Corbin has been behaving very well also, which is great. We are finally using to time out thing to our advantage, and he is getting the hang of it and so are we. He will actually sit the whole time and he goes when he is told. And the best part is that if he is doing something wrong and I say "do you want to go to time out?", he says "no, I want to listen to mommy!". Isn't that wonderful?! Time outs in public are not so easy though, because there is not always a good spot for the time out. But hey, we make do with what we can. Corbin is definitely a little aggressive but sweet too. He pushed a girl at church the other day *gasp*, so he was put in time out and when I was being told about his behavior the volunteer in the toddler room told me that he responded really well to the time out. So, I was not at all proud of his behavior but I was proud that he listened to the lady and understood that he had done something wrong. So we are learning and growing and making our way through the 2s, which haven't been oh-so-terrible. I just remain patient and do what I can to keep him as controlled as a 2 year old should be expected to be.
We are 32 weeks pregnant with our littlest guy now. Crazy, huh? That means 8 weeks left till our due date. Braxton and Hicks is definitely more prevalent this time than with Corbin, and there have been several times that I have had to sit and relax for a while because they are so painful. My blood pressure has been doing okay, not great, but not horrible either. So we are chugging along. My sleep is definitely suffering with darn heartburn and leg cramps. But my gigantic pregnancy pillow does help me get comfortable pretty easily, which is nice. Not too much longer, and I will be much more sleep deprived taking care of a newborn, so I can't complain too much.
Okay this was a completely sparatic post, but I thought I would give an update on the boys, and a little on life. If you haven't already seen it, I did a post on cloth diapering in the cloth diapering tab, and hope to do one on the other topics soon. =)
I remember eating the pepcid chewables like candy. Oh that heartburn was horrendous! You should eat more bananas to help out with the leg cramps. :)
ReplyDeleteI am been living on Tums, and chocolate milk. When we're at a restaurant and I order chocolate milk, I have to reiterate that it is for me, not my son. ha. Won't bananas make my digestive system worth? Or is that a myth???