Sorry yall for not keeping up with my blog lately. I have been super busy with life along with a sick child. Corbin was very sick this week, and so he was in my arms for 3 days straight while he slept and cried. It was super sad and I am so glad that he is feeling better, but now I am tired! It was a long week and I just want to close my eyes right a way. So I dont mean to fast forward my life for you all but i dont really know that i have the time to rewind it all and catch you up. But I will just discuss our weekend. Friday night we went to Casa Ole. It was Corbin's 1st day with no fever and my dad was back in town. He had had Corbin withdrawals for the week while he was gone, so he needed to see him, and we, of course, needed our mexican fix. We came home early and got Corbin to bed, then we were in bed pretty early also.
Then Saturday, we got up and went and got Clynt's mom a birthday gift. Today is her birthday. She has a big pretty barn and on the inside, she has a wall that she fills up with "stuff" like license plates, country items, stars and just "stuff". I have fun shopping for things for this wall. So we went to the store and got her a large wooden cross with barbed wire lining. It was super cute and I think that I would enjoy to have it on my cross wall but, I just got one for her. So continuing on with our Saturday, we went to my father in laws house for lunch, and then went home to drop off Clynt and Corbin, so that I could go set up the for the Rotary Winter Wonderland Dance. For those of you who did not that about me, I am on the board of the Pearland Rotary. It is a wonderful organization. i am the Interact Chair, and I am also the community service co-chair. So as part of my responsibilities, I had to help plan our special needs dance. It was a wonderful experience to plan and it is amazing how many people in this community want to help with such a special function. We invite all the special needs in Pearland to come to a dance and then the Rotary Club and the Interact students all come together to mingle and dance. It is a fabulous experience. So, I had to go set up, stay, and then tear down. I say that I "had" to, but once you are their, it is such an honor to be able to put on an event that is so important and loved by so many people, so I should say that I "got" to. After the dance, I went and had a glass of wine at Chili's with a couple of the other ladies in Rotary. I was a nice night.
This morning, we got up and went to church. Then I stayed to volunteer at the bookstore at the church. This is another thing that is wonderful to volunteer with. Doing anything for our church is wonderful, plus we get to fellowship with and enjoy so many of our closest friends. From there we went to Las Rosas with Clynt's mom for her birthday and then she came to our house to visit for a little while. This doesnt happen to often and so we really enjoy when it does. From there we went to our nephew's birthday party at the skating rink, which was nice because we get to see parts of the family that we dont normally see. From there we headed straight over to the church for the volunteer appreciation night. It was a wonderful night, and the show was absolutely hilarious, but I am just tired. We went and went ALL weekend. I really dont like that, because I just want to rest sometimes! This weekend is going to be just as bad though. I think that we have something going on each night of the week. I am pumped for next weekend to rest!!
Well, as I said, I am tired. So I will try to be better with my posts this week, and I will post some pictures on night also.
Love you all!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
My Husband
I have to do a quick blog today because I am spending time with the hubby and I am tired and need to go to bed soon. He is an absolutely wonderful person. He would do anything in the world for. It is amazing to feel that loved. He is the best father for Corbin that I could have ever asked for. He LOVES Corbin and loves getting to be a part of all the new things that Corbin does. It is so sweet! Corbin loves him too. If Clynt is in the room he is the only person that Corbin wants to go to. It is so funny and sweet. Corbin has a good sense already. He is a picture of when Clynt and I eating in the needle in Seattle. It was such a nice night and perfect for pictures! It was the night before Clynt proposed to me. So sweet.

Well, most of the people reading this blog know how wonderful Clynt is, so I will quit bragging on him. But I just thought that I would dedicate this little blog to him. Now I am off to bed! I love you Clynt!!!

Well, most of the people reading this blog know how wonderful Clynt is, so I will quit bragging on him. But I just thought that I would dedicate this little blog to him. Now I am off to bed! I love you Clynt!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Corbin's First Hair Cut and More...
Well, we did it! We decided that Corbin's hair needed to be cut and we went and cut it. Doesnt it look cute! The first picture below is when the fixed it at the salon. The lady did a little fo-hawk thing. It was really cute, but we are not going to do that very often, so the second picture is what it looks like on a regular basis.

There was more than enough hair to keep and fill up a little baggy, so that made me happy. Other than the fact that when Clynt and i got home, we couldnt find the hair! I was almost in tears. I called the store the next day and they still had it. That was the biggest relief that i have had in a long time. But, the hair cut went great, no tears at all. It is nice. Then we went with Corbin (and his Fo-Hawk) to HEB afterwards and people kept commenting on how cute he was. It was very humorous to me.
CARE group this past week was very nice. We have a couple in our group that became debt free using the Dave Ramsey method. They taught us all some of the major points to it, and Clynt and i are really trying to follow it. We have always had a budget, but we have never really spent much time seeing if we were following it. So the last two nights we have spent looking through our bank statements and I am shocked at how much over our budget we have spent on some things. Or how much under budget we were on our tithe and savings. I dont believe that we forget to do some things. We are so used to the electronic payments and we dont pay close enough attention to some thing. Especially during the holidays. I will do one more month worth of it tomorrow and then on Saturday we will sit down and discuss it all. It should be nice to get it all figured out and make some lifestyle changes to have a little more happy and less stressful life. We are SO excited to work on some of these things, and we are so blessed to have people like Tommy and Courtney and the rest of our CARE group in our lives. They are wonderful. Thank you guys.
Well, Clynt started some classes today. He is taking business classes at San Jac right now. He wants to go for his MBA but I wanted him to do some business stuff at the lower level before getting into something like an MBA. He has an engineering mind and he needs to get a little more focus on the business aspect of it. It will be good for him, and hopefully in the fall or next spring he will be a grad student. I am so proud of him. He is one of the smartest, most supportive, best dads, and sweetest men that I ever met. I love him so much!!
Corbin is still walking quite a bit and completely knows how, however today was the first day where is walked more than he crawled. He is still more interested in crawling than walking and when he is on a mission, he must crawl because he can get there faster. It is so funny. He will walk all over when he is just lolly gagging around, but the second he focuses, he sits down and crawls. He is one cute little guy!
Well, Clynt is already off to bed, so I need to go lay down also. I hope that you are all having a wonderful week, it is official beyond half way over. Love you all!
Blog out.
There was more than enough hair to keep and fill up a little baggy, so that made me happy. Other than the fact that when Clynt and i got home, we couldnt find the hair! I was almost in tears. I called the store the next day and they still had it. That was the biggest relief that i have had in a long time. But, the hair cut went great, no tears at all. It is nice. Then we went with Corbin (and his Fo-Hawk) to HEB afterwards and people kept commenting on how cute he was. It was very humorous to me.
CARE group this past week was very nice. We have a couple in our group that became debt free using the Dave Ramsey method. They taught us all some of the major points to it, and Clynt and i are really trying to follow it. We have always had a budget, but we have never really spent much time seeing if we were following it. So the last two nights we have spent looking through our bank statements and I am shocked at how much over our budget we have spent on some things. Or how much under budget we were on our tithe and savings. I dont believe that we forget to do some things. We are so used to the electronic payments and we dont pay close enough attention to some thing. Especially during the holidays. I will do one more month worth of it tomorrow and then on Saturday we will sit down and discuss it all. It should be nice to get it all figured out and make some lifestyle changes to have a little more happy and less stressful life. We are SO excited to work on some of these things, and we are so blessed to have people like Tommy and Courtney and the rest of our CARE group in our lives. They are wonderful. Thank you guys.
Well, Clynt started some classes today. He is taking business classes at San Jac right now. He wants to go for his MBA but I wanted him to do some business stuff at the lower level before getting into something like an MBA. He has an engineering mind and he needs to get a little more focus on the business aspect of it. It will be good for him, and hopefully in the fall or next spring he will be a grad student. I am so proud of him. He is one of the smartest, most supportive, best dads, and sweetest men that I ever met. I love him so much!!
Corbin is still walking quite a bit and completely knows how, however today was the first day where is walked more than he crawled. He is still more interested in crawling than walking and when he is on a mission, he must crawl because he can get there faster. It is so funny. He will walk all over when he is just lolly gagging around, but the second he focuses, he sits down and crawls. He is one cute little guy!
Well, Clynt is already off to bed, so I need to go lay down also. I hope that you are all having a wonderful week, it is official beyond half way over. Love you all!
Blog out.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ten on Tuesday
So, it has been over a week since my last post. I am very sorry readers, we have been busy. I have SO much to tell you all about, but I dont want to mess up the routine, so I will do a ten on Tuesday today and then tomorrow, I shall write about the past week. This is going to be a hard one because it is mostly about books, and I dont get around to reading too much, but we will see how it goes.
1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?
I dont really remember much about my childhood. That might sound strange, as Clynt remembers EVERYTHING but I have a very good short term memory, and not recollection of the past. I do remember loving the author Beverly Clery (Not sure how to spell it), and I remember a book about mice by her, but i dont actually remember the name or anything else. I stink!
2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).
How do people remember these things. I had to read so many different books that I have no idea what the answer to this question it. This is going to turn into a very short blog. LOL. But I will say that one book I remember was "Of Mice and Men", it was an excellent book and I read it when I was young, i think!
3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).
I had to go to and get a top 100 list of books turned into movies. I dont have a good memory and I also dont like to watch movies. I know that "Of Mice and Men" was a movie also and I thought that was a wonderful book and movie, but
I will say "The Notebook" based on the list that I was just looking at. I am lame, I know.
4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
I dont really know. I havent watched many movies lately. I guess that I would think that a book to "The Proposal" would be amusing...
5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Some of you may hate me for saying this, but Harry Potter. I think I read 3 pages and moved on to more important things in my life. I know Amanda is reading this right now, and so is Tiffany, and you have both read all the books and have drug me to see these crazy movies. No thank you!! But, anything for you :)
6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.
See my answer to number 5. Also, I have not read, nor did i even know about the Twilight series until the movie came out. Apparently I live in a bubble!
7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).
Oh course, My bible! That would be number 1. Then I would want a Kristin Billerbeck book. I LOVE her books, any of them would be great, and then i would want "30 days to live" since I would be stuck on an island, I think that would be appropriate!
8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?
I would have to go with your Bible!
9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
I dont know! Chick Flicky books are good for me. I could read them all day!
10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?
I would have to go with Miserly Moms. I just received this book at a Christmas gift exchange with our CARE group, Thanks Tommy and Courtney! It has really helped me to control some spending and think of how I spend money in a different way. i love it, I read it in 2 days. It was great and a perk to it was the recipes! Love it!
Okay, so that was kind of lame because I dont get to read too too much any more, but when i get into something, i do read a lot of it!
Well, I will fill you all in on the rest of what it is going on in my "Life as a Waddell" later! Love you all!
1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why?
I dont really remember much about my childhood. That might sound strange, as Clynt remembers EVERYTHING but I have a very good short term memory, and not recollection of the past. I do remember loving the author Beverly Clery (Not sure how to spell it), and I remember a book about mice by her, but i dont actually remember the name or anything else. I stink!
2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).
How do people remember these things. I had to read so many different books that I have no idea what the answer to this question it. This is going to turn into a very short blog. LOL. But I will say that one book I remember was "Of Mice and Men", it was an excellent book and I read it when I was young, i think!
3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).
I had to go to and get a top 100 list of books turned into movies. I dont have a good memory and I also dont like to watch movies. I know that "Of Mice and Men" was a movie also and I thought that was a wonderful book and movie, but
I will say "The Notebook" based on the list that I was just looking at. I am lame, I know.
4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
I dont really know. I havent watched many movies lately. I guess that I would think that a book to "The Proposal" would be amusing...
5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Some of you may hate me for saying this, but Harry Potter. I think I read 3 pages and moved on to more important things in my life. I know Amanda is reading this right now, and so is Tiffany, and you have both read all the books and have drug me to see these crazy movies. No thank you!! But, anything for you :)
6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.
See my answer to number 5. Also, I have not read, nor did i even know about the Twilight series until the movie came out. Apparently I live in a bubble!
7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).
Oh course, My bible! That would be number 1. Then I would want a Kristin Billerbeck book. I LOVE her books, any of them would be great, and then i would want "30 days to live" since I would be stuck on an island, I think that would be appropriate!
8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?
I would have to go with your Bible!
9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
I dont know! Chick Flicky books are good for me. I could read them all day!
10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?
I would have to go with Miserly Moms. I just received this book at a Christmas gift exchange with our CARE group, Thanks Tommy and Courtney! It has really helped me to control some spending and think of how I spend money in a different way. i love it, I read it in 2 days. It was great and a perk to it was the recipes! Love it!
Okay, so that was kind of lame because I dont get to read too too much any more, but when i get into something, i do read a lot of it!
Well, I will fill you all in on the rest of what it is going on in my "Life as a Waddell" later! Love you all!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
So I have been home with Corbin the last 2 days and for most of tomorrow because his fever is well into the 102, although, I think it may be down right now. I dont like to be the mom to take their kid to the doctor for everything little thing, so yesterday I was just kind of playing it off and hoping it was just a quick thing that he would soon be over. But when the fever wasnt going down at about 3 in the afternoon, i called and talked to a nurse and she said that I needed to bring him in this morning. I thought that was crazy because i doubted that he would still have a fever this morning. But, I was wrong. He woke up this morning with almost a 103 fever and was very crabby. So I went to his doctor's appt and she said that he was congested in his lungs so she gave me the nebulizer to give him a breathing treatment. If the breathing treatments help, then it is not pnemonia or anything, and it did indeed help. So he is now on breathing treatments again. She said he has a viral infection and possibly a bacteria infection both causing the fever and the viral causing bronchiolitis. That word is funny, because generally you hear bronchitis, however I think it is just mainly for babies. It is very similar to bronchitis but it causes worse symptoms because it is in a baby. Not a huge deal or anything, but enough to make him miserable and need breathing treatments, an antibiotics, and a cough/congestion medicine. All of which, I will use but not as much as was prescribed. I don't like giving such a little guy so many meds. She thinks that we caught it much earlier this time (he had this when he was 6 months also) so he didnt need any steroids or anything this time. So all is good, but Corbin is still a little cranky, and he is still running a fever. I hope it goes away tomorrow, because I really have some stuff to take care of at work, and I cant take him to the babysitter with a fever. I wouldnt appreciate other parents bringing their fevered kids there, so I wont bring Corbin either.
Anyways, so the last 2 days have been a bit hectic. Tomorrow, however is my birthday so i hope Corbin is feeling better and we can enjoy. We are simply going to dinner with a few friends... Nothing big. We are going to try out the Mongo in Town Center. I have been wanting to try it, so why not on my birthday. Yum.
This weekend is Arbor Day. We at Keep Pearland Beautiful will be giving away tree seedlings at the Recycling Center in Pearland on Friday and Saturday. You should come get a tree. I will probably plant one for Corbin. It should be nice.
Well, hopefully you will get another post tomorrow, sorry for slacking the last couple of days.! Blog out!
Anyways, so the last 2 days have been a bit hectic. Tomorrow, however is my birthday so i hope Corbin is feeling better and we can enjoy. We are simply going to dinner with a few friends... Nothing big. We are going to try out the Mongo in Town Center. I have been wanting to try it, so why not on my birthday. Yum.
This weekend is Arbor Day. We at Keep Pearland Beautiful will be giving away tree seedlings at the Recycling Center in Pearland on Friday and Saturday. You should come get a tree. I will probably plant one for Corbin. It should be nice.
Well, hopefully you will get another post tomorrow, sorry for slacking the last couple of days.! Blog out!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Corbin's expressions
Corbin has some of the funniest expressions. His three faces are sticking his tongue out when focusing, opening his mouth really big when it is an "uh oh" moment, and smiling as big as he possibly can with his mouth open. He happened to make all three faces while I had my camera out, so guess what? Here they are!

I also gave you a couple extras! 1 of Corbin walking to me, and another of Corbin just being really cute! I love it!
Clynt is fixing us another fire. We are loving having fires in our house. We never used the fireplace until this year. We prefer real wood, so it takes a little more work, but we still have the simple gas igniter and all that stuff, so it is not so bad. My sister got us an outdoor fire place for Christmas, and we really want to use it, but it is FREEZING tonight and with Corbin, it is hard to go outside in this kind of weather, but maybe next weekend we can have an outdoor fire. That would be nice :)
Did I ever tell you all how much I love Corbin? LOL! He is so cute. I guess the next question is when will Clynt and I have another one?? I get that question all the time! And trust me, you will have know when we decide, but I wouldnt hold your breath quite yet. I am just having so much fun with Corbin. So, we will see. Plus, we are currently in the midst of making a couple of big decisions in our lives. I would share, but I can't quite yet. So, you better keep reading! LOL!
Well, I am going to go hang out with my CBW's. (BTW- that is Clynt and Corbin's initials, and every other man in the family!) Ill talk to you all later!
I also gave you a couple extras! 1 of Corbin walking to me, and another of Corbin just being really cute! I love it!
Clynt is fixing us another fire. We are loving having fires in our house. We never used the fireplace until this year. We prefer real wood, so it takes a little more work, but we still have the simple gas igniter and all that stuff, so it is not so bad. My sister got us an outdoor fire place for Christmas, and we really want to use it, but it is FREEZING tonight and with Corbin, it is hard to go outside in this kind of weather, but maybe next weekend we can have an outdoor fire. That would be nice :)
Did I ever tell you all how much I love Corbin? LOL! He is so cute. I guess the next question is when will Clynt and I have another one?? I get that question all the time! And trust me, you will have know when we decide, but I wouldnt hold your breath quite yet. I am just having so much fun with Corbin. So, we will see. Plus, we are currently in the midst of making a couple of big decisions in our lives. I would share, but I can't quite yet. So, you better keep reading! LOL!
Well, I am going to go hang out with my CBW's. (BTW- that is Clynt and Corbin's initials, and every other man in the family!) Ill talk to you all later!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Im doing good
Do you believe that I have blessed you all with a blog every day this week. Some days I catch myself worrying about so much, I dont know why. I used to worry, but now with Corbin, i worry all the time. Clynt and I have made some huge changes in the past 2 years and hope to continue to make changes in order to be happy and do the best we can to put Christ in the center of our lives. But as I am worrying earlier, I was listening to KSBJ (worshiping helps SO much!), and they starting talking about Mathew 6: 25-34~ 25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]? 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
This just made my afternoon. There is no sense in worry about things beyond my control. So I thought I would share that scripture in my blog today just in case any of you worry the same way that I do. Remember to smile and know that God has everything under control! :)
Well, we are watching the Alabama- Texas game right now. Clynt is, I think, rooting for Alabama because he is from Alabama but he is an Auburn fan so cheering for Alabama is not exactly easy for him, so he has a couple of time said something good for Texas. But man, Texas is not having any luck with getting their QB out of the game. That is a big bummer for him. Talk about worrying :)
Corbin has been kind of crabby tonight. I dont think that he gets great naps at the babysitters house because there are a few other kids there and he wants to be in the mix all the time. So when he gets home he is exhausted and fussy. That stinks for us, but I understand. He is getting better at the whole milk in a sippy cup thing. He is on 2 bottles a day now, so that is good. Next week we will be taking away 1 of them and then the week after another one. Then he will be solely on sippy cups and whole milk.. We use organic whole milk and I recently discovered an organic milk with DHA and Omega 3 in it. Have you ever tried it? I think this is a wonderful idea for Corbin, and that is just extra vitamins and nutrients for him. However, it is also lots of extra money. Organic milk is already 2X the price of regular milk, ringing in at $6 a gallon. And then when you add in the DHA and Omega 3, it runs $3.79 for a HALF gallon. With tax, that is about $8 a gallon. That looks expensive, but when compared to formula, I dont guess it is that bad. I try to use coupons and I had a coupon that brought the half gallon down to about $3 so I bought some and we shall decide about the future of this kind of milk. Any suggestions?
Tonight, I made breakfast for dinner. We had breakfast tacos and they were yummy! :) We are going to try to do a soup night and a breakfast night once a week. This is an idea courtesy of Courtney. it is a) to save money and B) to be a little different and we love soups and breakfast so to us it is no sacrifice. I think it will be great.
Okay, well tomorrow is Friday, but we will be eating in so maybe you will get another blog from me. Clynt is working from home on his Friday off, so I am wondering if that means overtime? I dont know how his company works. But I may or may not get a chance to blog.
While I am here, I want to congratulate Amanda on her new blog!
This just made my afternoon. There is no sense in worry about things beyond my control. So I thought I would share that scripture in my blog today just in case any of you worry the same way that I do. Remember to smile and know that God has everything under control! :)
Well, we are watching the Alabama- Texas game right now. Clynt is, I think, rooting for Alabama because he is from Alabama but he is an Auburn fan so cheering for Alabama is not exactly easy for him, so he has a couple of time said something good for Texas. But man, Texas is not having any luck with getting their QB out of the game. That is a big bummer for him. Talk about worrying :)
Corbin has been kind of crabby tonight. I dont think that he gets great naps at the babysitters house because there are a few other kids there and he wants to be in the mix all the time. So when he gets home he is exhausted and fussy. That stinks for us, but I understand. He is getting better at the whole milk in a sippy cup thing. He is on 2 bottles a day now, so that is good. Next week we will be taking away 1 of them and then the week after another one. Then he will be solely on sippy cups and whole milk.. We use organic whole milk and I recently discovered an organic milk with DHA and Omega 3 in it. Have you ever tried it? I think this is a wonderful idea for Corbin, and that is just extra vitamins and nutrients for him. However, it is also lots of extra money. Organic milk is already 2X the price of regular milk, ringing in at $6 a gallon. And then when you add in the DHA and Omega 3, it runs $3.79 for a HALF gallon. With tax, that is about $8 a gallon. That looks expensive, but when compared to formula, I dont guess it is that bad. I try to use coupons and I had a coupon that brought the half gallon down to about $3 so I bought some and we shall decide about the future of this kind of milk. Any suggestions?
Tonight, I made breakfast for dinner. We had breakfast tacos and they were yummy! :) We are going to try to do a soup night and a breakfast night once a week. This is an idea courtesy of Courtney. it is a) to save money and B) to be a little different and we love soups and breakfast so to us it is no sacrifice. I think it will be great.
Okay, well tomorrow is Friday, but we will be eating in so maybe you will get another blog from me. Clynt is working from home on his Friday off, so I am wondering if that means overtime? I dont know how his company works. But I may or may not get a chance to blog.
While I am here, I want to congratulate Amanda on her new blog!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Its late
Well, tonight we had a couple of our friends over for dinner. Their son is also just a couple weeks older than Corbin so they have a good time playing while we all visit and catch up. Their son, like most kids, is larger than Corbin and is walking a lot more than Corbin is. He is a pro now, and Corbin is just an amatuer and still prefers to crawl. But they still enjoy the same toys and it is so fun! I dont believe that I didnt get any pictures. I am in a daze on the picture scene, I have been so busy with other stuff that I forget about the camera :(
Anyways, tonight I made chicken, beef, and broccoli, with noodles on the side. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, I thought that it was really tasty. I love chinese food though, so that might just be my preference. Anyhow, we had a glass of merlot, dinner, and a lot of visiting. It was nice. We really enjoyed ourselves and are glad that they came over to visit.
Clynt just put the internet on our Wii (with Jeff's help) and now he is viewing my FB page from the TV. He is aggravated with the Wii remote because it is difficult to use for that. He says we need a keyboard for the TV now. I think he just likes toys for the TV myself, but whatever makes him happy. i am loving my Wii. It is a lot of fun.
Corbin is in bed. He is having long days right now. He does not like me leaving him in the morning and I honestly dont like leaving him either. I love being around him and seeing his smile all the time. He was walking a bit more today until he got tired and prefered crawling. It is so funny watching him. He and his faces crack me up. Well I will leave you with a few pictures, but I am tired and am off to bed.

Anyways, tonight I made chicken, beef, and broccoli, with noodles on the side. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, I thought that it was really tasty. I love chinese food though, so that might just be my preference. Anyhow, we had a glass of merlot, dinner, and a lot of visiting. It was nice. We really enjoyed ourselves and are glad that they came over to visit.
Clynt just put the internet on our Wii (with Jeff's help) and now he is viewing my FB page from the TV. He is aggravated with the Wii remote because it is difficult to use for that. He says we need a keyboard for the TV now. I think he just likes toys for the TV myself, but whatever makes him happy. i am loving my Wii. It is a lot of fun.
Corbin is in bed. He is having long days right now. He does not like me leaving him in the morning and I honestly dont like leaving him either. I love being around him and seeing his smile all the time. He was walking a bit more today until he got tired and prefered crawling. It is so funny watching him. He and his faces crack me up. Well I will leave you with a few pictures, but I am tired and am off to bed.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Ten on Tuesday (plus pictures!)
So I am finally uploading pictures, all the way back to Christmas. When I wait that long it takes a while to upload, so while they are uploading, I am going to do my ten on Tuesday blog! This is only my second one, due to Amanda's lack of a blog last Tuesday. But Amanda was very nice to me today, so she did hers today, meaning I have the questions! YAY! Thank you amanda! I dont have too many good answers today, so we shall see how it goes.
1. Are there any movies that inspire you to bake/cook?
I have to say that Julie and Julia did inspire me to cook. I enjoy cooking anyways, but that movie made me wanting to try new things. I dont like movies much but I have watched that one at lease 3 times. I even own it! Wow!
2. What’s your favorite food blog and why?
You know?, I dont read many blogs, other than my friends. I dont follow strangers (sorry Courtney!) LOL. However, I really want to, so I think that I will try now. This sounds like fun!
3. Who’s your favorite celebrity chef?
Chef Ramsey just makes me mad. Grr. He is so mean on his show and that is not at all how I am in my kitchen. I love Paula Dean's accent and evidently she has some good recipes too, because Courtney's mom got a recipe book from her for Christmas and she made some cookies the other day that were FABULOUS! Yum! But my absolute favorite is Rachel Rae, I love her little tips that she gives.
4. What’s your favorite kitchen tool?
I am going to choose 1 big tool and 1 little. I LOVE my stand mixer! It is wonderful, I love it for bread, cookies, cakes, and many more things, even mashed potatoes. I also have this really strange little boil egg timer. It is this little red thing that you put in your eggs and it turns black when they are done. I stink at boiling eggs, I used to always have to cook a couple extra eggs as ginny pigs so that I could test them before I took them all out of the water. This little gadget is wonderful!
5. When it comes to cooking/baking, what’s your specialty?
I make my grandmother's recipe for bread, and I turn it in to Kolaches. Clynt LOVES them, but since I have been working full time, I never have the time to make homeade bread and then kolaches because not only does the bread need 6 hours to rise, making the kolaches them selves take forever.
6. When in the kitchen, do you wear an apron, if so, any cute ones you’d like to share?
I do not usuallly wear an apron but I do have a very cute one from William Sonoma (they are the best!). It is, of course, pink and it has really cute designs on the top and bottom. I dont really wear it but I do hang it on the kitchen wall because it goes well in my kitchen. It is like a decoration!
7. Is there anything that intimidates you when it comes to baking/cooking?
I am not really intimidated by anything, although I dont try too many sauces. I spice stuff myself but when it comes to marinades, I dont know how and I dont try.
8. What’s the weirdest gadget in your kitchen?
I would have to go with the egg timer, or maybe even a spaghetti serving size measurer. I dont know.
9. What’s your go-to music for cooking/baking?
I dont listen to the radio while I cook. Maybe just the TV, I can see it from the kitchen.
10. After several failures, what do you do to motivate yourself to get back in the kitchen to try again?
The fact the Clynt loves new meals, and I dont really like to give up on stuff :)
Okay, hope you all enjoyed! Here are a few pictures, dating back to Christmas!

1. Are there any movies that inspire you to bake/cook?
I have to say that Julie and Julia did inspire me to cook. I enjoy cooking anyways, but that movie made me wanting to try new things. I dont like movies much but I have watched that one at lease 3 times. I even own it! Wow!
2. What’s your favorite food blog and why?
You know?, I dont read many blogs, other than my friends. I dont follow strangers (sorry Courtney!) LOL. However, I really want to, so I think that I will try now. This sounds like fun!
3. Who’s your favorite celebrity chef?
Chef Ramsey just makes me mad. Grr. He is so mean on his show and that is not at all how I am in my kitchen. I love Paula Dean's accent and evidently she has some good recipes too, because Courtney's mom got a recipe book from her for Christmas and she made some cookies the other day that were FABULOUS! Yum! But my absolute favorite is Rachel Rae, I love her little tips that she gives.
4. What’s your favorite kitchen tool?
I am going to choose 1 big tool and 1 little. I LOVE my stand mixer! It is wonderful, I love it for bread, cookies, cakes, and many more things, even mashed potatoes. I also have this really strange little boil egg timer. It is this little red thing that you put in your eggs and it turns black when they are done. I stink at boiling eggs, I used to always have to cook a couple extra eggs as ginny pigs so that I could test them before I took them all out of the water. This little gadget is wonderful!
5. When it comes to cooking/baking, what’s your specialty?
I make my grandmother's recipe for bread, and I turn it in to Kolaches. Clynt LOVES them, but since I have been working full time, I never have the time to make homeade bread and then kolaches because not only does the bread need 6 hours to rise, making the kolaches them selves take forever.
6. When in the kitchen, do you wear an apron, if so, any cute ones you’d like to share?
I do not usuallly wear an apron but I do have a very cute one from William Sonoma (they are the best!). It is, of course, pink and it has really cute designs on the top and bottom. I dont really wear it but I do hang it on the kitchen wall because it goes well in my kitchen. It is like a decoration!
7. Is there anything that intimidates you when it comes to baking/cooking?
I am not really intimidated by anything, although I dont try too many sauces. I spice stuff myself but when it comes to marinades, I dont know how and I dont try.
8. What’s the weirdest gadget in your kitchen?
I would have to go with the egg timer, or maybe even a spaghetti serving size measurer. I dont know.
9. What’s your go-to music for cooking/baking?
I dont listen to the radio while I cook. Maybe just the TV, I can see it from the kitchen.
10. After several failures, what do you do to motivate yourself to get back in the kitchen to try again?
The fact the Clynt loves new meals, and I dont really like to give up on stuff :)
Okay, hope you all enjoyed! Here are a few pictures, dating back to Christmas!
Monday, January 4, 2010
1st day back to work
I am home for lunch right now. Today was my first day back to work and it was definately a tear jerker. Corbin knew as we walked into the door at Cher's house that he was going to have to be away from me today. He was so sad, and it made me so sad! i am having Corbin withdrawals right now. I want him to be home with me right now. :(
Work today is going okay. Lots of changes for the new year that I have to make. I had tax deposits and tax table changes and such to make. Then I needed to update my calendar for 2010, and then since we were off for so long there were lots of things in the mail that we needed to go through. So just things that need to be taken care of for the new year.
Today Corbin has his 1 year doctor's appt, which means shots. That makes me so sad, I cant even watch. Clynt has to stand with him and hold him. I cry. I am such a baby. What they say is definately true, It is harder on me than it is on him. But that doesnt make it any easier. :(
I am being bad with my new camera. i keep forgetting to upload the photos. I take pictures, but I dont upload them. So you guys have not been blessed with Corbin's pictures lately. I will try my hardest to upload tonight and tomorrow you will get a blog full of pictures. And maybe even 10 for Tuesday (however I rely on Amanda's post to do that one, so that is an if). Fun stuff!
Well, I am on my lunch break so I have to go for now. Blog out!
Work today is going okay. Lots of changes for the new year that I have to make. I had tax deposits and tax table changes and such to make. Then I needed to update my calendar for 2010, and then since we were off for so long there were lots of things in the mail that we needed to go through. So just things that need to be taken care of for the new year.
Today Corbin has his 1 year doctor's appt, which means shots. That makes me so sad, I cant even watch. Clynt has to stand with him and hold him. I cry. I am such a baby. What they say is definately true, It is harder on me than it is on him. But that doesnt make it any easier. :(
I am being bad with my new camera. i keep forgetting to upload the photos. I take pictures, but I dont upload them. So you guys have not been blessed with Corbin's pictures lately. I will try my hardest to upload tonight and tomorrow you will get a blog full of pictures. And maybe even 10 for Tuesday (however I rely on Amanda's post to do that one, so that is an if). Fun stuff!
Well, I am on my lunch break so I have to go for now. Blog out!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Years
We went out of town for a few days so I have not been on to blog lately. Im sorry readers! Let me tell you about our short vacation. We went to Pam and Steve's place for New Years Eve. It was nice, but it was cold, so we really didnt do too much. Clynt's sister, Angie, and her family were there so it was good to see them. Then we left after lunch on New Years day and went to Halletsville to spend the night with a couple of our friends. It was very nice to spend some quality time with them, we always enjoy their company. Clynt had a TON of fun cuttin down trees, hunting, and shooting guns. You know? Manly stuff. He really enjoyed himself and I am very glad about it. I, on the other hand, hung out with Corbin and just lounged around and visited with Courtney. I really had a relaxing time and I am so glad that we went.
Corbin has spent a lot of time walking now, however, he still insists that crawling is fast so he crawls more than he walks. This is okay with us, because he is happy doing it, and if he is happy, we are happy. We have LOVED getting to spend so much time with him. It has been great! And I have loved spending the last 2 weeks with him. I love knowing every little thing about his day, it make me smile! But it is back to work tomorrow. I want to cry. I dont want to be away from Corbin that much, but I am doing what I can for our family. Maybe one of these days things with change and I can be with Corbin a lot more. Wouldn't part-time be perfect? I like my job and I am just depressed right now about leaving Corbin in the morning. I HATE HATE HATE the thought of it.
Anyways, lets change the subject, shall we? I have been working out on my Wii Fit a lot! I LOVE it! Today, I worked out for over an hour. I love the hula hooping. It is definately a work-out but it is funny to do. Clynt video taped me earlier, and NO I will not post it! LOL! It was funny, but I would also deem it humiliating.
Well Corbin is fixing to be down with Clynt from nap time so I better go now. Hopefully I will post tomorrow, but being it is my first day back, I wouldnt hold your breath! :)
Much love to all! Blog out.
Corbin has spent a lot of time walking now, however, he still insists that crawling is fast so he crawls more than he walks. This is okay with us, because he is happy doing it, and if he is happy, we are happy. We have LOVED getting to spend so much time with him. It has been great! And I have loved spending the last 2 weeks with him. I love knowing every little thing about his day, it make me smile! But it is back to work tomorrow. I want to cry. I dont want to be away from Corbin that much, but I am doing what I can for our family. Maybe one of these days things with change and I can be with Corbin a lot more. Wouldn't part-time be perfect? I like my job and I am just depressed right now about leaving Corbin in the morning. I HATE HATE HATE the thought of it.
Anyways, lets change the subject, shall we? I have been working out on my Wii Fit a lot! I LOVE it! Today, I worked out for over an hour. I love the hula hooping. It is definately a work-out but it is funny to do. Clynt video taped me earlier, and NO I will not post it! LOL! It was funny, but I would also deem it humiliating.
Well Corbin is fixing to be down with Clynt from nap time so I better go now. Hopefully I will post tomorrow, but being it is my first day back, I wouldnt hold your breath! :)
Much love to all! Blog out.
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