Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I have been home with Corbin the last 2 days and for most of tomorrow because his fever is well into the 102, although, I think it may be down right now. I dont like to be the mom to take their kid to the doctor for everything little thing, so yesterday I was just kind of playing it off and hoping it was just a quick thing that he would soon be over. But when the fever wasnt going down at about 3 in the afternoon, i called and talked to a nurse and she said that I needed to bring him in this morning. I thought that was crazy because i doubted that he would still have a fever this morning. But, I was wrong. He woke up this morning with almost a 103 fever and was very crabby. So I went to his doctor's appt and she said that he was congested in his lungs so she gave me the nebulizer to give him a breathing treatment. If the breathing treatments help, then it is not pnemonia or anything, and it did indeed help. So he is now on breathing treatments again. She said he has a viral infection and possibly a bacteria infection both causing the fever and the viral causing bronchiolitis. That word is funny, because generally you hear bronchitis, however I think it is just mainly for babies. It is very similar to bronchitis but it causes worse symptoms because it is in a baby. Not a huge deal or anything, but enough to make him miserable and need breathing treatments, an antibiotics, and a cough/congestion medicine. All of which, I will use but not as much as was prescribed. I don't like giving such a little guy so many meds. She thinks that we caught it much earlier this time (he had this when he was 6 months also) so he didnt need any steroids or anything this time. So all is good, but Corbin is still a little cranky, and he is still running a fever. I hope it goes away tomorrow, because I really have some stuff to take care of at work, and I cant take him to the babysitter with a fever. I wouldnt appreciate other parents bringing their fevered kids there, so I wont bring Corbin either.

Anyways, so the last 2 days have been a bit hectic. Tomorrow, however is my birthday so i hope Corbin is feeling better and we can enjoy. We are simply going to dinner with a few friends... Nothing big. We are going to try out the Mongo in Town Center. I have been wanting to try it, so why not on my birthday. Yum.

This weekend is Arbor Day. We at Keep Pearland Beautiful will be giving away tree seedlings at the Recycling Center in Pearland on Friday and Saturday. You should come get a tree. I will probably plant one for Corbin. It should be nice.

Well, hopefully you will get another post tomorrow, sorry for slacking the last couple of days.! Blog out!

1 comment:

  1. Yummm!! I want to know how that Mongo place turned out! I have been dying to go there!
