At this point in my pregnancy I had Gestational Hypertension with Corbin. At 28 weeks, it started developing and at 30 weeks I got put in the hospital because of how high it was. I never developed PreEclampsia but was monitored very closely and was induced at 37 weeks. This is all generally a first time mom complication, so we thought we would slide by it this time. Well....... I started having horrible headaches about a week or 2 ago, and went for my check up last Wednesday and SUPRISE, my blood pressure was up! It was not high enough for an immediate hospital visit (Praise GOD!), but it was enough that now I have to monitor it and not over do it for a while. I am monitoring it every day, and some days are horrible and other days are okay with it not being too much over a normal BP. So we go back next Wednesday and go from there. For now I was told not to "over do it", which in case your wondering (because I was!) what that means, it means "no vacuuming (YES! ha), no running lots of errands, resting often, and just staying off my feet some", so that's what I've been trying to do. We didn't leave the house 2 times last week and we didnt leave the house yesterday either. Corbin gets bored though, so we may go to the library or something today, just to get out for a little while.
When we go back to the doctor, there are a couple of things that could happen. For starters, there is a medicine that I can get on to help. I don't like taking medicine while pregnant, and this is not the safest medicine. With Corbin it was much easier and safer to just be on bed rest instead of medication. This time though, it is not as easy to be on bed rest, so I may get a low dose of medicine in order to try to avoid a strict bed rest. Bed Rest plus Toddler do NOT mix well!! The other thing that could happen is that I go on bed rest any ways. And the worst possible thing would be that if it is through the roof, being in the hospital. Or really, having protien in my urine, and having pre-eclampsia, because then it would really be a strict bed rest and delivering much earlier than I would want to probably. But that last option is probably not the case, because that didn't happen with Corbin (though anything is possible).
So, anyway, we are now sitting and waiting. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us, all prayers are so well appreciated. The main concern is just for a healthy Garrett and being able to take care of Corbin with out it being too much of a disturbance in his life! =)
On a side note, my good friend Amanda came in town this past weekend and was able to take some pictures of me and my pregnant belly and wonderful family. Here are a few of my favorites... Enjoy!
Tomorrow, I may be able to post pictures of Corbin's new room (or at least the painted walls). There are 2 stripe that have to be done and Clynt refuses to let me take a picture before it's done. But I would like to say THANK YOU to my mom, sister, and Matt for coming over last night to help!!!! It was soooo awesome to see progress being made. I will let you know about my break down later =)
So sorry you are having bp problems again....babies are sooooo worth any problems we might experience, aren't they! I am working on something for you and Garrett....more for you I suppose. I will get it in the mail as soon as I finish! Rest as much as you can! I can't wait till my Grandbaby gets here!
ReplyDeleteThey are totally worth it all! =) Im so excited that you are going to be a grandpa, they are such a blessing!!! and YEA! I love surprises! =)