Things have been going pretty smoothly around here. We have been keeping busy, and days have been going by fast. Its amazing how a 2 year old can do that to your days! =) Corbin is doing great, he is getting bigger by the day and learning so many new words every day too. He can carry on a conversation on the phone, and it is really adorable. He is generally very sweet and shares really well. But we do have our days and moments when he is not the sweetest thing in the world. I chalk most of that up to the fact that he is two. Usually though, if someone asks for a toy or something he will give his up right away, but is someone comes and pulls it out of his hand, that is a different story. We are trying to work on those things prior to baby Garrett being able to move around and steal toys and making Corbin mad. Corbin points to my belly and says that he wants baby Garrett to come out and play, and he gives my belly hugs good night everynight. It is really cute. I don't at all think that he realizes exactly what is coming, but all we can do is try to make him aware of it the best we can. I think he will do great with him.
Yesterday, my mom's group threw me a little shower. It was SOOOO sweet and unexpected. I am not having a shower, so we have not gotten much for Garrett and it was SOOO nice that people were thinking of him and me. I love it!! It is such a blessing to have so many mommy friends that Corbin and I are able to spend time with on a weekly basis. I love it.
I do intend on having a "sip and see" when Garrett arrives, but we don't have big registry or anything. I have a small registry at for some cloth diapering and nursing stuff. All the big items, we already have because we have a 2 year old boy. Its wonderful to already have everything big that we need. =)
Corbin's bed is almost done. It is to the painting and putting tires on stage. So, it should be done soon. It looks amazing! My husband is so handy. I love it!
So, anyways, that's lots of small updates. I should have more updates tonight on Garrett. =)
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