and spending the time with us. We went to see a different group of Clynt's family every day we were there. We really enjoyed our visits and are going to try to make it a point to go once a year. It was a nice trip but man was I tired of sitting in a car!
So we came home on Wednesday and Corbin had his first dental appt. I dont believe that I forgot to take a picture but he did REALLY well! This dental office was for pediatric dentistry and it was brand new so they had TV's above every bed so Corbin just chilled and watched whatever show was on the TV. He did very well. The dentist said his teeth look great and they will start semi-annual cleanings in 6 months! Seems early but to me teeth are too important to not take care of. My parents were always sticklers for teeth so I guess that is where I got it from!
Both my parents and Clynt's dad and Charlye were have Corbin withdrawals, I think, so we went and saw both of them on Wednesday also. They were so excited to see them and Corbin was excited to see them also. Corbin wont even come to me if he is in my dad's arms. Crazy, I know! But it is fun.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and we went to see Clynt's dad for breakfast. In Clynt's family Clynt's mom and stepdad get Thanksgiving as their BIG holiday and Clynt's dad and stepmom get Christmas as their big holiday. Even so, we still like to go see both of them on every holiday. They are all family so we want to be able to see them on important dates. So we went and had breakfast with his dad and Charlye, and then we went to Brady's Landing for lunch with his Mom and stepdad. BRady's Landing was very nice, however I ate like a FAT COW! It was delicicous and we always enjoy the visit. We were there almost 3 hours. It was very nice. Then we went to my parent's house for dinner. Needless to say, i have gained 3 pounds and I really want to lose it before doing it again for Christmas! It was a very nice Thanksgiving and the best part was that it was Corbin's 1st Thanksgiving. We even bought him a shirt a couple of months ago and forgot to put him in it! LOL. Oh well... Here is a picture of Rachel, Matt and Corbin on his first Thanksgiving!

So Friday, Clynt decides he is going to go shopping at 4 in the morning! Bless his heart! I had decided that I wanted a really nice camera so that I could start taking nicer pictures and not have to pay so many people to do so! So, the one that i decided I wanted was the Canon Rebel t1i, Consumer reports has it rated comparable to the Nikon D90 (which is several hundered dollars more). So Frys has the one that I want for $150 off, and I couldnt find any better deals anywhere. This came with a nice lense and so it was totally worth it. So Clynt went to Frys at 5 when they opened. But since he was going shopping for me, he decided he must go for himself also, so he got to Sears at 3:45 because their doors opened at 4. He was able to do my Christmas shopping for me! YAY! Now, the majority of our Christmas shopping is done, I think we have 2 people left, so we are doing much better than any year before.
Then Friday we rested the rest of the day. We hung out at my parents for a little while, but we just sat on our hineys. So, Saturday we ended up going to see Pam (Clytn's mom) and Steve. Here are a couple of pictures from my new camera:

So we have had a busy couple of weeks and this weekend is Corbin's birthday party. I am making Crown shaped sandwiches, chips and dip, and we will have a crown cake and cupcakes. Corbin will be having a Giant Cupcake make with applesauce cake. Then Corbin will be wearing a crown while we enjoy the moonwalk and open presents. I am sure it wont run as smoothly as I hope. I am just hoping that the weather will cooperate. As long as it is sunny and in the 60s, I think we should be okay, and the big kids will play outside with the moonwalk. Did I mention the moonwalk is a castle to stay with the theme! Should be fun, but it seems like I still have so much to do.
Hopefully I will get better at this blogging this. Until later!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The weekend
This weekend was a nice weekend. I had to work on Saturday morning, so Clynt and Corbin headed off to the beach to spend a little time with Clynt's dad. After work, I went and I got my nails done. I found a new little place that did a nice job, and they offered mimosas, champagne, wine, soft drinks, or whatever you wanted to drink. I enjoyed myself, but I sure do miss the men in my life when I am not with them! Afterwards I went to Ellies and I found the PERFECT crown for Corbin's party. It is way too cute! I am so excited. About his party, we are still trying to plan it, but things are coming along. My girlfriend, Courtney is trying to come up with a way to do a homeade crown cake. She is very creative and so I am sure she will figure it out. I am starting to think that sandweiches will be the best option for our guests, so I was thinking about getting a crown cookie cutter and making little crowns! Wouldnt that be cute!
Okay, so the rest of the weekend. We ended up having a couple of our friends over for dinner on Saturday and then on Sunday we got up and went to church. Then we went and had a wonderful lunch at my parent's house. It was yummy and Corbin is always the hit of the party! Then we went with our CARE group to do a service project. We went downt ot he Brazoria County Alliance for Children in Angleton and we wrapped birthday presents for the foster kids of Brazoria County. This is a wonderful organization and we were able to learn more about it while we were there. It was very nice and we all had a really good time. Then what would CARE group be without dinner? So we went to Johnny Carino's and enjoyed dinner with many of our best friends! We always have a goodt ime when everyone is around. But this particular time was a little sad, because one of the couples was unable to be with us being she found out that he father has Lymphoma. They were at the hospital with him while they run tests to find out what stage it is at and what the treatment plan is. Please keep their family in your prayers! They are very much needed, but they are all very strong in the faith and know that God is walking with them through every step of the way.
We are headed to Alabama at the end out the week, so we are excited. We will get to see much of Clynt's family that we do not see on a regular basis and are very excited about that. Traveling gives me anxiety though, so please pray for safe travels and happy spirits for us. Corbin is going to be able to meet uncles and aunts that he has not met yet, so we are very pumped about it.
Well I hope everyone's weekend was good. Until later!
Okay, so the rest of the weekend. We ended up having a couple of our friends over for dinner on Saturday and then on Sunday we got up and went to church. Then we went and had a wonderful lunch at my parent's house. It was yummy and Corbin is always the hit of the party! Then we went with our CARE group to do a service project. We went downt ot he Brazoria County Alliance for Children in Angleton and we wrapped birthday presents for the foster kids of Brazoria County. This is a wonderful organization and we were able to learn more about it while we were there. It was very nice and we all had a really good time. Then what would CARE group be without dinner? So we went to Johnny Carino's and enjoyed dinner with many of our best friends! We always have a goodt ime when everyone is around. But this particular time was a little sad, because one of the couples was unable to be with us being she found out that he father has Lymphoma. They were at the hospital with him while they run tests to find out what stage it is at and what the treatment plan is. Please keep their family in your prayers! They are very much needed, but they are all very strong in the faith and know that God is walking with them through every step of the way.
We are headed to Alabama at the end out the week, so we are excited. We will get to see much of Clynt's family that we do not see on a regular basis and are very excited about that. Traveling gives me anxiety though, so please pray for safe travels and happy spirits for us. Corbin is going to be able to meet uncles and aunts that he has not met yet, so we are very pumped about it.
Well I hope everyone's weekend was good. Until later!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Its almost Weekend!
So, I dont know if all of you know what I do for a living, other than being a Christian, a mom and a wife. I am also the Assistant Director for Keep Pearland Beautiful which is a non-profit environmental organization. Clynt has always the more eco-friendly one of us but since getting my job last August, i have become very eco-friendly. All of my friends think I am some what nutty, but I never understand any of the importance of being this way until I began going to seminars and such about shortages and issues that we are facing in the world today. Now I wont get into all of it or anything, but i wanted to share what I do with my life outside of my family. With Corbin, I do everything that I can to be natural, and I also try the same with Clynt. I want for us to grow old and healthy together, and I want for the world to be wonderful for Corbin when he has kids and grand-kids. Pearland does an excellent job with recycling and things are only going to get better in the future and I enjoy the fact that I am part of all of that.
The only downside to this job that I have is that I have to work more than 40 hours occasionally. Like tomorrow! It is Texas Recycles Day and we are celebrating it in Pearland with an event out at the Stella Roberts Recycling Center. So my weekend is already a little full. Then on Sunday, our CARE group is going to go wrap gifts for all the foster children with birthdays in December. This should be nice, and we are all excited to serve. That, after all, is what we are put here to do! Life is good.
Corbin is doing well since his surgery, he is getting better, and the stiches are for the most part gone. He has been a little cranky but not too bad, I jsut think that certain ways he is held bothers him, which is COMPLETELY understandable! He goes back for a check up next week. Last night, i stood Corbin up and he stood there for about a minute and half looking at clynt and I like "what am I supposed to do now", then he TOOK A STEP and lunged at me! LOL! It was too cute. It wont be long and he will be running around like crazy! It seems like yesterday that he was born.. He is getting big so fast!
So it doesnt look like Clynt is going to have to leave any time in the next month or so but he may have to after that. Things are all still in the air to see what they can get done remotely before having to travel. This is okay with me, because at least he will not be gone during the holidays!
On another good note. My girlfriend that made Corbin's b-day invitations now has photoshop! She totally deserved this and I am pumped and thinking of things that she can make me! Everytime I see a really cool picture or anything, I think to myself, I bet Amanda can make that!! LOL! I am pumped for her though, seriously!
Well that is enough for now. I hope everyone has had a great week!
The only downside to this job that I have is that I have to work more than 40 hours occasionally. Like tomorrow! It is Texas Recycles Day and we are celebrating it in Pearland with an event out at the Stella Roberts Recycling Center. So my weekend is already a little full. Then on Sunday, our CARE group is going to go wrap gifts for all the foster children with birthdays in December. This should be nice, and we are all excited to serve. That, after all, is what we are put here to do! Life is good.
Corbin is doing well since his surgery, he is getting better, and the stiches are for the most part gone. He has been a little cranky but not too bad, I jsut think that certain ways he is held bothers him, which is COMPLETELY understandable! He goes back for a check up next week. Last night, i stood Corbin up and he stood there for about a minute and half looking at clynt and I like "what am I supposed to do now", then he TOOK A STEP and lunged at me! LOL! It was too cute. It wont be long and he will be running around like crazy! It seems like yesterday that he was born.. He is getting big so fast!
So it doesnt look like Clynt is going to have to leave any time in the next month or so but he may have to after that. Things are all still in the air to see what they can get done remotely before having to travel. This is okay with me, because at least he will not be gone during the holidays!
On another good note. My girlfriend that made Corbin's b-day invitations now has photoshop! She totally deserved this and I am pumped and thinking of things that she can make me! Everytime I see a really cool picture or anything, I think to myself, I bet Amanda can make that!! LOL! I am pumped for her though, seriously!
Well that is enough for now. I hope everyone has had a great week!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
This Week
Man, I am bad. I only have this for a week and I already slack off! Much has happened since I last spoke with yall! To start Corbin didnt take Sunday night very well. We had to take the bandaging off of his little thing, and it was very painful for him. Pam was staying the night that night, and it took her talking to Corbin, me holding his arms and legs, and Clynt tryting to take the casing off in order to actually get it off. And it was stuck a little so Clynt had to pulled one some of it and corbin was SCREAMING! If you know Corbin at all, he is not one to cry much, but ever since we took it off, he has been a little cranky. He has cried more in the last couple of days than he had in his whole life. It is really sad and it breaks my heart! :( Poor little guy! But he is doing well other than that. He is starting to talk a little more, but only when people arent listening. If it is just us in the room, he will mimic me and talk to me and it is way too cute, but if other people are around he gets shy. He is such a cutie!!
Clynt has helped to design some sort of software at work and was told Monday that they need him to go to the UK to help train their contractors on the software. I really dont want him to leave but I know it is good for him and his career. However, it now looks like the trip will be postponed a while and it may entail more than just one stop, it may entail going to other users of the programs for support of the program. So now we are just holding our breath! It should all turn out fine though... Everything is all in God's timing and in his Will!
Last night, I had a Scentsy Candles, and Premier Jewelry party at my house. Some of my friends and family came and bought some beautiful stuff. It turned out nice, however, it was crazy at my house. There were 6 kids running around and it was a mess and I dont do well with Chaios so I was starting to sweat, and worry about everything. But in the end it was nice, and it was helping a couple of my good friends out! That was what it was all about.
I am still planning Corbin's party. The invitations are done, and that is still about it. I really need to order the other stuff tonight! Someone remind me please! I have Corbin's class tonight from 6:00-6:45 and then I will go home and do that. I am just too busy lately. I cant wait to leave next Friday to go on vacation for a little while. It will be nice to get away. I am going to try to be good about doing this more often... I just get caught up in life.
Until tomorrow (hopefully!)
Clynt has helped to design some sort of software at work and was told Monday that they need him to go to the UK to help train their contractors on the software. I really dont want him to leave but I know it is good for him and his career. However, it now looks like the trip will be postponed a while and it may entail more than just one stop, it may entail going to other users of the programs for support of the program. So now we are just holding our breath! It should all turn out fine though... Everything is all in God's timing and in his Will!
Last night, I had a Scentsy Candles, and Premier Jewelry party at my house. Some of my friends and family came and bought some beautiful stuff. It turned out nice, however, it was crazy at my house. There were 6 kids running around and it was a mess and I dont do well with Chaios so I was starting to sweat, and worry about everything. But in the end it was nice, and it was helping a couple of my good friends out! That was what it was all about.
I am still planning Corbin's party. The invitations are done, and that is still about it. I really need to order the other stuff tonight! Someone remind me please! I have Corbin's class tonight from 6:00-6:45 and then I will go home and do that. I am just too busy lately. I cant wait to leave next Friday to go on vacation for a little while. It will be nice to get away. I am going to try to be good about doing this more often... I just get caught up in life.
Until tomorrow (hopefully!)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The day after
Corbin is doing great! He is such a trooper, and I am definately blessed. I left his pants off of him last night, thinking that he would be getting up often and it would be easier to just change the diaper with out having to remove a onsie of pants. However, I was wrong. He did not get up in the middle of the, but he did manage to get the diaper off and so we had pee and poop all over his bed this morning! His sheets are nice a clean now and he is napping in his crib, but he was pretty smelly this morning. He has been so happy and good all day long! I love it! He still has bandaging around it and we are having to keep the top of it covered in neosporin, but all is well. YAY!
Our niece, Sydney, had he 8th birthday party today at the skating rink, so we took a trip over there for the day. She had a good party, and we had a good time too. I have decided that instead of gift bags, I am going to give reuseable shopping bags, and the moms seem to love it! And I like being green too! Speaking of birthday parties, I have to get on the ball for Corbin's. I dont like last minute stuff but Iit seems like that is where Im going to be. Since we are doing the prince thing, I need to find a cake or something in the shape of a crown. Im sure it will be easy enough, I just need to spend the time to look. I also need to order the darn moon walk. Oh well...
I need to get to purchasing the birthday stuff, so I will be on later to blog a little more! Much love!
Our niece, Sydney, had he 8th birthday party today at the skating rink, so we took a trip over there for the day. She had a good party, and we had a good time too. I have decided that instead of gift bags, I am going to give reuseable shopping bags, and the moms seem to love it! And I like being green too! Speaking of birthday parties, I have to get on the ball for Corbin's. I dont like last minute stuff but Iit seems like that is where Im going to be. Since we are doing the prince thing, I need to find a cake or something in the shape of a crown. Im sure it will be easy enough, I just need to spend the time to look. I also need to order the darn moon walk. Oh well...
I need to get to purchasing the birthday stuff, so I will be on later to blog a little more! Much love!
Friday, November 6, 2009
So, we are home from the hospital. I am exhausted, but oh so very happy that everything went good. So our day has gone like this: We got up at about 5:30 and got ready and packed for the day, because we didnt know what to expect as far as long he would be there and what he would eat after the procedure. We wake Corbin up at 6:30 and give him some pedialite, because past midnight he couldnt have any food and past 7:00am he couldnt have any clear liquids either, so I was trying to fill him up with liquids right before the deadline. He didnt want much though, but anything was better than nothing. We get to Texas Children's at about 7:15. They check him in and then we get registered and everything. Then at about 8:45 we go to the holding room and sit there until 9:45 for the doctor and anesteshiaologist to come and tell us what was going to happen. They tell us that they will start with a gas and then insert an IV and then they were going to do a block, similar to an epidural, and that they surgery should last about an hour. Then they took him away and they was SOOO sad! I was in tears at that point. Clynt's mom, dad, and step-mom were all there. My parents we both in meetings and came as soon as they could. We got called back right at about an hour and were SO excited to see him! He was being given a bottle of pedialite when we got in but he had still not yet opened his eyes. It took a little while, and a couple of bottle later, then he opened his eyes. He fussed a little while and then he went back to sleep. Then the doctor finally came by and said the surgery went well but that there were a LOT of adhesions and it would take 2-3 months for the swelling to go down. Then they gave us the details on keeping it safe and they let us go. We slept a lot for a while and now is a wild child! Way more than he was even yesterday. Generally we have a very calm child, but this afternoon he is ALL over. He is happy as can be! What a blessing that is. I thought the next couple of days would be miserable but if all continues the same, it was well. Thank you to everyone who kept him in your prayers and thank you to the wonderful Texas Children's Hospital and also thank you to Doctor Milewitz for fixing our son's junk. Here is a picture of him playing in the waiting room in his very cute scrubs!!

Well, now, I will make this statement out loud, "If Clynt thinks something is wrong on Corbin, I will listen to him to begin with", if I had done this originally, we may not have been in this situation! But I didnt know.. :( Oh yea, Corbin was standing all by himself today at the hospital, he was having so much fun playing with all the new toys and he didnt know what he was doing while he was holding a big puzzle piece. It was so cute when he noticed and he sat right down! LOL!
Thank you Lord for everything you have blessed me and my family with! Today went smoother than I could have ever imagine and I know that was all in your will!
Well, like I said, my little man is wild right now, so I need to tend to him. Clynt has run to take all of our recycling to the recycle center, so we are on our own! WooHoo! JK!
Much Love!

Well, now, I will make this statement out loud, "If Clynt thinks something is wrong on Corbin, I will listen to him to begin with", if I had done this originally, we may not have been in this situation! But I didnt know.. :( Oh yea, Corbin was standing all by himself today at the hospital, he was having so much fun playing with all the new toys and he didnt know what he was doing while he was holding a big puzzle piece. It was so cute when he noticed and he sat right down! LOL!
Thank you Lord for everything you have blessed me and my family with! Today went smoother than I could have ever imagine and I know that was all in your will!
Well, like I said, my little man is wild right now, so I need to tend to him. Clynt has run to take all of our recycling to the recycle center, so we are on our own! WooHoo! JK!
Much Love!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mommy and Me
Last night, Corbin and I (and Clynt) started going to a class for babies! Jeff and Lindsey and Joshua also joined. It was interesting. At first, I thought, oh my, but then it really turned out neat. I think Corbin was definately stimulated and the important part was that he was around other children similar in age. Clynt doesnt want to ever return but Jeff has to go because Lindsey and pregnant, so I think Clynt is now going to be suckered in to going all the time! It is only once a week so it is no big deal. He can live!
Corbin's surgery is tomorrow. It is going to be at 9:30am and he can not eat ANYTHING past midnight tonight! That is goin to be fun. I am sure that he will be starving come 8 or 9 in the morning. Oh well. I am very emotional about the whole thing, so I cannot wait for this to be over! :(
I dont really have much time to blog this morning, so I just want to say to remember to thank the Lord everyday for all the things that you have! Everything is a BLESSING!
Corbin's surgery is tomorrow. It is going to be at 9:30am and he can not eat ANYTHING past midnight tonight! That is goin to be fun. I am sure that he will be starving come 8 or 9 in the morning. Oh well. I am very emotional about the whole thing, so I cannot wait for this to be over! :(
I dont really have much time to blog this morning, so I just want to say to remember to thank the Lord everyday for all the things that you have! Everything is a BLESSING!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It seems like I have been going to the doctor a lot lately, which is not very fun, but I need to feel better. They have found several things that are just deficient in my body, so I need to be on supplements. She asked me yesterday when I went in for results, "Haven't you been extremely tired lately?", to which I replied, "I am simply a lazy person!", she laughed and when on to give me more prescriptions and vitamins to help. So I am hoping that in the next few days, I am a bit more perky!. I think Clynt is hoping the same! I do a good job at coming home and cooking every night, although Clynt is jealous because this all started again since Corbin is needing more table food! But, I am back in the kitchen full stream, and it makes me feel good about myself. Both my husband and Corbin LOVE my cooking and it makes me happy to be able to do something for them that they are unable to do on their own. This is good!
I dont think that I have really talked about Corbin too much in my last blogs which is weird because that is why I started the blog, to fill everyone in on his life. Well, Corbin is 10 months old now and is still a pretty small guy. His weight is in the 10-15% which is low, but hey Clynt is a small guy so I didnt expect much more. Plus Corbin was exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of his life and didnt have ANY solids (not even cereal) until that point. So it took him a while to catch on to the food thing, so we are hoping that he will gain a little more weight now that he is eating well. He is crawling like a mad man now, and he says "mama", "dada", "baba", and many other things and he is mimicing some, he amazingly enough has said, "pupu" (purple), and "kitty" when we have repeated it many times to him. He is a pretty smart little kiddo. However the child has no desire to walk, I dont think. He will walk behind a push toy and then he will realize that he is much faster to get down and crawl where he wants to go. He is cruising around the tables and stuff but it is the same thing, he will see something on the other side that he wants NOW and it is much faster for him to get down adn crawl. He will walk in his own time but, he is definately Clynt's son. He thinks about EVERYTHING before he does it! It is way too cute! He is a very happy and docile child. He rarely will cry about anything, unless he is hungry! Some friends of ours (Robin and Ben) have a little boy only a week older than Corbin. He is much larger than Corbin and he is much mroe active! He is a cutie too! But he will come and knock on Corbin's head with a toy (just to play) and Corbin will just look at him and never make a peep. It is so funny to watch how all kids are so different! They are too cute!
Now a little on Clynt. Clynt is doing very well! He LOVES having a little boy. No one thought that we would have a boy (especially on our first shot) because Clynt has many syblings and lots of neices! He has one brother with 4 girls, 1 that has 3 girls and the youngest a boy, and then he has a sister with 2 girls. So it did not run in the family to have boys, but Clynt is SOOO happy that it turned out that way. We went and voted last night and he HAD to hold Corbin in the voting booth because that was his boy and he needed to vote with him! I wouldnt be suprised if Corbin was the one to actually pick which propositions he was vote for and against! But Clynt's job didnt look very secure for a while, which had us both a little worried, but now he is doing some project management work just so that he has work to do. For those of you who dont know, clynt is by profession an engineer. He is really enjoying PM but it is much different than what he is used to and he isnt dealing with numbers all the time. Clynt loves numbers! He is glad to be getting a wide range of experience though and he has a stable job right now. The project is a huge one so he will likely be on it for a while.
Yesterday, my sister was not talking to me, and I thought that she was mad at me about something, but it turns out that she has been working around the clock because she is super busy at school (teaching). They are sending her to special ed training this week, and I hope that she really likes it. So please put her in your prayers because she is having to handle a lot lately, with her move back to Houston and all.
Anyhow, everyone is doing good.. so I guess that is all for now! Until tomorrow!
I dont think that I have really talked about Corbin too much in my last blogs which is weird because that is why I started the blog, to fill everyone in on his life. Well, Corbin is 10 months old now and is still a pretty small guy. His weight is in the 10-15% which is low, but hey Clynt is a small guy so I didnt expect much more. Plus Corbin was exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of his life and didnt have ANY solids (not even cereal) until that point. So it took him a while to catch on to the food thing, so we are hoping that he will gain a little more weight now that he is eating well. He is crawling like a mad man now, and he says "mama", "dada", "baba", and many other things and he is mimicing some, he amazingly enough has said, "pupu" (purple), and "kitty" when we have repeated it many times to him. He is a pretty smart little kiddo. However the child has no desire to walk, I dont think. He will walk behind a push toy and then he will realize that he is much faster to get down and crawl where he wants to go. He is cruising around the tables and stuff but it is the same thing, he will see something on the other side that he wants NOW and it is much faster for him to get down adn crawl. He will walk in his own time but, he is definately Clynt's son. He thinks about EVERYTHING before he does it! It is way too cute! He is a very happy and docile child. He rarely will cry about anything, unless he is hungry! Some friends of ours (Robin and Ben) have a little boy only a week older than Corbin. He is much larger than Corbin and he is much mroe active! He is a cutie too! But he will come and knock on Corbin's head with a toy (just to play) and Corbin will just look at him and never make a peep. It is so funny to watch how all kids are so different! They are too cute!
Now a little on Clynt. Clynt is doing very well! He LOVES having a little boy. No one thought that we would have a boy (especially on our first shot) because Clynt has many syblings and lots of neices! He has one brother with 4 girls, 1 that has 3 girls and the youngest a boy, and then he has a sister with 2 girls. So it did not run in the family to have boys, but Clynt is SOOO happy that it turned out that way. We went and voted last night and he HAD to hold Corbin in the voting booth because that was his boy and he needed to vote with him! I wouldnt be suprised if Corbin was the one to actually pick which propositions he was vote for and against! But Clynt's job didnt look very secure for a while, which had us both a little worried, but now he is doing some project management work just so that he has work to do. For those of you who dont know, clynt is by profession an engineer. He is really enjoying PM but it is much different than what he is used to and he isnt dealing with numbers all the time. Clynt loves numbers! He is glad to be getting a wide range of experience though and he has a stable job right now. The project is a huge one so he will likely be on it for a while.
Yesterday, my sister was not talking to me, and I thought that she was mad at me about something, but it turns out that she has been working around the clock because she is super busy at school (teaching). They are sending her to special ed training this week, and I hope that she really likes it. So please put her in your prayers because she is having to handle a lot lately, with her move back to Houston and all.
Anyhow, everyone is doing good.. so I guess that is all for now! Until tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So, as I was reading my new blog to Clynt last night, he wanted to know why I did not talk about our past weekend. So, here we go. This past weekend was Corbin's 1st ever Halloween! He was a monster. Too CUTE! He was a very cute monster as you can tell from the picture that is posted somewhere in the blog! Im still new at the whole thing!
Anyways, so on Friday night, we went with a couple of our good friends, Jeff and Lindsey and also Joshua, to Casa Ole to eat dinner and then to the Fall Festival at the YMCA. It was lots of fun, although Corbin was OUT in a matter of, ummm... 5 minutes!. He was still a very cute sleeping monster! Although, not very scary. We had Michael with us though, so it made the Festival a little more kiddsie for us. Then we all went home. The next day we took Michael and Corbin with us to the Bayou City Famer's Market Festival. Rachel also joined us and we got veggies, bread, and coffee. It was a nice little trip. We all enjouyed ourselves.
Now, a pause in our weekend to tell you about the Waddell family a little bit. Clynt's mom has a passion for horses and the country. She and her husband, Steve, have lived very close to us in Pearland and have also had property a couple of hours a way, where they have kept their horses. Well they have recently sold their house near us to permanently stay up in the country. It is good for them, but it is also mixed emotions for us because now we do not get to see them very much at all. About the same time of them selling their house in Pearland, Clynt's dad and his wife, Charlye, bought a beach house in Galveston. Not too far away but enough to where it takes a day out of our already crammed weekend to go see them. So needless to say, we are spending much our week trying to plan time to be able to spend with Clynt's family. They are all great people and they really deserve the time alone that they are now able to get with their spouses and we are thrilled for their ability to do so, however, it just makes it hard to be able to see as much of the family as we would like to.
Okay, so back to our weekend. We decided to take the trip to Clynt's Mom's place on Saturday afternoon. Steve is working out of town and so Pam is often times alone on that big Ranch. So, we took Corbin and headed for the country. I, who has not ridden a horse in a very long time, decided that it was time to get back into it. I had a wonderful time, however I am very sore now. Corbin also loved the animals out there and would wave at them every time they walked by. (Corbin is a HUGE waver now, and it is SOOOO CUTE). Clynt decided to get on a very stubborn horse that is not riden ever. The horse did great for a little while and he finally got very frustred with Clynt making him mind and so he started bucking. Clynt also has a passion for animals and he is not at all scared of them, so he kept pushing the horse. BJ (the horse) simply stoped moving, so that was the end of his ride for the day. After lunch, Clynt, I, and Corbin packed up our stuff and headed out so that we could get home in time for CARE group.
On to Corbin... Some of you may not know that corbin's circumcision was done incorrectly the first time around, so now he must undergo surgery to get it repaired. He will be under 3 types of anesteshia so that he will wake up faster, but I am still scared to death. I am sooo sad that he has to go through this at only 10 months old. But, the surgery is Friday so I will keep you all posted!
His birthday party is going to be on Dec. 5th. Yes I know his actual birthday is on the 29th, however I just dont want to get into the rush of the holidays. And, for those of you who dont know, Corbin was born on Clynt's and I's first anniversary, so while Corbin's is young enough to not know the difference, I would like to actually have an anniversary! Last year was not so romantic! LOL! A friend of mine created this AMAZING invitation for Corbin's party:

I hope you can see the picture of it. I dont believe how creative some people can be. Amanda, you are wonderful!!! Corbin is going to be a prince for his birthday, crown and all (well it is a plush crown, but a crown, the same!). It shall be wonderful!
I guess that is enough for now. I hope you all are enjoying. And I just have to say, as someone who as only ever read blogs, I would never click on the follow section, because I didnt want for anyone to think that I was stalking them! Sounds crazy, I know, but if you are reading this (MOM!) and feel that way, please dont! I want to see the followers so that I know this is worth my time!
Until tomorrow!
Monday, November 2, 2009
My first blog
Well, I have a friend, whom I have known forever, which I keep up with from her blog. She is an amazing writer so I am sure that I will not do as good of a job as her, but hey, I will try. This is the first time that I have ever done any sort of journaling in many many years so please bear with me.
I guess that I can start with the basics. You probably know that I am married to a wonderful man named Clynt Waddell, and I have a wonderful 10 month old son named Corbin. They are both the loves of my life. We all go to New Hope Church and have a wonderful group of friends there. Many of which are in a CARE group with us. Our CARE group is full of jokes and fun, and or course worship and faith! We are so blessed to have all of them in our lifes.
So life these days, I am having a hard time keeping up with people. We have been going and going and with me working full time, it makes it really hard to keep up with many of the people that I oh so much care about. If you are one of those people, please forgive me. Corbin takes a lot of attention, and I am trying so hard to do everything right in his life. I find myself spending more than necessary amounts of time to cook special food for him, trying to make sure that he is in every possible socializing thing that he can be in, and just never leaving his side. I have a hard time bc I work and I dont want to leave Corbin the rest of the time that I am not working.
Clynt was spending many many hours studying for his EIT/FE exam recently and actually took the test last weekend. I am SOOO glad it is over, but it takes 12 weeks to get the results. How rediculous is that?!? Man! So we are patiently waiting the answer. Clynt is also wanting to do everything perfect in his life and is now wanting to attempt Rice U's MBA program. I am praying about this because my personally feeling is that I do not want him away from the family that much, but I know that he only wants to do it to better the lifes of Corbin and I. I dont know what I think yet.
Anyways, I dont know if this is a good blog or not, but I will try to keep up with this thing as much as I can around everything else that I have going on in the crazy "Life as a Waddell".
I guess that I can start with the basics. You probably know that I am married to a wonderful man named Clynt Waddell, and I have a wonderful 10 month old son named Corbin. They are both the loves of my life. We all go to New Hope Church and have a wonderful group of friends there. Many of which are in a CARE group with us. Our CARE group is full of jokes and fun, and or course worship and faith! We are so blessed to have all of them in our lifes.
So life these days, I am having a hard time keeping up with people. We have been going and going and with me working full time, it makes it really hard to keep up with many of the people that I oh so much care about. If you are one of those people, please forgive me. Corbin takes a lot of attention, and I am trying so hard to do everything right in his life. I find myself spending more than necessary amounts of time to cook special food for him, trying to make sure that he is in every possible socializing thing that he can be in, and just never leaving his side. I have a hard time bc I work and I dont want to leave Corbin the rest of the time that I am not working.
Clynt was spending many many hours studying for his EIT/FE exam recently and actually took the test last weekend. I am SOOO glad it is over, but it takes 12 weeks to get the results. How rediculous is that?!? Man! So we are patiently waiting the answer. Clynt is also wanting to do everything perfect in his life and is now wanting to attempt Rice U's MBA program. I am praying about this because my personally feeling is that I do not want him away from the family that much, but I know that he only wants to do it to better the lifes of Corbin and I. I dont know what I think yet.
Anyways, I dont know if this is a good blog or not, but I will try to keep up with this thing as much as I can around everything else that I have going on in the crazy "Life as a Waddell".
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