The rash continued to form and Clynt could hardly walk on his feet and he was COVERED in it from head to toe. So, I scheduled him for a Doctor's appt on Monday afternoon. He went in, and they ran lots of tests, and the doctor told him that he had the measles and needed to stay away from Corbin, Me, and work for a week. Yes, Clynt was vaccinated as a child for the disease, but the doctor that sometimes a vaccination does not work. The risks to the baby in my belly is very high if I were to catch it, so his doctor wanted him to stay elsewhere for a while. I didn't want to be away from my husband that long thought! I talked to my doctor and she said that I would have already been exposed anyways, and to just take normal precaustions like washing hands, and so on. So we slept in seperate beds that night.
The next day (yesterday), Clynt went and saw a dermatologist. He told Clynt that he had never seen anyone with measles, so he would be hard bent to tell him that that was what he had. Instead, he said that he thinks it would be more likely that Clynt had some kind of virus or infection that send his body into over reaction mode and caused his skin to inflame. With the skin inflamed, you could see all the blood spots all over. So they are testing his kidneys, and we are still waiting on the final results from the blood he gave the first day, but he is being given an anti-inflammatory in hopes that that is what was causing this rash on his body.
The last couple of days have been a complete headache, not just for me and Clynt but for Corbin. Corbin is attached to his daddy at his hip, and the fact that Clynt couldn't hold him or have anything to do with him was devastating to Corbin. So, that you guys for all your prayers! Clynt is back at work today, and we are still being careful for me to not catch anything, but the not having this overwhelming fear of losing our baby and/or Clynt not having any time left to take off when the baby does come and so on, is so much of a relief!
So glad it's Wednesday. Story time is today, and Elmo on Friday, and then we get a weekend of normal family time this weekend! Thank you Lord for protecting our family!!
I hope he feels better!