People ask us all the time how many children we want. If you would have asked Clynt anytime before we had Corbin, he would have told you 6! No, that was never my answer. My answer was always 2. Now, Clynt believes that he is getting too "old" to have 6 kids. ha. Clynt will be 30 in February and doesnt want to be that old before he retires. So, I think that we are compromising at 3. We will have a second and decide after that one if we want to go for one more or not, but that is our thought right now.
We want to have our kids between 2 and 3 years apart, so we will hopefully get pregnant somewhat soon and then Corbin and the new baby would be 2.5 years apart. We are actually planning on timing with our next kid also. Corbin was born 4 days after Christmas, which was also our anniversary. He was here 2.5 weeks early, and his due date way my birthday! So every holiday is with in 3 weeks of eachother, not to mention Valentine's Day and Clynt's birthday both being in February! So we want for our next child to come sometime in the spring or the fall. That would be in my dream world any ways.
How many kiddos do you want? If you are done having kids, how many did you have and why did you stop there?
We're "planning" on four, but taking it one kid at a time. Most of our limitations are the cost of daycare. We can't afford two kids in there right now. So we're waiting until next summer to start "trying" again.
ReplyDeleteI've never commented on your blog, I think! But I do read it! Two is pretty good right now. I do think about another baby at times but we'll see in a year or two if our family feels complete. Honestly, I worry about us being outnumbered or having more kids than I have hands!