Thursday, February 3, 2011

Big boy bed!!

I have beed dreading the move of Corbin into a big boy bed.  Corbin has always been a good sleeper and napper, and I can just put him in his crib awake and he will go to sleep.  Well..... yesterday (after not having power, being sick, and freezing) Corbin decides he DOES know how to crawl out of his crib.  He has blankets that he sleeps with every night, and I had left them at my parent's house (from my attempt of keeping him warm in the cold weather), and he was NOT happy about it.  So, when I put him down, he was not in a good mood by any stretch of the imagination.  I got downstairs and looked in the monitor and heared a thump, mean while I hear the crying gettting closer and closer.  So, I went up stairs and he was stading at the top of the stairs crying! I pick him up, comforted him, rocked him, and put him back in his crib.  By the time I could get downstairs this time, he was already out of his crib. 

Now, here comes the part that might make you think I am a mean mom.  A couple weeks ago, I asked his pediatrician what to do about keeping him in his room once he was getting out of his crib.  Remember-  His room is upstairs and ours is down.  I asked if locking him in his room (with the child door locks) would be considered wrong..,.. her response???  Absolutely not!  She said (and I very much agree) that they are much safer in their room than wondering the house at night.  So, in the middle of the nap tantrum yesterday, I pulled out the nifty child gaurds for his door (and closet door) and I put the on.  I then put him back in his crib and left the room.  He cried and banged at the door for a couple of minutes, but then realized that I was not in there and he had free reign of his room.  Then he started reading to himself, and going through drawers.  After about half an hour of that, it was silence.  I went up a little while later and couldn't open the door to peak on him.  Wanna know why???  He was sleeping next to the door!!  So, I get him up when he is supposed to wake up from his nap (even though he hadn't napped much longer than an hour),  and we move on.  Last night, we decided to convert his crib to a toddler bed, and Clynt went and bought a gaurd rail for the side so he wouldn't fall out.  Corbin was jumping on the bed with excitment and didnt want to leave his room.  Here are some pictures of the bed and the front coming off (please ignore the million things that Corbin puts in his bed on a daily basis!)..

So, Im sure your wondering how last night went... Well...  It was amazing!!  NOT ONCE, did Corbin get out of his bed, he stayed in it and slept and he slept later this morning than he has in months! I actually ended up waking him up just because I felt he needed to be checked on!

Now that that step in his "big boy-hood" is over, it is back to potty training.  I think Corbin got scared by the big boy underwear and the asking him every hour.  He has regressed a bit in the last day or two... Im going to just let him go as he pleases for a few more weeks, and then start the other stuff again.  =)


1 comment:

  1. Ivan has been in the "big boy" bed since he was 15 months. I realized that I would rather him get in and out of his bed on his own safely vs. him falling out of his crib. And he LOVES it. But we don't have a guard rail, but the bed is at it's lowest rung so if he does fall out he's just inches from the floor.

    I have woken up a few times in the middle of the night to a little boy saying mommy next to my while I'm sleeping.
