So, as I was reading my new blog to Clynt last night, he wanted to know why I did not talk about our past weekend. So, here we go. This past weekend was Corbin's 1st ever Halloween! He was a monster. Too CUTE! He was a very cute monster as you can tell from the picture that is posted somewhere in the blog! Im still new at the whole thing!
Anyways, so on Friday night, we went with a couple of our good friends, Jeff and Lindsey and also Joshua, to Casa Ole to eat dinner and then to the Fall Festival at the YMCA. It was lots of fun, although Corbin was OUT in a matter of, ummm... 5 minutes!. He was still a very cute sleeping monster! Although, not very scary. We had Michael with us though, so it made the Festival a little more kiddsie for us. Then we all went home. The next day we took Michael and Corbin with us to the Bayou City Famer's Market Festival. Rachel also joined us and we got veggies, bread, and coffee. It was a nice little trip. We all enjouyed ourselves.
Now, a pause in our weekend to tell you about the Waddell family a little bit. Clynt's mom has a passion for horses and the country. She and her husband, Steve, have lived very close to us in Pearland and have also had property a couple of hours a way, where they have kept their horses. Well they have recently sold their house near us to permanently stay up in the country. It is good for them, but it is also mixed emotions for us because now we do not get to see them very much at all. About the same time of them selling their house in Pearland, Clynt's dad and his wife, Charlye, bought a beach house in Galveston. Not too far away but enough to where it takes a day out of our already crammed weekend to go see them. So needless to say, we are spending much our week trying to plan time to be able to spend with Clynt's family. They are all great people and they really deserve the time alone that they are now able to get with their spouses and we are thrilled for their ability to do so, however, it just makes it hard to be able to see as much of the family as we would like to.
Okay, so back to our weekend. We decided to take the trip to Clynt's Mom's place on Saturday afternoon. Steve is working out of town and so Pam is often times alone on that big Ranch. So, we took Corbin and headed for the country. I, who has not ridden a horse in a very long time, decided that it was time to get back into it. I had a wonderful time, however I am very sore now. Corbin also loved the animals out there and would wave at them every time they walked by. (Corbin is a HUGE waver now, and it is SOOOO CUTE). Clynt decided to get on a very stubborn horse that is not riden ever. The horse did great for a little while and he finally got very frustred with Clynt making him mind and so he started bucking. Clynt also has a passion for animals and he is not at all scared of them, so he kept pushing the horse. BJ (the horse) simply stoped moving, so that was the end of his ride for the day. After lunch, Clynt, I, and Corbin packed up our stuff and headed out so that we could get home in time for CARE group.
On to Corbin... Some of you may not know that corbin's circumcision was done incorrectly the first time around, so now he must undergo surgery to get it repaired. He will be under 3 types of anesteshia so that he will wake up faster, but I am still scared to death. I am sooo sad that he has to go through this at only 10 months old. But, the surgery is Friday so I will keep you all posted!
His birthday party is going to be on Dec. 5th. Yes I know his actual birthday is on the 29th, however I just dont want to get into the rush of the holidays. And, for those of you who dont know, Corbin was born on Clynt's and I's first anniversary, so while Corbin's is young enough to not know the difference, I would like to actually have an anniversary! Last year was not so romantic! LOL! A friend of mine created this AMAZING invitation for Corbin's party:

I hope you can see the picture of it. I dont believe how creative some people can be. Amanda, you are wonderful!!! Corbin is going to be a prince for his birthday, crown and all (well it is a plush crown, but a crown, the same!). It shall be wonderful!
I guess that is enough for now. I hope you all are enjoying. And I just have to say, as someone who as only ever read blogs, I would never click on the follow section, because I didnt want for anyone to think that I was stalking them! Sounds crazy, I know, but if you are reading this (MOM!) and feel that way, please dont! I want to see the followers so that I know this is worth my time!
Until tomorrow!
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ReplyDeleteI like the blog Deana!! Glad we have a way to keep up with each other. PS--we will be moving into your neighborhood in less than a month (fingers crossed)!!