Friday, December 31, 2010

Bye Bye 2010

2010 was an amazing year for us.  The biggest change in our lives in 2010 was me quitting my job to become a full time mom!   It has been a very amazing transformation in our lives but it has not come with out struggles.  May 1 was the first day of my staying at home, and every day since has been a challenge in us learning to live on one income.  I did contribute a good bit to the family while working, but never as much as Clynt did.  We have always had more money than we needed to blow, and now, though we arent broke, we definitely have to watch what we spend MUCH more than we did before.  So much of 2010 has been spend budgeting!

In 2010, Clynt and I also became DEBT FREE!!!  How amazing is that.  The only debt that we have now is our house. Our cars are paid for (and in fact we actually paid for Clynt's F-250 using CASH).  This was hard but man was it so so worth it!!

In 2010, Corbin has just turned 2.  He is no longer a baby.  He is talking, using the potty (sometimes), eating all on his own, climbing, running, and being a complete boy!  It has been so amazing to sit and watch him grow and getting to be at home to watch him every minute of every day has been so incredible and I would never trade of any of my struggles for it!

In 2010, we found out we are going to have a new little boy in our arms next year!!  How amazing is that?!  TWO boys!!?  We are so excited, it is unbelievable.

In 2010, we have grown closer and closer to Christ.  We are staying involved and connected with church and we are still leading a CARE group.  We can only pray that 2011 will continue to bring us closer.

In 2010....... we started cloth diapering (whew, that's been fun!); we bought a new truck; we travelled and spent more and more time with family; we went to New York City, Alabama, Connecticut, Louisiana, and several cities in Texas;  I broke my wrist and had to have surgery to repair it; we gained several new friends; and we laughed a lot!  It was a great year with lots of memories!

Tonight we are spending New Years with a mommy friend of mine and her family, and some other families for a family friendly New Year's Eve party.  It is very hard to find things to do for New Years or really any holiday that is kiddo friendly, and Clynt and I are against leaving Corbin on holidays because we want to spend it with him and we want to know he is safe! =)

Hope you all had a wonderful year, and that 2011 brings you many joys!!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The best few years of my life.

I met my wonderful husband 5 years ago, and married him 3 years ago today.  Here is a picture of us the day we got engaged.  We were in the San Juan Island outside of Seattle, Washington.  We met at Zydeco's and Clynt was singing karaoke and we had some mutual friends their.  Since then, we have been inseparable.   He became my best friend and I wouldn't change that for the world.

And then, here we are on our wedding day, leaving the reception in the limo and heading to the airport hotel, so we would be ready to leave for Hawaii the next morning! =)  Our wedding, and honeymoon were perfect!!  The best part was spending it with Clynt.  He is funny, sweet, romantic, and just an awesome person to be around.  I love that guy!!

Exactly one year after our wedding, along came the newest addition to our family..... a sweet little boy who was 7 pounds and 8 ounces long, and changed our lives forever... Corbin!    I don't believe he was ever so little.... It is so sad the think that he will never be that little again, but I sure to LOVE watching him grow and become such a sweet little man.  This is from the day he was born:

And now, he is a big boy and runs around and loves life.  He is TWO today, I don't believe it.  He is a picture from a couple of weeks ago with him cheesing it up for the camera on the computer with me:

These two boys in my life are wonderful and make my life what it is today.  I love you both very very much!!  Happy Anniversary Clynt, and Happy Birthday Corbin!! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas in Louisiana

Last week we went to Louisiana for a couple of days to see my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, and cousins.  It was a nice trip and we had loads of fun visiting and running around.  Corbin had never met some of this family so it was fun getting to introduce him to family.  While at my Grandma's house, Clynt, Corbin, my dad and Michael all ran around the property shooting guns and kicking trees and skipping rocks.  They had a lot of fun.  And YES, I did say shooting guns.  My BABY was shooting a gun with his daddy. He is not completely looney, it was an airgun with plastic pellets but still, it definitely made me a little nervous.  Clynt thinks that Corbin is ready to get his own gun (or will be when he turns 3), but we are a little different page there.  Any of you country boys that read that want to leave your comment defending Clynt, please do so! =)  He says he had a bb gun that young, so Im trying to give the idea a little thought.  It is his little boy and all.  In his defense also, the gun would be locked in our gun safe and only for Corbin to use with Daddy's help, so he won't have access to it at any time, it would just be the idea that Corbin got his first gun... hmmm.....

Here are some pictures of Clynt transforming Corbin into a country boy.  Look at the boots.  Is he not just the cutest 2 year old you've ever seen??

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  Tomorrow I will blog about our Christmas Day!



So, it has been an incredibly busy past couple of weeks.  1st was Corbin's birthday party and then, well we all know it was Christmas.  I will have several blogs over the next couple of days to update on everything with Christmas and pregnancy and Corbin, but today, it's all about the birthday party.

Corbin's party was lots of fun.  We had it at the new Rec Center in Pearland and they did a wonderful job with keeping things in order the day of the event. They had us in this really cool room for toddlers the first half of the party and then back in the kids  day care room the second half.  Their were about 15 kids their, 8 of which were toddler boys.  I love my little boy, so it was tons of fun watching alll the boys run around and jump on trampolines, flip on tumbling mats, play with the parachute, throw LOTS of balls and just run free (as you can see from the pictures above!)

After all the kids were good and worn out, we went to the other room and had pizza, and cake balls (and pops).  Check out these things that I made with the help of my wonderful momma and sister!

Then it was time for presents.  Corbin got lots of great stuff and has not stopped playing with it since.  Thank you to everyone who came.  It was so appreciated, and we love that you took time out of you day to help my our little guys day special!  Speaking of which, I really need to get on the Thank You cards.  Please excuse me if yours is a little late! =)

And Corbin was wiped out!!

Blog out!


Friday, December 17, 2010

Tears of Pregnancy

So I cry, and I don't mean that I cry every once in a while, I cry all the time.  I take everything personally when Im NOT pregnant, but while I am pregnant, I take it personally X 100, and I cry.  I cry, and cry, and cry.  Corbin is always saying "Mommy crying"... That is so sad!  I take things that I KNOW in my heart aren't personal and make them personal.

For instance, Corbin's birthday party is tomorrow and every "no" that I have gotten has made me sad.  I know that people have other stuff going one, and it is the week before Christmas, and it is also the night of the Pearland Oilers going to state.  This is all important stuff, and so I understand that people will not be able to make it to Corbin's party, but for some reason, I always think "what if it is because they don't like me, or don't care about Corbin".  This is absolutely ridiculous, and I already know that, but for some dang reason, I can't help but take things personal.  But anyways, everything just makes me sad! PS- if you replied no to coming to Corbin's party, I am by no means upset with you!! I promise, I am just freakishly hormonal.

I should be excited that their are 15 kids and another 25 adults coming to his party. It is going to be lots of fun! I am super excited about it!  I knew when I made it that day that people would be busy! Im sure we'd be busy if I hadn't planned this several months ago!

I go as far as if my husband doesn't answer the phone or respond to an email, thinking that he is upset with me for some reason.  Clynt is BUSY at work and I know that, but I still just sat here and cried because he replied to en email saying that he can't talk right now.  Poor guy is dealing with an emotional roller coaster right now!!!

Okay, so you realize that I sit here and type this, I am crying.  I am horrible, I know.

On a good note, Corbin and I went and got his hair cut today so that he is all nice and pretty for his party tomorrow, and then we went and saw Santa.  He went in his lap with no problem, but wouldn't cheese for the camera.  He was just really interested in everything else.  Then we went to the coloring table down the little hall and he was through coloring and he put my crayons up and he took off.  I had to get my fat butt up and chase after him, and when I got to him he was handing his picture to Santa.  It was the cutest darn thing in the world.  Santa looked and me and just smiled, he was just in love with Corbin.  So we had a very good morning.  Then we had to run and get stuff for the party, and while in WalMart we got a deli lunch thing for dinner, and Corbin felt so special.  He is such a cutie!

The holiday season around here is going wonderful, if I could just stop crying about everything!  That is my number one prayer on my list for myself right now, and I am trying my hardest to just trust in the Lord, because I know he has everything under control, and their is no need for me to worry about anything!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Names, names, names.....

Picking out a name that your child will have for the rest of their life is kind of a big deal!  And for those of you who don't know, I am married to an engineer.  If you don't know what that means, it simply means he is anal!! He is a wonderful man and I won't trade him for the world, however, when it comes to making big decisions with him, it really does NOT come easy.  So, what I do is, I make a list in Word and I add any name that Clynt does not say no to to it.  He has not said yes to any of them, but he will say maybe to come of them.  So here are a list of my likes, and Clynt's "maybes".  By no means is this complete and it is not in any kind of order either.  Some are definitely higher on my ranking than others.


I want a name that is modern, but not TOOOO out their.  You know, like Corbin! We aren't interested in "C" names because we don't want to be stuck with "C's" for every kid we have in the future.  

What is your favorite of these?  Or- Do you have any other names that you think we'd like?!   This is not near as easy this time as it was with Corbin.  I don't know that we will pick one until I am much further along in my pregnancy. Please, no negative comments-- remember, im hormonal!!!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The results are in......

We are having a BOY!!!  Anyone of you who know us very well know how excited we are to find that out!  Clynt's brothers are very prone to producing girls... One of his brothers has 4 girls, the other has 3 girls and got a boy for their 4th child and his sister has 2 girls.  So, on his side of the family, this baby will be the 12th grandchild, and only 3 are boys.  2 of which will be ours.  So as much as we wanted boys, the believe that we would actually have one (and especially 2), was completely not expected!  Clynt is sitting on cloud nine right now.  He never in his right mind thought that he would have 2 boys in the house,  and I don't think I have seen him this excited since...well, since we found out Corbin was boy.  It is soooo cute and I am excited for him!  I just love that he gets to have what he wants, and can feel special for a while.  And I am excited to stay the only girl in the house.  If we had a girl, she would turn into the princess of the family, and I would loose my status, so (At least for now) I remain the princess!  =)

To make Corbin feel important, we are giving him a new room, and are going to do it all up for him.  The baby will get the nursery when he comes, and Corbin will have our guest room that is attached to a bathroom.   We are going to do Corbin's room in the next month or 2 because we don't want for him to think that the baby is taking his room away.  We want for him to feel special and loved!  By biggest trial with having another baby is taking away attention from Corbin.  I know that it is inevitable to some extent, but it is by biggest goal when the little one gets here.  I am going to wear the baby around a lot in order to have hands free for doing stuff with my "big boy"!  It is sooooo important to me to not let him feel left out.  I don't know how I am going to love another one as much as I love that little guy, but Im sure it will just happen naturally.  If you have 2 kiddos, how did you help the transition?  And remember, you are talking to a mama that has only left him a few times over night and never more than 18 or so hours.  I am dreading the thought of not having in the hospital with me, and all of that jazz.

I am rambling now.  My sister in law wants me to do a blog on baby names.  I think its a cute idea, so be on the lookout!  I have lots of ideas, but Clynt is not as into most of the names as I am.  I think he is still just shocked that it is another boy, and will have to get it through his brain a little bit more before he will start discussing.  I supposed we still have time.

One more thing, we are planning on doing a camo room for Corbin.  I am a very modern type of person, so if you have any ideas on making camo modern, please give me some tips!  Here is a picture of Corbin's nursery,  I have no idea how we will beat it!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas time Pictures

Christmas time is my favorite time of the year, and I love having my camera around to capture some of the moments!  This post, I am going to put up pictures of what we have been up to a little.

Here are my boys picking out our tree! Isnt it pretty?

Here are a few of the tree and Corbin helping!  He had soooo much fun helping decorate!

These are from the Christmas Tree Lighting and Festival!

We also went to the Parade which Corbin LOVED, but I was with Corbin the whole time and didnt get any pictures.  We have been having a wonderful holiday season, and can't wait for more exciting things!

Oh, one more pictures before you leave:  This one is on the Christmas card!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chillin in PJs

My favorite time of day is first thing in the morning.  I get the little guy up and let him eat breakfast with my on the couch while watching PBS.  I am not a huge TV person but first thing in the morning, it is a treat for Corbin.  He curls up with me while he watches and eats.  I just love it!!  This morning I got a big bowl of cereal and we shared it.  Corbin LOVES sharing cereal with me, and I don't mind it either, so that's what we did.  He is so sweet to just sit with and love on.  It is the best time of the day.

I do not believe that my little guy will be TWO this month!!!  It is absolutely crazy!!!!!  His birthday party is coming up and I have so much to do.  It is a really hard time to have a birthday party.  I am having a hard time competing with all the family and holiday Christmas parties being the same day as his party, but you know, I dont think it is fair to have it way after his birthday.  So, that's where we stand.  Hopefully we will have an okay turnout.  By the way, invitations have not gone out just yet.  They should be in Thursday and I will send them out by Friday.  So, hopefully you will have them soon!

Maternity Clothes!  OMG, I am trying to hold out, but today with it being so cold, I decided that I would be much more comfy in some stretchy clothes!  With Corbin I didnt wear them till much later in the pregnancy, but I have definitely grown much faster this time.  I am excited to see the little one Tomorrow and find out what wear having soon.  Can't wait!

Okay, well I'm back to my cuddle time with the sweetest little boy I know! =)

Monday, November 29, 2010

What a Thanksgiving...

Last week was crazy busy for us!  Clynt's oldest brother and his family came in town for the week, so we spent Sunday night with them, and then went to the beach (where they were staying at my FIL's house) on Monday and came back on Tuesday.  It was super nice getting to see everyone!  It's always nice to see all of the family.  Clynt and I are very much family people and make every effort we can to spend as much of our free time with the mounds of family that we have.  I want for Corbin to grow up and know who all of his aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents are.  I want for him to know the importance of family.  This is all soooo important to us. So, every week is an effort to spend time with family.  So anywho, we spent lots of time with his family.   We came back Tuesday night and relaxed for a bit.

On Wednesday we did a little shopping and then spent the afternoon with my dad, who's birthday was that day.  My whole family got together and my dad cooked (I know that sounds bad, but he loves cooking) lobster and shrimp and then we all just hung out.  It was a nice quiet evening.

Then it was Thanksgiving before we knew it!! We got up and went and had donuts and kolaches with Clynt's dad, stepmom, brother, sister-in-law, and 4 of our nieces.  It was nice. We left their and went to have lunch with my family.  We had a Turduckin and it was AWESOME!  I really really liked it.  After a couple of hours their, we went home and packed and went out to Clynt's mom and step-dads house in Navasota.  We got their and just relaxed a bit.  Then had dinner their.  We went to Toys R Us that night and it was CRAZY.  Corbin was at the house sleeping with Clynt's family watching him.  We got their and the line was around the building, and back up the parking lot.  We stood in line though.  The line moved quick and we were within 25 people of the front door within 45minutes.  BUT- then the Fire Marshall showed up and made them stop letting people in until most of the people in the store were out.  So then we stayed in that one spot for another hour!!  Did I mention it was FREEZING outside and I was in a skirt and sweater?????  It was crazy... My fabulous husband ended up giving up his jacket for me but we were both still freezing!!.. Once we got in, we got a few things and checked out and went back to the inlaws house!  It was crazy!

Then Friday was too cold for us to do much of anything so we just really relaxed and hung out with family.  We went to Tractor Supply for a couple of little things, but that was about it.  Saturday we came home.  Then we went home and did a little shopping at home before going and having dinner at my parents again.

Then it was time to sleep.  I was sooooooo tired!!!  Now, we are back to reality.  I ordered Corbin's birthday invitations today, and Im hoping they get here quick because I need to get them in the mail ASAP being that his b-day party is in less than 3 weeks!  I am still in disbelief that my little boy will be 2 soon!!!

This Thursday is our big day at the genetic center, and we will have all of the results a few days later.  I am so excited to find out what we are having!  Then we can start planning on more stuff.

Well, Im tired!  Ill talk to yall later!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Happy Day

Today has been a good day, although I am now in major need of a nap.  This morning, I contacted Clynt and told him how much I need some winter-y shoes with no heels.  Since I quit working, I no longer wear my heals hardly ever and since I am pregnant now, I am afraid I would fall if I try to wear some of them.  All of my shoes with closed toes and my boots and stuff are all heels, so I really wanted so boots that were flat.  Kohl's was having a shoe sale so Clynt told me that I could go for it!  YAH for me!  So I ended up getting 3 pairs of boots, a pair of sunglasses, and some socks and spent under $100.  I was doing so good!  =)  I will say that 2 of the pairs of boots are like slipper types of boots, but they are super cute and super comfy!  I love them!

Then Corbin and I headed out to Rosharon for a brunch with lots of ladies from the church.  My friend Jeanne built a beautiful home out there and so she had lots of ladies over to see it, and she had a trunk so with a boutique.  It was SO cute.  So I bought myself a couple of Christmas presents. =)   Its not like me to spend much money in one day, but today I just really felt like I deserved it!  Not sure why, but Clynt okayed it, so it was all good.  But, anyways, we had a nice afternoon, and Corbin was a bit wild and ran around a lot.  Jeanne's son was so nice and watched Corbin for a while so that I got some mommy time.  It was really nice to visit with a lot of ladies that I don't get to spend much time with.

So, today was a good day.  I am exhausted now, so I am going to call this post quits!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I can't keep my eyes open!!~

I can't keep my eyes open long enough to blog or even think about blogging.  I am SOOO tired ALL the time.  I wish men could understand this feeling.  Clynt tells me that he is tired all the time, but he doesnt get the complete and utter exhaustion ALL the time that comes along with this blessing called pregnancy.  This pregnancy is definitely flying by so much faster than Corbin's did.  I am 10 weeks pregnant now (well, I will be tomorrow), which is completely crazy.  That mean's that we found out 6 weeks ago!  It does not at all seem like that long.  We have a doctor's appt next week just the hear the little peanuts heartbeat and then we have our genetics appt on Dec 2nd where they will be testing for the sex of the baby.  SOOOO we will know the sex of our little one in less than 3 weeks.  That is so so amazing to me, and we are really excited.

Everyone keeps asking what we want.  Clynt really would like another boy, and I for sure would like that too.  But I would not be upset at all with a little girl.  I think I would go broke buying so much prissy stuff for a girl, but the shopping thing sure would be fun.  So, either way, I would be happy, but I think that both of us would be ecstatic to find out we are having another boy.  We shall see soon!

Corbin is in a major mimiking stage.  He will copy anything and everything you say, so we are really having to watch what we say around him.  It is really cute most of time though!! I just love watching him grow.  He is such a sweet little boy.  His other favorite thing is peanut butter.  In the morning he always asks for his "peanut butter waffle", and then throughout the day he wants his "peanut butter crackers", or course he always says "please" and "tank you".   He is actually pretty well mannered.  At least for now.  =)  I just love the opportunity to stay at home with him and watch everything he does and learns.  It is SOOOOOO much fun and such a blessing!  LOVE HIM!

Well hopefully I will post a little more often.  I have just been so tired so every chance I have to blog, I choose to snooze.  I will try though.  The hubster is off all next week, so I hope to have a little more time to do some stuff. =)


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What to say..........

Blah.  I can't seem come up with any thing to blog about (other than the baby and Corbin) so I will do just that.

I am 8 weeks pregnant today!  YAH!  Only 4 more weeks (and lots of prayers) until hopefully I am feeling upbeat again.  I am having a hard time cooking because the smells in the fridge make me sick to my stomach.   I don't want to give up cooking completely this time as I did when I was pregnant with Corbin, because now I have Corbin and I have to feed him!  Plus, Clynt keeps threatening me because he doesnt want to gain 15 pounds again this time around!  And I really DON'T want to gain 60!!  It was so hard to lose after having Corbin, and I don't want to have to do it again with 2 kiddos to be taking care of.  Although, this time, I am starting off with an extra 15 pounds that I have gained back in the past several months, so now it's time to eat right!  Interestingly enough, this time, I seem to be craving more healthy food, which is awesome.

Corbin is talking more and more everyday, and it is so much fun to watch him grow and learn.  I just love carrying on conversations with him and the way that he is able to tell me what he wants.  This age is so cute!  Yes, there are challenges (he is almost 2), but their are so many fun things about it too!  Things are just so funny and he is so entertaining.  He knows when he is doing something wrong, and he kind of wants you know it.  I was sitting on my bath the other day talking to the hubs on the phone and Corbin was looking at all the stuff on the counter in my bathroom.  He was turned around, but he kept turning his head and looking at me to grin and I could tell he was hiding something in his hands.  So I got up to look and he had my deodorant container in his hand.  He then starting busting out laughing because I caught him.  He is just soooo fun.  I love it!

Okay, goodbye for now! =)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The joys of pregnancy

Being pregnant and having a toddler is not near as fun as just being pregnant.  Morning sickness with a toddler is not anywhere near as easy to overcome.  When I was pregnant with Corbin it was so easy to just lay back down and relax.  Now, with have Corbin as an almost 2 year old and having morning sickness, their is no such luxury.  I have to get up and I have to go upstairs to get Corbin because I cannot just leave him in his crib all morning while I just rest.  Well, I guess I could, but it wouldn't exactly get me mom of the year award! So, this morning I was sick and then I had to head upstairs to get my little man.  At the first stair, I had to turn back around and head into my bathroom again.  I pulled it together and finally made it up to my little guy, but not with out having to stop upstairs in game room for a minute.  

Then come about 10:30am, I am TIRED, but I am not able to just nap because I have a little guy who wants to be running around like a mad man!  Although, when I got pregnant with Corbin I was in my last semester of college and taking 6 classes, followed by a summer of 4 classes.  Plus, I was working 2 part time jobs (not because I needed to but because one had just come up and I really wanted to do it, and I just didn't have the heart to quit it), so that meant I was full time in school and working 2 part time jobs.  SO, needless to say, I didn't get to nap a whole lot then either.  But if I was just having a bad day, I was able to skip school and stay home to relax.  I would say that this go around in the way of naps, I am better off now than I was, simply because I have a wonderful little guy that I can simply put down for a nap for a few hours after lunch, meaning I get to rest for a while.    So I can't complain in that way!

Anywho, now is that nap time I was talking about so I need to go do so, I just thought I would give a little glimpse into my morning. =)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

We are.......

Pregnant!!  YAH!  Im sure that most of you reading this blog already saw the news on Facebook, but I can't help but right a quick blog about the whole thing here.

For starters, we have been wanting to have another one for a few months now, so this was not a surprise and we were super excited!  For those of you who no me, I have NO patience.  So I took a test during the day (because my BBT curve was looking like a pregnancy curve), and it was positive.  Just like when I found out with Corbin, I called Clynt at work and spilt the news.  I wish that I had one of those really cool stories about how he came home and I had a special meal or something, but it was not that nice.  Clynt was very excited though.  We found out when I was only one week pregnant and were excited but very nervous.  If you remember 4 weeks ago, I had to have a colonoscopy and during that procedure, I was put under anesthesia.  That means when I was 3 weeks pregnant (which is really only one week pregnant for those of you who don't know) when I was put under.  This can be very bad for growing fetus, so we are just taking precautions to make sure everything is okay.  But my doctor seems to think that in most cases the pregnancy would have ended at that point if something was going to be wrong.  Everything to this point (we are 7 weeks 1 day) seems perfect.

Here is a picture of the little one yesterday and his heartbeat was 125bpm.  So, he/she is very healthy!  There were other pictures that were much better but my doctor kept them =(.  So this one, you can't really make out much.  The baby is at the top of the left black circle.  It is the little white blob up there.  

She also asked us about doing some genetic testing at 12 weeks.  Not that she is too concerned about anything, but just a pprecautionary thing.  I know a lot of people who opt out o these tests and trust me, we go back and forth on it all, but we are okay with it.  For starters because of the anesthia thing, and also because if something is wrong, we want to know.  Not that we would do anything about it, but just so that I can spend the next several months learning how best to raise a child with specific problems.  If the baby has a disease where certain colors bother it, then I want to know how to paint the room.  Or if certain things make a big difference in helping to raise a child with say Down Syndrome, I would just want to know from day one.  So that is the decision that we made, so we will be doing it.  

My point to telling you all that is not to get in a debate about right or wrong on the genetics testings, but to say that now when you do a genetics test, they can do a blood test to check the sex of the baby at 12 weeks.  Is that not crazy?!?!  So, we will know by the time I am 13 weeks what we are having.  That is less than 6 weeks away.  I am super excited!  This time when we find out what we will be having, we will have other decisions to make.  Like, if we leave Corbin in his room, or if we re-do his room for a girl and let him have a different room, or if we need to start buying a new wardrobe, or if Corbin's will do. Those seem minimal , but i so excited to find out.

Okay, well that's my blog for now... 


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dewberry Farms

We went to Dewberry Farms last weekend with some friends.  It was a really neat place, but it was crowded and HOT!  Other than that though, we had fun, and Corbin loves being outside so he had a blast too.  If you don't know what Dewberry Farms is, it is like an Fall Amusement Park.  Their is so much for the kids to do, and ride, and eat.  It really was a cool experience. Here are some picture!

This first one is a slide thing that they had.  Clynt said that they use slides like that for feed all the time in the country.  It is was really cool how these people could turn all of these "normal country" things into really exciting stuff for the kids!

The next few are in the corn maze, which was really neat!!  Corbin got to run around and we all just got to walk! =)

 The next 2 are of the jumping bags that they had.  They were like giant plastic things with air underneath and they bounced really cool.  Corbin LOVED them, and so did Clynt (and Holly and Kendal for that matter!)

 This is one of Corbin in the pumpkin patch, which was not much of a pumpkin patch any more.  It has been gone through so much over the past month that their weren't many left when we got there.

And here's my man riding on a pony, which is also loved!!  So sweet.

So that was part of our big weekend!!