There was more than enough hair to keep and fill up a little baggy, so that made me happy. Other than the fact that when Clynt and i got home, we couldnt find the hair! I was almost in tears. I called the store the next day and they still had it. That was the biggest relief that i have had in a long time. But, the hair cut went great, no tears at all. It is nice. Then we went with Corbin (and his Fo-Hawk) to HEB afterwards and people kept commenting on how cute he was. It was very humorous to me.
CARE group this past week was very nice. We have a couple in our group that became debt free using the Dave Ramsey method. They taught us all some of the major points to it, and Clynt and i are really trying to follow it. We have always had a budget, but we have never really spent much time seeing if we were following it. So the last two nights we have spent looking through our bank statements and I am shocked at how much over our budget we have spent on some things. Or how much under budget we were on our tithe and savings. I dont believe that we forget to do some things. We are so used to the electronic payments and we dont pay close enough attention to some thing. Especially during the holidays. I will do one more month worth of it tomorrow and then on Saturday we will sit down and discuss it all. It should be nice to get it all figured out and make some lifestyle changes to have a little more happy and less stressful life. We are SO excited to work on some of these things, and we are so blessed to have people like Tommy and Courtney and the rest of our CARE group in our lives. They are wonderful. Thank you guys.
Well, Clynt started some classes today. He is taking business classes at San Jac right now. He wants to go for his MBA but I wanted him to do some business stuff at the lower level before getting into something like an MBA. He has an engineering mind and he needs to get a little more focus on the business aspect of it. It will be good for him, and hopefully in the fall or next spring he will be a grad student. I am so proud of him. He is one of the smartest, most supportive, best dads, and sweetest men that I ever met. I love him so much!!
Corbin is still walking quite a bit and completely knows how, however today was the first day where is walked more than he crawled. He is still more interested in crawling than walking and when he is on a mission, he must crawl because he can get there faster. It is so funny. He will walk all over when he is just lolly gagging around, but the second he focuses, he sits down and crawls. He is one cute little guy!
Well, Clynt is already off to bed, so I need to go lay down also. I hope that you are all having a wonderful week, it is official beyond half way over. Love you all!
Blog out.
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