1. Are there any movies that inspire you to bake/cook?
I have to say that Julie and Julia did inspire me to cook. I enjoy cooking anyways, but that movie made me wanting to try new things. I dont like movies much but I have watched that one at lease 3 times. I even own it! Wow!
2. What’s your favorite food blog and why?
You know?, I dont read many blogs, other than my friends. I dont follow strangers (sorry Courtney!) LOL. However, I really want to, so I think that I will try now. This sounds like fun!
3. Who’s your favorite celebrity chef?
Chef Ramsey just makes me mad. Grr. He is so mean on his show and that is not at all how I am in my kitchen. I love Paula Dean's accent and evidently she has some good recipes too, because Courtney's mom got a recipe book from her for Christmas and she made some cookies the other day that were FABULOUS! Yum! But my absolute favorite is Rachel Rae, I love her little tips that she gives.
4. What’s your favorite kitchen tool?
I am going to choose 1 big tool and 1 little. I LOVE my stand mixer! It is wonderful, I love it for bread, cookies, cakes, and many more things, even mashed potatoes. I also have this really strange little boil egg timer. It is this little red thing that you put in your eggs and it turns black when they are done. I stink at boiling eggs, I used to always have to cook a couple extra eggs as ginny pigs so that I could test them before I took them all out of the water. This little gadget is wonderful!
5. When it comes to cooking/baking, what’s your specialty?
I make my grandmother's recipe for bread, and I turn it in to Kolaches. Clynt LOVES them, but since I have been working full time, I never have the time to make homeade bread and then kolaches because not only does the bread need 6 hours to rise, making the kolaches them selves take forever.
6. When in the kitchen, do you wear an apron, if so, any cute ones you’d like to share?
I do not usuallly wear an apron but I do have a very cute one from William Sonoma (they are the best!). It is, of course, pink and it has really cute designs on the top and bottom. I dont really wear it but I do hang it on the kitchen wall because it goes well in my kitchen. It is like a decoration!
7. Is there anything that intimidates you when it comes to baking/cooking?
I am not really intimidated by anything, although I dont try too many sauces. I spice stuff myself but when it comes to marinades, I dont know how and I dont try.
8. What’s the weirdest gadget in your kitchen?
I would have to go with the egg timer, or maybe even a spaghetti serving size measurer. I dont know.
9. What’s your go-to music for cooking/baking?
I dont listen to the radio while I cook. Maybe just the TV, I can see it from the kitchen.
10. After several failures, what do you do to motivate yourself to get back in the kitchen to try again?
The fact the Clynt loves new meals, and I dont really like to give up on stuff :)
Okay, hope you all enjoyed! Here are a few pictures, dating back to Christmas!
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