Man, I am bad. I only have this for a week and I already slack off! Much has happened since I last spoke with yall! To start Corbin didnt take Sunday night very well. We had to take the bandaging off of his little thing, and it was very painful for him. Pam was staying the night that night, and it took her talking to Corbin, me holding his arms and legs, and Clynt tryting to take the casing off in order to actually get it off. And it was stuck a little so Clynt had to pulled one some of it and corbin was SCREAMING! If you know Corbin at all, he is not one to cry much, but ever since we took it off, he has been a little cranky. He has cried more in the last couple of days than he had in his whole life. It is really sad and it breaks my heart! :( Poor little guy! But he is doing well other than that. He is starting to talk a little more, but only when people arent listening. If it is just us in the room, he will mimic me and talk to me and it is way too cute, but if other people are around he gets shy. He is such a cutie!!
Clynt has helped to design some sort of software at work and was told Monday that they need him to go to the UK to help train their contractors on the software. I really dont want him to leave but I know it is good for him and his career. However, it now looks like the trip will be postponed a while and it may entail more than just one stop, it may entail going to other users of the programs for support of the program. So now we are just holding our breath! It should all turn out fine though... Everything is all in God's timing and in his Will!
Last night, I had a Scentsy Candles, and Premier Jewelry party at my house. Some of my friends and family came and bought some beautiful stuff. It turned out nice, however, it was crazy at my house. There were 6 kids running around and it was a mess and I dont do well with Chaios so I was starting to sweat, and worry about everything. But in the end it was nice, and it was helping a couple of my good friends out! That was what it was all about.
I am still planning Corbin's party. The invitations are done, and that is still about it. I really need to order the other stuff tonight! Someone remind me please! I have Corbin's class tonight from 6:00-6:45 and then I will go home and do that. I am just too busy lately. I cant wait to leave next Friday to go on vacation for a little while. It will be nice to get away. I am going to try to be good about doing this more often... I just get caught up in life.
Until tomorrow (hopefully!)
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