I think part of the problem started when he got out of his crib and moved into a big boy bed. The first few days of that were rough and he would sleep at the door and not in his bed. Now he sleeps in his bed every day, but he does get out of his bed and plays some. I have removed all toys, and their only books in the room for him to read. So he gets down and he reads and brings books into his bed and I am perfectly okay with all that. However, it is getting harder and harder for him to go down.
At what point did you quit nap time? I want him to nap for another year at least, but Im not so sure it is going to happen. I just don't know that he is that tired anymore. I mean, used to, if we were driving any time around nap time, he was out like a light. Now, he hardly ever will fall asleep in the car, so I really don't think he is near as tired as he used to be. That and I think that he is just more of a busy body and doesn't want to miss anything.
Anyways, nap time is my relax and get stuff done time, so I am having a hard time continuing to shorten it, and plus, like I said earlier, I think naps are good for him. Sleep in general is good for him. I mean it is good for anyone! Right?!
Opinions are great!
I have read that most kids nap til age 4, but all kids are different. On babycenter.com there is a good chart for sleep recommendations for all ages. Here is the link: