Friday, November 13, 2009

Its almost Weekend!

So, I dont know if all of you know what I do for a living, other than being a Christian, a mom and a wife. I am also the Assistant Director for Keep Pearland Beautiful which is a non-profit environmental organization. Clynt has always the more eco-friendly one of us but since getting my job last August, i have become very eco-friendly. All of my friends think I am some what nutty, but I never understand any of the importance of being this way until I began going to seminars and such about shortages and issues that we are facing in the world today. Now I wont get into all of it or anything, but i wanted to share what I do with my life outside of my family. With Corbin, I do everything that I can to be natural, and I also try the same with Clynt. I want for us to grow old and healthy together, and I want for the world to be wonderful for Corbin when he has kids and grand-kids. Pearland does an excellent job with recycling and things are only going to get better in the future and I enjoy the fact that I am part of all of that.

The only downside to this job that I have is that I have to work more than 40 hours occasionally. Like tomorrow! It is Texas Recycles Day and we are celebrating it in Pearland with an event out at the Stella Roberts Recycling Center. So my weekend is already a little full. Then on Sunday, our CARE group is going to go wrap gifts for all the foster children with birthdays in December. This should be nice, and we are all excited to serve. That, after all, is what we are put here to do! Life is good.

Corbin is doing well since his surgery, he is getting better, and the stiches are for the most part gone. He has been a little cranky but not too bad, I jsut think that certain ways he is held bothers him, which is COMPLETELY understandable! He goes back for a check up next week. Last night, i stood Corbin up and he stood there for about a minute and half looking at clynt and I like "what am I supposed to do now", then he TOOK A STEP and lunged at me! LOL! It was too cute. It wont be long and he will be running around like crazy! It seems like yesterday that he was born.. He is getting big so fast!

So it doesnt look like Clynt is going to have to leave any time in the next month or so but he may have to after that. Things are all still in the air to see what they can get done remotely before having to travel. This is okay with me, because at least he will not be gone during the holidays!

On another good note. My girlfriend that made Corbin's b-day invitations now has photoshop! She totally deserved this and I am pumped and thinking of things that she can make me! Everytime I see a really cool picture or anything, I think to myself, I bet Amanda can make that!! LOL! I am pumped for her though, seriously!

Well that is enough for now. I hope everyone has had a great week!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome'll have to show me some of your "natural" ways when we are neighbors. Reagan and I could probably be better about that!
