Last night, Clynt got to feel our little baby moving for the first time (still no name on the blog, but his initials will likely be GCW). He has been trying to feel Him move every day for weeks, but every time he tries, the baby quits moving. Clynt then says "this baby doesn't like me", lol... Poor guy. Last night though, Clynt sat and talked to him for a little while with his hand on my stomach. After a couple minutes the baby started kicking his hand several times. Clynt was so excited. I just love that he got to feel what I get to feel all the time! This, to me, is the best part of pregnancy. Im not sick too much (other than this morning!), but I know the baby is doing okay, because I can feel him moving around. I love that. In a couple of months the movements won't be very comfortable but man, it is still such a blessing.
This weather is a blessing also. Though, Corbin and I would much rather be outside playing, this rain is very good for us, and the cold is good too. It keeps our electric bill down, and it makes us appreciate the heat that we have in a couple of months. I love it.
I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my son. Although we don't have as much money as we once did, I still would trade it for the world. Money is not everything in life. Money won't give you memories with your kids or grandkids, and it won't make someone love you any more. Many people must work, and I totally appreciate that, Im just talking about spending time out side of your necessary work week with your kids. I am blessed that Clynt is home after work to spend time with us, and Corbin NEEDS that time. He misses his dad so much during the day. One of my favorite moments of the day is when Clynt walks in the door. I just love how excited both Corbin and Clynt are. It is soooo sweet!
Anyways, their are so many blessings in life, and I thank God for them as often as I can... I thank God for everyone of you reading this!
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