Once upon a time (like 2 months ago) I started doing a top 5 of the weekend blog on Sundays. It has been a while since I have done that, because Sundays tend to be very busy for us lately and by the time we are free at night, I don't feel like getting on the computer and typing about my weekend, but tonight, I have a few minutes so I thought I would start the trend again. So here my top five points of the weekend:
1) Clynt had Friday off! I love when Clynt has his Friday off, that means one more day of spending time with Corbin and I.
2) We took Corbin to the Urologist on Friday because of an infection that he has had on his penis. He started bleeding and having a big puss pocket on it and in it several weeks ago. He has been to his pediatrician twice and the second time was treated for Staph infection. He has been on an oral antibiotic and topical antibiotic for 10 days now, and Clynt wanted to make sure that it had all healed properly so we took him in to the Urologists at Texas Children's. You might be wondering (like Clynt is) why this would be in my top five, and the answer is because EVERYTHING IS OKAY with him. That is great news, because their is so much that can cause life long issues when you have problems in that area, so I am really glad that everything looks okay.
3) The BEACH! We went down to Surfside and stayed with Clynt's Dad and Charlye on Friday night and stayed till Saturday night. It was loads of fun. Neither of us are huge beach people so we have never put it on the top of our to-do list, but after going we sure did change our minds. We still are not huge on the ocean water, but Corbin LOVED the sand and chasing after the tides. They have golf carts and since they live there, we are able to go onto the private beach and take the golf carts and ride around on it. It was super relaxing.. In the heat of the day we stayed inside and watched movies, all while being able to just look out at the ocean. It was SUPER relaxing and we will definitely be back soon. Corbin had a BLAST and so did we. Not to mention that it is always nice to visit with family. We really did have a wonderful time.
4) Corbin being super cute. He is always super cute, but this weekend their were many phrases and words that he picked up on (or at least I picked up on what it was he was saying!). He had a really good weekend, he was just constantly happy and just loved on us quite a bit. He gets cabin fever when he doesnt get to go outside much during the day, so I guess the weekend at the beach did him well! =)
5) CARE group. I think this would probably be on my list every weekend. We really enjoy the company of everyone and every week is a new lesson. We love having other couples in our lives that we can share things with and that we can love and pray for. So, it is always a great way to end the weekend!
So, ideally I will do this every weekend, but dont hold your breath!
Blog out!
I love to hear about what the Waddell's are up to...keep blogging!