Monday, April 11, 2011

The Grouchy Lady Bug.

I love books written by Eric Carle, the graphics are adorable and they are always just cute.  So, I buy them when I find them for a reasonable price (sometimes, not so reasonable, but hey Corbin likes them too!)... So Corbin's favorite book is now The Grouchy Lady Bug.  For those of you who have never read this book it is about a grouchy lady bug who asks all different animals if they want to fight and when they do he says, never mind, your not big enough (even to an elephant), well at the end, when a whale flipped him all the back to where he started, he decided it was time to be nice.   Here is a picture of the book:

So, since this is Corbin's new book, we read it all the time.  I no longer even have to read it.  Corbin turns the page to each new animal and says "Hey you, wanna fight BIRD (or whatever animal it is)".  It is hilarious when reading the book.  However, sometimes he comes up to me and says "Hey You, Wanna FIGHT!?".. Im thinking no, not at all!  I have to let Corbin know that that is just a book.  The last thing I want to happen is for him to go up to a kid in play group and ask them if they want to fight.   It is funny though.  I really love that he can read the books to himself.  Well, he doesn't actually *read* but he knows what each page says and he says it.  Not just that book, but other books too.  It is adorable.  Every day his vocabulary amazes me.  He is able to carry on a conversation on the phone, and he can let you know anything and everything he wants.   It is adorable.  I can't wait for him to meet Garrett and teach him all of his cute habits.  I just love it.

Tomorrow, I will update on our to do list around here.  It is soooo coming along.  The hubster has been busy.  Love him lots. 


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