It doesnt matter what they do or don't do, who acts more maturally or who doesn't, who cleans their room, or who will spend more time with you.. No parent should EVER love one child more than another. I don't care if you have 2 kids or 12, they all were born to you and they didn't get to pick their parents so you should love them unconditionally and treat them that way. When your kids are grown, you should not only go see one of them or get some of them Christmas presents and other not, spend all your time with some grandkids and not the others, call and check on all but one of your kids, etc. Yes their are instances where the child will not answer his/her phone if yall are fighting or if they have had enough, but you should still TRY!
If you think of it from the child's perspective, they did not choose YOU! God did! God has blessed you with that child. You are the only Mom/Dad that that child has. They don't get to pick favorites! You are it, and every child longs for the ability to have a parent that loves them and wants to see them.
If you show favorites to one child over another, you should really consider how it is harming your child. And if they are grown, then how it is affecting his/her family. It really isnt fair and it makes me sick to see how some people act and the movie "My Sister's Keeper" really brought that to my attention. We are all children that were made to be loved in our own unique and different ways.
BTW- My parents are not like this at all. They treat us all with love just how we need it. I LOVE my parents with all my heart =)
I enjoy reading your posts when I come across them, because I got to be a stay at home mom when my kids were babies and now I work while they are in school, so its nice to see a mom feel the way I did at times.
ReplyDeleteMy only thought on your post was that I totally agree about favoring one child over the other, but I do not think that was the point of the movie. I think the point was a mothers fight to do whatever it took to save her child. The little girl in the movie did not object to the treatment because she was tired of it, she objected because her older sister was tired of fighting for her life, and asked her to stop. I know, having had two children, that they would do anything for each other and would give up anything in the world to help one another.
I encourage you to go back and watch the movie again and see if you see the story about how two sisters loved each other so much they wanted to do what was best for each other, not for themselves. And about a mother who fought everyday to keep her child alive, because the worst thing that I could ever imagine as a mother, would be to lose a child. On top of that, not be able to say that I did absolutely everything in my power to save them.
Ask yourself what you would do for your own sisters life.
Oh no! I completely agree that the daughter would have continued to do it, I am not saying that at all! and I do not know what I would do if I was losing a child. However, the Mother (not know why the little girl was asking her to stop) was not being told that she was loved and that she was appreciated for helping the other child. I just dont feel like the mom was considering her kids the same. She didnt know that he child was dislecsic or anything either.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE My sister to death and would anything for her also... So my blog isnt criticizing the sister, or the mom for what she was doing to try to save her daughter's life, but yet criticizing for not showing the same amount of love to all of her children.
I hope that makes sense.. Glad you read my blogs!