Clynt and I are having so much fun putting together Corbin's room. We did with the nursery also a couple years ago, but I think Clynt is even more excited about this one, because it is like a room he would have always dreamed of. So, he is cutting no corners. I find it adorable that he buys and does stuff for Corbin that he would have loved as a child. Corbin is going to have a chair hanging from the ceiling in his room because Clynt always wanted one. lol. It's so cute.
We have ordered some tin signs for the walls in his room. In fact we ordered a few online yesterday at what we thought was a good price, and then I had to go to hobby lobby last night, and I was wondering around and saw the same darn sign we had just ordered. It was priced higher, but Hobby Lobby had half off, and obviously no shipping charges. So, we will be buying more from Hobby Lobby (well I did last night), but more as we go along. Signs are not the cheapest thing and until we can see the finished room, we aren't too sure how many we are going to want/need. I did find a "Monster Truck Parking" one last night that was adorable so we got it.
We are also having a huge monster truck sticker with his name in it made. It is totally adorable and I think it will go perfect in his room. From the same people, we are having Garrett's name made for his wall also. So, Im getting excited to get all these things in!
This weekend is Mother's Day and it is the one holiday a year that we host at our house. Well, we do some bar-b-que stuff with my family for little holidays, but as far as having both families come together, Mother's Day is our day. It is perfect for us, because we have Clynt's mom and my mom together and don't have to run from place to place all day. It's great. We do a really nice lunch with filet mignon, and all the goods to go with, thanks to everyone. My dad always does the steaks and everyone brings an item to go with. It is perfect. It is very chill and always DELICIOUS!
The point in that is that I was really hoping that everything for the boys rooms would be done by this weekend, but it is not looking like that is going to completely happen. The boy's stickers are not done completely yet, and the bed isn't either, so Im no so sure that these things will be up in the rooms by this weekend. But that will be find. At least everything is organized and it is getting done. Here are a couple pictures of the boys working on the bed, and of the beds progress as of 2 nights ago, though their is a lot more done as of yesterday. If you are like me, you won't be able to "see" it yet, but Im sure you will in a couple of days!
The last picture is to give you a reminder of what the bed is going to looks like soon. Minus the skull and flames. Isn't it cool?? Corbin's tires are real tires thanks to his Grammier and Grandad, they had a set of tires off of one of their 4-wheelers when they upgraded them, so they are the perfect size and look awesome! =) Thanks guys!
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