Thursday, May 19, 2011

And the doctor says...

So, we went yesterday for our ultrasound/36 week appointment and Garrett is still growing and looking good. He is about 6 pounds according the ultrasound which puts him in the 36%ile or so.  So, he is a little small but not tiny.  He is smaller than Corbin was at this point.  But that is okay, the main thing is that he still growing =)  I am a cm and a half dialated now, so I am progressing a little and I am still about half effaced.  He is ahead down and dropped down a lot, so things are looking good.

Dr. Davis is confident that I will hold out till at least my 37 week mark, which we are happy about.  And then from there we will see how things are going.  My blood pressure is still up some, but it's not horrible, so we are still keeping an eye on that to make sure that it doesn't get too bad.

Other than all that, we are chugging right along. Things looking good.

This morning, I had some of our playgroup over to play and it was nice.  I was able to get some stuff from the store last night and then ran to Shipley's this morning for donuts, so I had a really unhealthy spread for everyone to snack on.  It was fun.  Corbin and I both enjoyed the company. Thanks guys for coming over to play.

I did have to miss MOPS today, so I missed all those mommas.  With my blood pressure the way that it is, I have a hard time getting out to big places, and leaving Corbin also.  Corbin doesnt like when I leave him and it makes me sad, and by default my BP goes through the roof.  And MOPS entails leaving the kiddos with someone while the mommies have their time.  I SOOOO love that time and miss it.  It's just so hard on my right now, so I can't wait to get back involved soon.  I actually was just asked to step up a little in the group and organize some stuff for the kiddos and mommies to do together, and i am really looking forward to that also.

I love all my mommy groups and getting to meet so many mommies that share a lot of the same values as me. I can't wait to have both boys around all of it too.  The interactions with other kids and my interactions with other mommas is so perfect for all of us.

Okay, well that's it for now.  Im hoping that tomorrow I have pictures of Corbin's monster truck with some paint on it! =)  It's pretty much done other than paint and tires now.  Can't wait for it to be in the room, and neither can Corbin!! =)


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

36 weeks!!

Wow, Im 36 weeks today.  We have an ultrasound this afternoon at our doctor's appointment and I am super anxious to see our little guy.

Things have been going pretty smoothly around here.  We have been keeping busy, and days have been going by fast.  Its amazing how a 2 year old can do that to your days! =)  Corbin is doing great, he is getting bigger by the day and learning so many new words every day too.  He can carry on a conversation on the phone, and it is really adorable.  He is generally very sweet and shares really well.  But we do have our days and moments when he is not the sweetest thing in the world.   I chalk most of that up to the fact that he is two.  Usually though, if someone asks for a toy or something he will give his up right away, but is someone comes and pulls it out of his hand, that is a different story.  We are trying to work on those things prior to baby Garrett being able to move around and steal toys and making Corbin mad.  Corbin points to my belly and says that he wants baby Garrett to come out and play, and he gives my belly hugs good night everynight.  It is really cute.  I don't at all think that he realizes exactly what is coming, but all we can do is try to make him aware of it the best we can.  I think he will do great with him.

Yesterday, my mom's group threw me a little shower.  It was SOOOO sweet and unexpected.  I am not having a shower, so we have not gotten much for Garrett and it was SOOO nice that people were thinking of him and me.  I love it!!  It is such a blessing to have so many mommy friends that Corbin and I are able to spend time with on a weekly basis.  I love it.

I do intend on having a "sip and see" when Garrett arrives, but we don't have big registry or anything.  I have a small registry at for some cloth diapering and nursing stuff.  All the big items, we already have because we have a 2 year old boy.  Its wonderful to already have everything big that we need. =)

Corbin's bed is almost done.  It is to the painting and putting tires on stage.  So, it should be done soon.  It looks amazing!  My husband is so handy.  I love it!

So, anyways, that's lots of small updates.  I should have more updates tonight on Garrett.  =)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Garrett Update

I went for my 35 week appt today.  Crazy!  I had to get my Strep B test done, and then was checked for my dialation and stuff.  I was surprised that I was already starting to progress!  I was half effaced, 1 cm, and Garrett was dropped and head down.  Now, I could still go another couple of weeks like that or I could go into labor any day.  That is all still up in the air.   When I started progressing with Corbin, It happened VERY fast.  i was 0 percent effaced and 1 cm at 37 weeks when I was induced.  I went in the hospital and was given cervidil the night before to help efface me first.  The next morning, I was 90% effaced and 2cm and I went straight into labor, no pitocin needed.  So, once I effaced, I just went straight into labor and delivered a baby 4 hours later. =)

Since I am only 35 weeks though, I am hoping that I hold out for another 2 weeks.  Which is totally possible, but then he is free to come!  It is just nice to know that I am progressing and that my body is getting ready to do it on his own.

Next week we have an ultrasound to see how this little guy is developing.  Im super excited about that, and can't wait to see the little guy. =)  I can't wait to see him in person either, but I want him to be completely healthy and don't want him to come before he is ready.

Anyways, that's just a quick update on how our appt went today.  Can't wait to update next week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pictures of progress

So I keep talking about all these updates and stuff and have yet to show pictures.  I still don't have pictures of Corbin's new room, because I am waiting for it to be complete with the bed and all before I take them, but here are pictures of everythign else we have been working on!

The first 3 are of Garrett's room.  We didnt make very many changes in this room, but we got in back in nursery condition.  The bed had to be converted back to a crib and the bumper, mobile and so on had to be put back on.  The lamp and stuff needed to be put back out, and all that, so just just little stuff.  Plus the name.  I have to say that one of the hardest things about this whole transformation was taking Corbin's name off of the wall. It made this all real... The nursery is no longer for Corbin, it is for Garrett.   Corbin is no longer a little baby. He is my big boy. =(

This is Garrett's closet ,well half of it.  Our closets are all huge!  It's crazy.  I only put out 0-3 month and newborn clothes, because we didn't feel like completely feeling up the whole closet, and Clynt prefers to only have the clothes that he is allowed to grab out, no other options. lol.
This is our game room.  We cleaned out a table and couch and moved a few things around.  Now on that left hand wall next to Corbin's tent, we are going to paint a chalkboard wall, and Clynt is going to build some cubicle like things, and we are going to make that whole area in the front a play room upstairs.  We already have a playroom downstairs, but now that Corbin is getting older, it will be nice to have one upstairs and downstairs.

Our office and guest bedroom.  This used to just be the office, but we moved Corbin into the guest bedroom, so we decided to make this room both.  It got a lot of organizing, and a lot of moving stuff around.

So, our whole upstairs is majorly de-cluttered now and we are loving it!  Soon, you will see pictures of Corbin's new room which has really been the HUGE project.


Great Weekend!

This weekend was perfect. We only left the house a couple of times, which was wonderful.   Saturday was pretty busy for both Clynt and I so we took turns watching Corbin while getting stuff done around the house.  Right when we got up, I took Corbin to Wal-Mart to get some stuff for Mother's Day lunch, and to spoil Corbin with a few things (my Mother's Day gift to myself, since that is my favorite thing to do!).  While we were gone, Clynt was mowing the lawn.  Then we got home, and Clynt took Corbin to Lowe's to get some stuff for his bed, and to make a vase for me for Valentine's Day. Their little Saturday "Build and Grow" program is really cool, and Clynt was always complaining about me getting to do all the fun stuff, so now I send him the schedule for that, and he is enjoying going and doing something "manly" and free with his boy.  Wonderful stuff.  While he was gone, I had some computer stuff I had to get done.  Then when he got back,  we let Corbin play in the back yard, while I detailed the kitchen and Clynt worked on the bed a little.  Then my dad, Michael, my sister, and Matt all came over in order to get a few things that we were giving away (or giving back) from upstairs and decluttering to make room for 2 boys.  Then we had a birthday party, and then came home for Corbin to nap, while I went back to cleaning house, and Clynt went back to working on the bed.

For dinner, I cooked breakfast, and we just relaxed teh rest of the night.  It was great having the whole house clean and Garrett's room done, the office/guest room done, and Corbin's room done other than the bed.  Everything around here is looking great and so ready for baby, which BTW is only like 4.5 weeks away! yikes!!

For Mother's Day, I got a beautiful necklace/earrings set from Clynt and Corbin and permission to go get a massage (he didnt get a gift certificate, but he had intended to).  I also got a handmade card and a homeade vase (like I mentioned before).  It was perfect.  I couldn't have asked for more from my boys. =)

Church was great, and then we came home and snacked and visited with everyone, and then for lunch had filet mignon, mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, and cheesecake for dessert.  It was WONDERFUL and we were all very full!!  The kids played in a big beach ball sprinkler that I had bought for Corbin the day before, and in the sandbox, and on the big swingset we have in the backyard. They had a blast.  Then before everyone left, they helped me to clean my house back up, which was nice!

Corbin had fun telling all the mommy's "Happy Mother's Day!", which everyone thought was adorable. The whole day was just perfect.  We went and saw Clynt's step-mom and dad later that day to tell her Happy Mother's Day and had a little pizza for dinner.  Then we came home and got Corbin ready for bed.  He was WORN out from the day.  And so were we!  I read my bible for a little while and went straight to sleep.

Today, I have a huge headache, and am still tired, so we are just hanging out at the house working on laundry, and watching movies and playing games.  It's great!

I hope all you mommies had as wonderful of a weekend as I did!!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Im a winner!

Whooty Woo!  I like to play the Friday Fun Questions with on A&A Cleaning's Facebook page.  Usually I win once every 6 weeks or so, and it is for a gift card for a local place for about $10.  Last Friday, they were having a super win thing, and we were playing for an iPod.  They didn't specify what kind of iPod, so my assumtion was for like a shuffle with less than $100 value.  I would have been excited to win that too.  And I won!!  YAH!  I was so excited because I don't win anything hardly ever and I have actually gotten lucky a few times in the past couple of months! =)  So I go to pick up (what Im thinking will be a shuffle) today, and it is

an iPod Touch!!  I was totally shocked.  An iPod touch has a $250 value or more.  I have an iPhone, so my personal need for that is slim, however my lovely husband does not have anything fun like that.   So, now he is the proud new owner of an iPod and is really excited about.  I am so excited for him, because he totally does some amazing things for us and is an amazing provider for our family.  He deserves fun stuff every once in a while!

So, thank you A&A Cleaning!!  You made my day! 



Can you tell Im nesting with all this talk about stuff getting done?!!  I didnt experience this with Corbin, because I was on a strict bed rest for so long!  I am driving Clynt crazy, but I am loving how stuff gets done!!  Cleaning is not so much fun, but the boy's rooms are both almost completely done, our guest bedroom and office are done, our game room is getting cleaned up and narrowed down to look really sheek and I now have an area to make a toy room upstairs also.  Which is nice when I am working in the office, to have him upstairs playing with his toys.

Clynt built a HUGE walk-in attic off the side of our gameroom upstairs a year or more ago, and let me tell you, it has been a lifesaver.  And if you know my hubs, you know that it is organized and everything for our little guy was found very easy and still in boxes. It is wonderful, though the time it takes him to do things drives me crazy at some points, it really is nice to have things done right and not be a complete disaster.  For instance, a good friend of mine had a little one over a year ago and when she went to start making baby food, I offered her our freezer containers for baby food.  I went upstairs and got them, and came down and we still laugh about it, but they were "shrink-wrapped".  Clynt had wrapped them in saran wrap and had them in perfect condition.  She gave them back to me recently and apologized they weren't wrapped so nicely!  lol.  That is just how Clynt does things.  Sometimes a bit odd, but definitely helpful.

So, anyways, things are looking amazing upstairs in my house.  Until yesterday, I had not dusted or vacuumed anywhere but Corbin's room in a LONG time.  I mean most of it NEVER gets used.  The pool table, big TV, elliptical, EVERYTHING was covered in dust.  Now, it is clean and looks great.  I am just loving this.  If it wasn't for nesting, none of this stuff would ever get done, because normally, I am a "if you can't see it, who cares" type of person.

I will post pictures of progress soon.

Corbin is LOVING it all too!!  He has SOOO much room to play and actually stayed upstairs while I was cleaning yesterday, he LOVES his room, and he loves his toys upstairs, he is just happy.  I think a happy mommy makes for a happy baby.  =)

Well, I have to go and get the boy ready for story time and then some time with Grandpa.  Im excited it's Friday, and Mother's Day is Sunday!!

If I don't get to say it HAPPY MOTHER's DAY to all you mommas out there!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I think I have said before that cleaning is not at all my favorite part of my day (or week).  I am sitting here today looking at my house, thinking "I could really stand to do...this...that... and the other".  I told you all that we have a Mother's Day gathering at our house, so that means that the house needs to be spotless.  Or at least that's the way I think.

Don't get me wrong, our house is never a complete disaster, that would drive me crazy, but I really don't like doing the detailed stuff, and with a toddler in the house, their are usually some toys laying around.  But when guests come, I have a habit (like most of you) to make sure that all the detail work is done and so on.

So, as I am looking at all the stuff that I would like to get done, I am wondering what other mom's do.  How do you keep the toys picked up, how do you find the time to do bathroom cleaning, how do you keep things organized??

Okay, that's all ya get for today, because I have to get to cleaning!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nap time

I personally think that sleep is really important to kids and I try really hard to keep Corbin on a schedule to allow him to get plenty of sleep.  However, I feel like his nap time is dwendling. I mean, it used to be 12-4, then it was 12:20, then 1, then 1:30, and now I put him down at 1:30 but I am lucky if he goes to sleep before 2.

I think part of the problem started when he got out of his crib and moved into a big boy bed.  The first few days of that were rough and he would sleep at the door and not in his bed.  Now he sleeps in his bed every day, but he does get out of his bed and plays some.  I have removed all toys, and their only books in the room for him to read.  So he gets down and he reads and brings books into his bed and I am perfectly okay with all that.  However, it is getting harder and harder for him to go down.

At what point did you quit nap time?  I want him to nap for another year at least, but Im not so sure it is going to happen.  I just don't know that he is that tired anymore.  I mean, used to, if we were driving any time around nap time, he was out like a light.  Now, he hardly ever will fall asleep in the car, so I really don't think he is near as tired as he used to be.  That and I think that he is just more of a busy body and doesn't want to miss anything.

Anyways, nap time is my relax and get stuff done time, so I am having a hard time continuing to shorten it, and plus, like I said earlier, I think naps are good for him. Sleep in general is good for him.  I mean it is good for anyone!  Right?!

Opinions are great!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Clynt has been working on Corbin's monster truck bed over the past week.  He is definitely progressing on it and I am getting so excited!  I still don't "see" his vision when looking at the wood, but when I looking at his AutoCad drawings, it looks wondering.  And since the wood is being cut to those specs, Im assuming it is coming along very well!  He is getting excited as well, and keeps calling it "his truck", and I have to correct him and say "Corbin's truck".  Corbin is getting sooooo excited as well, he asks me all the time about his monster truck.  I don't think he quite understands the extent of it, but either way he is excited.

Clynt and I are having so much fun putting together Corbin's room.  We did with the nursery also a couple years ago, but I think Clynt is even more excited about this one, because it is like a room he would have always dreamed of.  So, he is cutting no corners.  I find it adorable that he buys and does stuff for Corbin that he would have loved as a child.  Corbin is going to have a chair hanging from the ceiling in his room because Clynt always wanted one. lol.  It's so cute.

We have ordered some tin signs for the walls in his room.  In fact we ordered a few online yesterday at what we thought was a good price, and then I had to go to hobby lobby last night, and I was wondering around and saw the same darn sign we had just ordered.  It was priced higher, but Hobby Lobby had half off, and obviously no shipping charges.  So, we will be buying more from Hobby Lobby (well I did last night), but more as we go along.  Signs are not the cheapest thing and until we can see the finished room, we aren't too sure how many we are going to want/need.  I did find a "Monster Truck Parking" one last night that was adorable so we got it.  

We are also having a huge monster truck sticker with his name in it made.  It is totally adorable and I think it will go perfect in his room.  From the same people, we are having Garrett's name made for his wall also. So, Im getting excited to get all these things in!

This weekend is Mother's Day and it is the one holiday a year that we host at our house.  Well, we do some bar-b-que stuff with my family for little holidays, but as far as having both families come together, Mother's Day is our day.  It is perfect for us, because we have Clynt's mom and my mom together and don't have to run from place to place all day.  It's great.  We do a really nice lunch with filet mignon, and all the goods to go with, thanks to everyone.  My dad always does the steaks and everyone brings an item to go with.  It is perfect.  It is very chill and always DELICIOUS!

The point in that is that I was really hoping that everything for the boys rooms would be done by this weekend, but it is not looking like that is going to completely happen.  The boy's stickers are not done completely yet, and the bed isn't either, so Im no so sure that these things will be up in the rooms by this weekend.  But that will be find.  At least everything is organized and it is getting done.  Here are a couple pictures of the boys working on the bed, and of the beds progress as of 2 nights ago, though their is a lot more done as of yesterday.  If you are like me, you won't be able to "see" it yet, but Im sure you will in a couple of days!

The last picture is to give you a reminder of what the bed is going to looks like soon. Minus the skull and flames.   Isn't it cool??  Corbin's tires are real tires thanks to his Grammier and Grandad, they had a set of tires off of one of their 4-wheelers when they upgraded them, so they are the perfect size and look awesome! =)  Thanks guys!
