Friday, January 8, 2010

Corbin's expressions

Corbin has some of the funniest expressions. His three faces are sticking his tongue out when focusing, opening his mouth really big when it is an "uh oh" moment, and smiling as big as he possibly can with his mouth open. He happened to make all three faces while I had my camera out, so guess what? Here they are!

I also gave you a couple extras! 1 of Corbin walking to me, and another of Corbin just being really cute! I love it!

Clynt is fixing us another fire. We are loving having fires in our house. We never used the fireplace until this year. We prefer real wood, so it takes a little more work, but we still have the simple gas igniter and all that stuff, so it is not so bad. My sister got us an outdoor fire place for Christmas, and we really want to use it, but it is FREEZING tonight and with Corbin, it is hard to go outside in this kind of weather, but maybe next weekend we can have an outdoor fire. That would be nice :)

Did I ever tell you all how much I love Corbin? LOL! He is so cute. I guess the next question is when will Clynt and I have another one?? I get that question all the time! And trust me, you will have know when we decide, but I wouldnt hold your breath quite yet. I am just having so much fun with Corbin. So, we will see. Plus, we are currently in the midst of making a couple of big decisions in our lives. I would share, but I can't quite yet. So, you better keep reading! LOL!

Well, I am going to go hang out with my CBW's. (BTW- that is Clynt and Corbin's initials, and every other man in the family!) Ill talk to you all later!

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